Truck dumps its entire load while trying to turn.

Catastrophic Failure as Improperly Loaded Truck Dumps All Its Cargo While Trying to Turn

"No regrets."
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antiwork employee great resignation workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16223749

Insane Employer Writes Absurd Post Complaining About Not Being Able to Hire Teenagers Without Pay

Hmm. If only there was already a name for this...
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antiwork great resignation askreddit workplace Horrible Bosses big quit red flag - 16223493

What Things Are Red Flags From Employers That People Might Not Immediately Recognize? The Internet Answers.

These workplace red flags are things you might have missed.
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aita pets roommate roommates Cats vegan - 16222469

Vegan Gets Upset When Roommate Tells Cat Shelter That She is Lying About What She Intends to Feed the Adopted Animal

Do NOT do this to your pets.3
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narcissism FAIL entitled idiots choosing beggar - 16221957

Baseless Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Something For Nothing

I'll pay you in exposure!
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management antiwork great resignation malicious compliance Horrible Bosses big quit - 16221445

Employee Quits When Leave Request For Honeymoon is Denied, Boss Doesn't Realize They're Gone, Gets Fired

Be careful what you wish for!
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funny tumblr gems

Random Tumblr Gems To Hack Through With A Machete

There's something out there.
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boss manager job revenge work story funny fast food - 16212229

Boss Lies, Refuses To Pay $250 Bonus, Whole Night Crew Walks Out

Isn't it strange how if your work steals from you, they don't go to jail? When this dude found out that his boss had no intention of making good on an agreement, and blamed the employees for a problem he himself created, everyone got fed up and decided to finally make it the boss's problem. And it became a pretty big problem. For some more justice, here's the employee who had their vacation messed with and resigned while their boss lost money hand over fist.
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job red flags

Job Red Flags To Look Out For At A New Workplace

It's a jungle out there.
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aita antiwork manager work workplace - 16210437

Manager Goes on Vacation Without Giving Subordinate Crucial Files, Costs Company Key Client

"It’s your coworker’s fault, but it’s your responsibility."
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nice wholesome memes

Wholesome Memes To Hit The Feels Button

Feels engaged.
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antiwork programming great resignation programmers workplace big quit - 16209157

Clever Developer Discovers How to Automate His Job, Now Works 10 Minutes A Day From Home

Talk about a "Life Hack".
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frustrating pain jokes work memes work lol funny awful - 16211717

Work Memes To Dull The Grind

Red Forman from That 70s Show said “It's called work, not Super Happy Fun Time.” And he was right. And then he got laid off from the plant and had to work in a grocery store. The thing about work is that it doesn't have to be as bad as it is for a lot of people. The problem is that many people have bosses whose whole entire job is to make their employee's jobs more miserable. So that's cool. Here are some exhaustingly relatable memes about work.
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FAIL tinder cringe relationships dating - 16209925

Woman Invites Guy Out For Dinner, Gets Upset When He Won't Pay For Her $110 Lobster and Wine

This is not a situation where it is fair to split the bill.
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A funny Tumblr post about the funny information gaps that people can end up having.

Tumblr Post: People's Bizarre Information Gaps

We all fall through the cracks on one thing or another.
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Thieving neighbors keep stealing from garden, and then they get called out with plant puns.

Neighbors Steal From Garden, Plant Puns Wall Of Shame Ensues

Maybe they just shouldn't steal.
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