behavior frustrating school annoying smart family sister genius - 16170757

Gifted Sister Gets Wake-Up Call On Her Rudeness

Who would think that separating kids in school by reading level could result in some of those kids becoming huge jerks to their own peers? Kids are all basically sociopaths anyway, so giving a talented one a tangible reason to be an ass isn't exactly gonna help their social development in the long run. The internet weighed in on this sibling giving their sister the straight facts about her attitude toward other people. For another one like this, here's the condescending genius brother who final…
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management boss antiwork manager workplace Horrible Bosses great resignation big quit - 16169989

Dejected Construction Foreman Doubles Their Salary After Greedy Company Refuses to Give Them a Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Just pay your workers a fair wage Brian.
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Viral TikTok has people talking about what their job has given them instead of a raise.

"What Has Your Job Given You Instead of a Raise?" Viral TikTok Has Fed-Up Employees Sharing Their Ridiculous Raise Replacements

You want a raise? How about a pizza party instead. Nothing is more frustrating than when you work your butt off, you go above and beyond for your job , and your reward is nowhere near worth all of the effort you put in. TikTok creator @domer0421 posted a video asking what ridiculous thing everyone got instead of a raise and it instantly started trending and going viral with responses. Yes, lots of people have unfortunately gotten pizza parties at their workplace instead of better pay, but also…
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age of empires jokes gaming lol silly video games funny - 16168709

Age Of Empires Memes That Bring Us Back To The Dark Ages

We could have spent our childhoods outside or doing things, but when “talking to girls” is competing with “converting an entire army of Persian war elephants to blue” those ladies stood as much of a chance as a men-at-arms has against a Cobra with a machine gun. Here's to all the time we spent trying to get out of the dark ages as quickly as possible. And here are some more video game memes.
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terrible horrible wtf facts disturbing creepy dark awful - 16170501

Creepy Facts To Help Keep Everyone Up At Night

If anyone needed a reason to lie silently in bed with their eyes open, consider “the heat death of the universe” or “Victorian Brits ate all the mummies” as decent insomnia fodder. The universe we live in is plagued with injustice, cruelty and gross realities, but hey, some of them are kind of cool to know. So here's some stuff to alienate your family at dinner. Here are some more freaky facts to feel weird about.
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Karen manager malicious compliance

Karen Boss Tries Sabotaging Employee, They Stop Doing Her Job For Her

It all went downhill from there.
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FAIL osha workplace safety - 16158213

Workplace Hazards That Only Exist Because of Stupidity

Don't show these to OSHA!
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malicious compliance teachers entitled witty reply parents - 16157445

Entitled Parent Gets Upset That Teacher Assigned Homework in Metric Units, Teacher Assigns a New Problem

Imagine being mad about the metric system.
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cheezburger scammer askreddit facebook - 16158725

You Guys Share the Things That Are A Scam That We Have Completely Normalized

Comments from our Facebook page by the fans (you!).
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Memes dungeons and dragons memes funny dungeons and dragons dnd - 16158469

A Delectable Dose of Delicious 'Dungeons and Dragons' Memes to Inspire Your Next Campaign

Get planning that next campaign with this hearty dose of 'Dungeons and Dragons' memes.
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insane bride marriage bridesmaids entitled bridezilla - 16157957

Mechabridezilla Details Insane List of Demands For Wedding, Bridesmaid Drops Out

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disney screaming editing ridiculous lion king funny stupid - 107810049

The Lion King But With Human Screams

Remember that really emotion scene from The Lion King? The one where Simba roars on the top of pride rock, and all the other lions roar back? Well a while ago someone dubbed regular people screams over the lion roars. If only the makers of the original film decided to go this route, it'd be an even bigger classic.
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dogs farting funny fart animals horse - 107809793

Horse Kicks Tree, Farts On Dogs, Then Runs Away

It's all in the title, folks. Yukon is a channel dedicated to the lives of a person's dogs and horses. This slice of life sequence features some tree kicking, dog crop dusting, and a quick getaway from the scene of the crime.
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aita marriage prenup relationships husband entitled dating - 16157701

Idiot Husband Demands a Prenup, Wants to Cancel it Now That His Wife Makes More Than Him and Bought a New Car

Keep dreaming dude.
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scottish Scottish twitter twitter funny tweets funny - 16157189

Ridiculous Scottish Tweets That Will Take You Straight to Glasgow

This offer is one-way only.
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nice wholesome memes to feel good | accomplishing basic adult responsibilities and being proud myself doing my best rat pushing a miniature shopping cart with a single egg in it | Has bee ever landed on and instead being scared appreciate possibility got confused flower

Wholesome Memes To Deploy Those Feels

Yes, very nice.
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