funny rare insults and slams

Rare Insults That Cut Straight To The Bone

People are really good at this.
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funny stories of stupid questions people were asked

People Share The Dumbest Questions They've Ever Been Asked

There are in fact, dumb questions.
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funny bird memes

Birds Of Chaos Who Played By No Rules

They didn't even know rules exist.
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entitled mother has kids celebrate her on their birthdays

Entitled Mom Steals Her Children's Birthdays For Years, Daughter Has Enough Of It

What a piece of work.
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aita baby parenting Reddit parents - 16503301

Husband Fakes Kidnapping of Infant Son in Order to Teach Wife Lesson

Ruthless but effective means of delivering an important message.
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revenge cocky petty revenge jerk mechanic - 16485637

Cocky-Demeaning Mechanic Gives Fixed Quote, Job Goes Way Over

When u/maddaneccles1 and his wife needed to get work done on their old car, u/maddaneccles1 had a good look at the car and noticed a crack in the exhaust manifold. He made it a pretty good way into dismantling the exhaust before encountering some extremely troublesome seized bolts. That's when they decided to take it in to the mechanic. When u/maddaneccles1's wife got to the mechanic, the mechanic was extremely cocky. He quoted the wife for a long list of parts and repairs that u/maddaneccles1…
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aita peanuts relationships dating - 15986181

Dingbat Boyfriend Insists on Eating Peanuts Despite His Girlfriend's Serious Allergy, Won't Listen to Her

What a nutcase.
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Harry Potter fandom relationships parenting family - 16000773

Harry Potter Obsessed Parents Force Their Fandom on Their Children, They're Now Getting Old Enough to Rebel

Looks like Ginny has some real rebellious energy going on here.
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funny brilliant ideas that turned out to be stupid

People's Brilliant Ideas That Were Dumb Upon Review

We all know someone who's reinvented socks.
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story about rental car place tries to charge extra day so guy takes car mudding and fee gets cancelled

Guy Muds Himself Out Of Unfair Rental Charge

There are times to fight dirty.
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intelligent outsmarting moves

Brilliant Moves of Highly Variable Effectiveness

There's the smartness.
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bride Crazy Brides friends relationships wedding - 15984901

Choosing Beggar Bride Insists Seamstress Friend Make Her A Wedding Dress For Free

Some people just expect everything for free.
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people who didn't understand jokes and memes

Fun-Stealing Dullards Who Didn't Get The Joke

C'mon, think about it for like a second.
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relatable memes

24 Things That We Can All Just Strangely Relate To

A indicator of shared consciousness.
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An informative Tumblr post on how various herbs that are used as medicines should be used carefully.

Tumblr Post: Herbal Medicines Can Be A Risky Business

Proper research is key.
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Retail worker deals with a customer who is confused why staff won't help him after closing time.

Entitled Customer Outraged When Retail Staff Won't Help Him After Close

Retail worker deals with a customer who is confused why staff won't help him after closing time.
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