romanticized jobs that aren't as good as they look

Romanticized Jobs That Aren't As Fun As They Look

So, basically every job.
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Entitled people and their demands

Entitled People and Their Obnoxious Demands

Such realistic goals.
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absurd and scary safety failures that defy OSHA

Safety Failures Of OSHA-Defying Boldness

Don't do this.
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cheating husband expects neighbors to accept new woman

Cheating Husband Expects Friends To Welcome New Woman With Open Arms

That's just a little delusional.
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12 reddit based text images | thumbnail "Your home your decision. I can't see how they get to demand anything when it is your house. DO NOT offer to pay for a hotel. I'm not even sure at this point l'd offer to let them stay at my house even with my dog. The entitlement of people amazes me. There are ONLY way 3 reasons l'd say to board your dog: if someone has an allergy "

Family Requests Thanksgiving Host Board His Dog In Kennel, Host Refuses And Even Offers To Pay For Hotel

Not today, not ever
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good wholesome memes of dogs and pets

Wholesome Memes To Brighten Up That Big Ol' Day

That's the stuff.
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Couple tells a blatant lie to cut in line at a baseball game, and it hilariously backfires.

Couple Lies To Cut In Line At Baseball Game, Hilariously Backfires

Some solid karma right there.
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ex gives her dog to pound and it gets adopted

Ex Gives Her Dog To Shelter "For Safekeeping," Gets Adopted

That's not how that works.
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People describe the creepiest things they experienced that just can't be explained.

Creepiest Things People Experienced That Escaped Explanation

Envious of the lucky lotto guy.
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A funny Tumblr post about guy being able to see superheroes' threat level | writing-prompt-s regular office worker born with ability see dangerous person is with number scale 1-10 above their heads toddler would be 1, while skilled soldier with firearm may score 7. Today notice reserved new guy at office measures 10. wakeupontheprongssideofthebed decide 's best find out can about this person. Cautiously approach his desk. He's handsome man, tall, but with disarming smile could such friendly guy

Tumblr Thread: Mystified Man's Able To Identify Superheroes

Clark Kent has some explaining to do.
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safety failures

Safety Failures That OSHA Would Like To Find And Destroy

There's a problem waiting to happen.
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sex tinder tifu sexy times dating - 15740677

Guy Loses Virginity to Mutual Friend, Feels Burning Regret Over His Terrible Choices

Sometimes a yearn turns into a burn.
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wtf reckless driving saved save driver amazing win - 107665409

Driver Uses His Own Car To Slow Down Unconscious Driver

Now that's a bro move.
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Entitled neighbors don't like snow shoveling, get fined

Entitled Neighbors Don't Like The Way Dad Snow Blows Their Walkway For Free, Get Fined

Really guys?
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funny low budget engineering

Masterful Feats of Low Budget Engineering

The best ideas are the simplest ones.
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entitled parent doesn't believe blind woman, tries to take guide dog

Karen Doesn't Believe Woman Is Blind, Tries Taking Guide Dog

Can people chill?
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