tumblr birds kea science biology - 16236805

Tumblr User Describes the Differences in Intelligent Presentation Between the Crow and Kea

What amazing animals!
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Worker quitting in the middle of an online meeting goes viral on tiktok

TikTok of Employee Boldly Quitting in the Middle of an Online Meeting Goes Viral

Sounds like it was mostly Kevin's fault.
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cops drugs FAIL funny police - 107824385

Dude Throws Stash Out Window Directly In Front Of Cops

Maybe the weirdest part of this whole thing is that all of it was loose? Like, even if it was all in a duffel bag there would still be an atom of plausible deniability there. But nah, he just had to make it so damningly obvious. Also you know that crowd is just waiting for the cops to leave so they can sweep up whatever they can.
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snow absurd strange cars lol skiing funny - 107824129

Tahoe Valet Display Snow Day Horseplay

Getting up to scrape ice off your car in the snow just to get yelled at for being late to work is an inconvenience, but this? A 4-foot pompadour of snow all over your car? Just throw the whole thing away.
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design fail horrible wtf stairs construction uncomfortable weird - 16245253

Cursed And Flawed Stairs That Are Up To Something

That's a lie. A lot of these stairs go nowhere at all. And that makes them even worse. Some of them are invisible. Some of them are irregular. Some of them are just awful. What can we do about stairs that go nowhere or are considered too perilously uncomfortable to use? Well, we can stare at them. Here are some rooms with bad vibes.
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10 reddit text images aita for eating cake hiding from wife and kids | thumbnail grey background, slice of cake bottom right, text "Let me introduce you to a marvelous concept: decoy chocolate. You get your super special treat, you buy a large amount of the cheapest chocolate the partner/kids eat. Throw it at them and while the vultures are distracted inhale your treat."

Tired Dad Caught Eating Slice Of Cake Alone In Car, Wife Fumes At Him For Being 'Dramatic'

Next time, destroy the evidence
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12 text images roommate story boyfriend allergic reaction to honey | thumbnail grey background text "well, yesterday I got back home from work, and my roommate wasn't home. I didn't question it and moved on with my day. A few hours later I heard the front door open, and a few moments later my roommate enters my room and just starts yelling at me say I could've killed her boyfriend and how I am irresponsible"

Roommate's Boyfriend Has Allergic Reaction After Stealing Woman's Leftovers, Ludicrousness Ensues

Good old roommate fun.
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boyfriend relationship relationships girlfriend dating - 16247813

Insane Girlfriend Tries to Charge Her Boyfriend For Her "Services"

A giant walking red flag.
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funny bad product knockoffs

Weird Knockoffs and Off Brands That Aren't Fooling Anyone

Where the cola choices are Poopsi and Cake.
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12 reddit text images of spider poster discussion | thumbnail left photo of fake spiders in hand white background with more small fake black spiders, thumbnail right image of spider poster colorful, text "AITA for putting up pictures of spiders in my room to keep my arachnophobic cousins out?"

Girl Puts Spider Posters Up To Keep Arachnophobic Cousins Out of Her Room: Reddit Supports Her

Evil genius
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antiwork great resignation workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16244741

Karen Boss Refuses to Accept Employee's Resignation, Leaves to Go Shopping Instead

What happens when Karen BECOMES your manager.
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strange things confiscated from students

Weird Things That Teachers Confiscated From Students

Uh, cool?
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tumblr tumblr gems tumblr memes funny tumblr - 16224005

Twenty Top Tumblr Gems From the Tumblr Trove of Treasure

These Tumblr gems were the top of the week.
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funny texts embarrassing oh god why workplace tifu funny - 16237317

Son Describes the Worst Day of His Life to His Dad When His Pants "Explode" While Commando at Work

Poor, poor Kelly.
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dogs editing photoshop photoshopped funny derp - 16231941

Dog Does A Derp Catching Snowball, Gets Photoshopped To The Nines

Photoshop is the best. It doesn't take a whole lot to inspire creativity in people with photoshop, or in some of these cases possibly MS Paint. One solid image of a dog doing something weird, an issued challenge, and people on the internet are off to the races trying to find the weirdest, funniest or most fitting location for that derpin' dog. For some delectable photoshop trolls, here are some choice photoshop trolls from the master James Fridman.
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cake aita marriage drama birthday relationships couples dating - 16237573

Wife Makes Husband Promise That He Will Eat His Entire Birthday Cake in One Day, He Does and Gets Insulted

There was just no way that he could win in this scenario.
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