customer, customers, entitled, tattoo

Tattoo Studio Owner Puts Entitled Customers in Their Place When They Try to Lodge Complaint Against the 'Young Man' They Spoke to

"Let me speak to your owner."
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aita marriage wife relationships parenting husband entitled - 16199941

Entitled Husband Expects House to Be Spotless But Won’t Help With the Cleaning, Brings Guests Over Without Notice

You should probably give your wife a hand dude.
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funny memes about school

School Memes For The Mostly Educated

This will be on the test.
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entitled people and their demands

Entitled People Who Made People's Lives Definitively Worse

Why are people like this?
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husband doesn't like spicy food and ruins wife's birthday

Husband Can't Handle Spicy Food, Makes Scene, Ruins Wife's Birthday

There are better ways to deal with this.
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funny obvious plant products

Delightfully Stupid Obvious Plant Products To Doubletake At

Oh nice, goat internet?
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wtf strange Supernatural stories weird - 16206597

Outlandish Things People Swear They Saw But Have Zero Proof

It's happened to everyone. You saw something. An event that you couldn't explain . You can't tell anyone because it's just too out there. But you swear it happened. You saw it with your own eyes. Could it be that people are highly suggestable, get their eyes tricked, and often misremember dreams as memories? That's true. And also I saw a goblin. A real life goblin. It started right back at me with its beady little eyes and not a soul believes me. And it was ANGRY.
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tumblr gems and tweets

Funny Tweets And Tumblr Gems To Bust Up The Monotony

Because why should we be forced to hear our own thoughts.
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funny tumblr thread on there only being one bed

Tumblr Thread: The Very Real Cliché Of Bed Scarcity

It actually happens in real life.
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15 cringey wedding related fail images | thumbnail "lthough horrific, I'm out of emotions to do anything but laugh at this point. My fiance and I just found out yesterday that my future mother-in-law has made arrangements to have her vows renewed at our destination wedding. On the same day. Two hours prior to our ceremony. At the same location. Because... wait for it... she wants the day to be special for her also. "

A Bushel Of Ridiculously Cringey Wedding Related Fails

Holla we want pre nup
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Viral TikTok video has viewers commenting about entitled new hires they've had to work with.

Entitled New Hires Are Getting a Piece of TikTokers' Minds On Viral Video

“They be thinking they know everything.”
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gas gas station instant regret lol funny regret - 107816961

Lady Is Pissed Guys Are Following Her, She Has Gas Pump Hanging From Car

Ya hope it's not real, but this kind of thing has happened to more people than they'd like to admit. Most gas nozzles have quick release mechanisms that snap off so idiots can drive off without killing everyone. But very few of them probably find themselves dying inside after accusing good Samaritans of following them for nefarious purposes. NPC vibes indeed.
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wtf creepy optical illusion weird cursed faces - 107816705

Flashed Face Distortion Effect Makes Normal Faces Look Grotesque

Alright that's pretty cool. So flashed face distortion is a relatively new optical illusion/observed phenomena that makes eye-aligned faces look terrifyingly distorted while you focus on a midpoint. It's been done to great effect with celebrity faces too. Seriously, after a few seconds you just start seeing monsters. Pretty cool.
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FAIL grandma relationships tifu funny dating - 16198405

Woman Thinks Boyfriend is Cheating on Her, It’s His Grandmother

Awkward if true.
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trashy drama cringe failbook facebook cheating family - 16200453

Trashy Family Cheating Scandal Emerges on Facebook Sale for Baby Bassinet, Cringey Public Feud Ensues

People like this actually exist?
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FAIL relationships tifu funny dating - 16200197

Guy Messes Up Chances For a Date When He Texts Like A Bot As a Joke, Gets Unmatched

Poor lad gets unmatched when he pretends to text like a bot.
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