FAIL relationships tifu funny dating - 16200197

Guy Messes Up Chances For a Date When He Texts Like A Bot As a Joke, Gets Unmatched

Poor lad gets unmatched when he pretends to text like a bot.
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fantasy games gaming Memes role playing dungeons and dragons memes funny dungeons and dragons - 16206085

Dungeons And Dragons Memes To Cast On Self

What's so great about reality anyway? Sure, it's where we live, but enough of us have lived in crappy apartments and worse towns to know that real life sometimes doesn't cut it. Here are some Dungeons and Dragons memes to tide you over until your next session, which hopefully you can schedule within the next few weeks if Bryan can get his stupid life together and show up this time.
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boyfriend tantrum annoying lol ridiculous vegan food - 16197125

Boyfriend Throws Tantrum Over Vegan Cake At Vegan's Birthday

If you go to the birthday party of your vegan girlfriend, and her friend, a professional vegan baker, is bringing a cake, you don't exactly have a lot of leg to stand on when you don't like the cake. Also, it's fine to not like the cake. But even if you had regular birthday cake that sucked, you probably wouldn't act out about it like this dude did. Also, how does this guy not like Oreos? For some more food drama, here's the dude who organized a beef wellington dinner just to have some of the g…
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management antiwork great resignation workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16198149

Crackpot Karen Boss Leaves Ridiculous Sign On “Her Chair” When She Leaves For Vacation

The Forbidden Chair of Ca'ar'on.
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Blue collar workers tell unspoken truths about their work

"Respect to Those That Understand": Viral TikTok About Blue Collar Life Has Commenters Getting Deep

The unspoken truths about this lifestyle.
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behavior society addiction psychology - 16197381

Addictions That World Is Just Sort Of Okay With

Working can be a healthy habit, especially when it compliments people's other habits of being warm, dry and fed. But when you find yourself in the office at 10 pm getting texts about when you're supposed to be arriving with the Thanksgiving Turkey, it might be time to admit that you have a problem. Or maybe society has the problem and we're just feeding into it.
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twitter jokes lol funny tweets random tweets funny - 16197893

Funny Tweets To Counteract The Drudgery Of Life

What would we do without Twitter? We'd probably read more books and spend more time with our families. But c'mon, who doesn't want to peer into the collective panic attack of a thousand media-addled minds? Books are way longer than 140 characters and we've destroyed our ability to focus. So here are some funny tweets to grind boredom into the dirt.
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childcare daycare antiwork great resignation teacher illegal big quit preschool - 16196613

Preschool Teacher Reveals Owner’s Predatory and Illegal Employment Practices to the Kid's Parents

Sounds like something the IRS might be interested in.
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insane psycho terrible wtf selfish relationships entitled - 16196357

Dirtbag Feels Entitled To Leave "Poor" Boyfriend After Saddling Him With Debt

That is some serious psycho behavior. The weird thing about certain people is that their capacity for soulless class-grabbing vastly outweighs their ability to self-reflect. And that's how you get absolutely vile and vampiric behavior such as this. The internet was quick to cut through this lady's lofty excuses and boiled her actions down to pure selfishness. For some more wildness, here's the stealing wife who turned fugitive and got tracked down.
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fantasy Lord of the Rings tolkien lotr memes lol dumb funny stupid - 16193797

Lord Of The Rings Memes That Show The Meaning Of Wasting Time

Sometimes life gets to a point when all you can really do is pour yourself into the world of fantasy. And in the case of Lord of The Rings, that world is so rich, terrific and well cast that “sometimes” becomes more and more like “all the times.” Now speak friend and enjoy these lord of the rings memes that shall definitely pass.
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indicators that someone is stupid

Red Flags That Indicate A Person Is Straight Up Dumb

"I am in this image and I do not like it."
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Brilliant Ideas From the Geniuses of Society

Brilliant Ideas From the Geniuses of Society

These people deserve Nobel Peace Prizes.
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12 reddit text images bf pet fish debacle | thumbnail blue background "(26F) have outright banned him doing this for the simple fact i've seen this obsession before from him, it's what led to our pet mini lop rabbit Tootsie, and he doesn't clean out her hutch or litter tray at all and barely plays with her, she was his pet but has honestly ended up becoming mine as I couldn't stand to see her neglected, I know he'll end up doing the same with a fish tank and they'll not be cleaned out "

Woman Puts Her Foot Down When Irresponsible Boyfriend Requests Pet Fish And Aquarium

Case closed
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jokes lol joe rogan funny - 107815425

Joe Rogan Gets Roasted By Adam Curry

It's important to always be on your toes. You can never be too sure where the next one is coming from, and this little gem of an interaction drives the point home.
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ringtone sounds like birds cockatiel birb sounds funny - 107815681

Nervous Cockatiel Sounds Like An iPhone Ringtone

If only this bird knew that it's chosen distress signal sounds like an incoming call. Too bad it doesn't get that this sound is basically code for “I hope I get to ignore this.” Sure, it's incredible, but if this bird had heard some of the ringtones that were kicking around in the early 2000s, it would be singing 20 low quality seconds of Welcome to the Jungle for the low low price of twenty dollars.
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funny memes about food

Food Memes And Treats That Belong On The Top Shelf

Taste the quality.
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