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'Made bagels... my toddler took a single bite out of each one': 20 Times parents discovered the mildly infuriating things their kids were doing

HOA president fines new residents using made-up rules, they fire back after noticing several violations: 'Greg was hit with thousands of dollars in fines'

HOA president fines new residents using made-up rules, they fire back after noticing several violations: 'Greg was hit with thousands of dollars in fines'

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Husband hogs TV and living space while wife entertains weekend guest, wife calls him self-centered: 'I truly attempted to give my perspective without being hostile but he still got mad'

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Boss cancels employee's work-from-home policy following a bout of illness that took them out of work: ‘I’m on the verge of being fired'

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'Susan the snack stealer': Entitled office fridge thief gets called out during holiday party in front of the entire company

Father demands daughter donate her kidney to him after he abandoned her as a child, she refuses, only for the rest of the family to take his side: 'They are calling me selfish'

Father demands daughter donate her kidney to him after he abandoned her as a child, she refuses, only for the rest of the family to take his side: 'They are calling me selfish'

Overworked employee refuses to attend Christmas party after overhearing coworkers ‘trash talk’ about him, leading to a stern debate about work events: ‘So done with this company’

Overworked employee refuses to attend Christmas party after overhearing coworkers ‘trash talk’ about him, leading to a stern debate about work events: ‘So done with this company’

Micromanager retroactively rejects employee's December PTO request, employee calls him out: 'Plans have been made and it can't be canceled'

Micromanager retroactively rejects employee's December PTO request, employee calls him out: 'Plans have been made and it can't be canceled'

Job applicant accused of cheating on a test by tech hotshots, lands better job and pay by proving them wrong: ‘I saw them go from upset to delight’

Job applicant accused of cheating on a test by tech hotshots, lands better job and pay by proving them wrong: ‘I saw them go from upset to delight’

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Hospital staff face threat of mechanic's lean after submitting fake service requests to get free parking at mechanic's lot for work

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'Your boss doesn't have your back': Clingy coworker shocks employee by talking to their manager to get them to drive together to work event

Teacher misread the clock, causing student to rush and fail his midterm, he comes back with a vengeance on the final: 'I thought I only had 5 minutes left'

Teacher misread the clock, causing student to rush and fail his midterm, he comes back with a vengeance on the final: 'I thought I only had 5 minutes left'

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‘[I’m] not sleeping for 12 days’: How the dangerous chase to gain millions of followers is creating the internet’s extreme-stunt guinea pigs

'I quit. It wasn’t even an hour after I clocked in': Undervalued employee gets reprimanded for costing the company $12, he costs them more by quitting

'I quit. It wasn’t even an hour after I clocked in': Undervalued employee gets reprimanded for costing the company $12, he costs them more by quitting

‘HR was even on my side’: Penny-pinching manager sneakily docks 1 hour per day from employee's timesheet, employee reports her to HR and manager makes excuses to save face

‘HR was even on my side’: Penny-pinching manager sneakily docks 1 hour per day from employee's timesheet, employee reports her but manager makes excuses to save face

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Free baby formula fractures neighborly relations when entitled neighbor argues "first come, first served" wasn't honored: 'She went off on me that she was the first to comment and I picked someone else'