stupid funny facepalm moments | These guys locked their keys an armoured truck | grabbed this bullshit ass chorizo made soy thought saying am chorizo spanish Since 1973 Cacique. SOY CHORIZO Vegetarian EXTRA LARGE

Facepalm Moments from Humanity's Beacons Of Stupid

Great job everyone.
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girlfriend hides her wealth and lies about lack of living expenses to struggling boyfriend

Wealthy-Privileged Girlfriend Lies About Her Lack of Living Expenses From Boyfriend For Two Years, Watches Him Struggle on Unemployment

This is probably a deal breaker.
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TikToker uses Smash or Pass trend to say recruiters use LinkedIn to hire attractive people

TikToker Uses the Viral "Smash or Pass" Trend Jokingly As a Job Recruiter and Sparks Debate in the Comments

Helping the recruiting team review new hires on LinkedIn like…
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TikToker Hilariously Exposes a Horse Selling Scam On Facebook and Goes Viral

TikToker Hilariously Exposes a Horse Selling Scam On Facebook and Goes Viral

They said they could over night ship an entire horse…
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monologue fight lol amazing ridiculous Cats funny stupid - 107826177

Dude Perfectly Narrates Cat Altercation

It's one of those videos we didn't know we needed until it happened to us. There's tremendous skill in being able to read a situation, and this guy's interpretation of this cat's inner monologue is way too spot on. This cat is serious. Also, we need this man to do UFC commentary.
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Viral TikToker admits he lies in his videos, but people still believe him.

"My Journey to Becoming a Pathological Liar": Viral TikToker Straight Up Admits He Lies In Every Video, Yet Still Has Viewers Thinking He's Telling the Truth

“I thought I'd start a series where I'd just lie and say the most insane things that surely no one would believe…”
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geek nerds Memes lol Star Trek science fiction funny - 16244997

Star Trek Next Generation Memes That Go Hard Like Picard

Star Trek is one of those interesting shows that makes us ask interesting questions about the meaning of life itself, our values, our place in the universe, but most importantly, who has to clean the holodeck after someone does some sex stuff in there? Our quatloos are on Geordi. Anyway, here are some more Star Trek memes to scroll through while sitting on the captain's chair.
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article FAIL mass effect gaming legend of zelda Duke Nukem halo pac man video games zelda mario - 448775

Video Game Sequels More Disappointing Than The Last Jedi

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trolling ken m - 16235781

25 More Trolls From the Master of the Craft 'Ken M'

Another legendary collection.
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antiwork great resignation workplace Horrible Bosses big quit - 16260101

Jerk Boss Refuses to Accept Data Management Worker's Resignation, Tells Him He Can't Leave

Does he seriously think he can just order his workers not to quit?
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twitter tweets funny tweets tweet - 16261125

Ridiculous Tweets to Browse While You Eat(s)

Enjoy this fresh collection of funny tweets.
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gifts presents wtf present entitled weird karen - 16259077

Entitled Sister Rebrand's Brother's Gifts To Her Kids, Says They're From Santa

No one likes it when someone takes credit for someone else's hard work. It's the same reason we all hate doing group projects. This guy ran into the interesting problem of his sister trying to Santa-launder his gifts to her kids. Was she just trying to save money? Did she forget to buy enough presents? This feels like the kind of issue that shouldn't be a problem among grown ups, but y'know, Karens are gonna Karen .
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contractor knows rules, refuses to get bullied

Contractor Gets Pushed Around By Middle Manager, Hits Them With "No"

Ya love to see it.
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twitter feelings Twitter Thread interesting mental health health emotions psychology - 16256773

Informative Twitter Thread Explains Psychology Of Emotional Permanence

AKA: Why people can feel like someone hates them if they don't get a text back right away. It's at least helpful in life to be able to put a name to a phenomenon most people have felt or witnessed. In this case it's the need for reassurance people can feel even when nothing wrong has actually really occurred. It's interesting, but also, take psychological insight from the internet with a grain of salt, because it's a big internet and everyone is different. For more psychological insight from th…
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revenge coworkers petty revenge workplace coworker - 16246277

Coworker Calls Guy's Mistakes Out to Boss, He Returns the Favor

Don't be this coworker.
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design fail homes wtf architecture cringe design cursed images houses weird - 16256261

Design Nightmares To Give Architects The Creeps

The thing about rooms is that nothing feels wrong with one until something totally is. We've all seen enough bathtubs to know that they shouldn't be carpeted, and a kitchen that's designed to only fit a backwards oven is somehow anxiety inducing. Also what's the deal with people putting bathtubs and Jacuzzis on display in a main living area? What was going on in there? Here are some more rooms with bad vibes.
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