Girl gets moral revenge on her old High School teacher

Girl Gets Revenge On Teacher Who Told Her That She Would Never Succeed in the Best Way Possible

Girl gets moral revenge on her old High School teacher by being successful
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funny moments of kids being stupid and weird

20+ Instances of Proof That Kids Are Almost a Different Species

They're out there, man.
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bad movies movies - 15251461

People Name The Worst Movies They Have Ever Watched

The most worthless movies that people have ever seen
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tenant gets fine for giving neighbor car space, pays fee as inconveniently as possible

Tenant Gets Unfair Fine, Pays In 37 Installments

It's the small things. 37 of them, to be precise.
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ask reddit fictional characters - 15199237

People Share Protagonists and "Heroes" Who Are Actually Problematic

Characters who are portrayed as a hero that aren't
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dating fail stories

First Dates That Made People Go "Screw This I'm Out"

So many bullets dodged.
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the epic stories of how high school legends earned their status

17 People Share What Made The "High School Legend" A Legend

people share stories about the epic things that people did in highschool to get legend status.
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A spicy customer demands that a restaurant cut their burrito in half, and the restaurant does just that.

Customer Asks Restaurant To Cut Burrito In Half, Restaurant Maliciously Complies

Serves that dude right.
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life hacks askreddit - 15157765

People Share The Change They Made To Their Lives That They Wish They Made Sooner

These are the changes that people wish they had made sooner because of their amazing results.
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funny mistakes, errors and blunders

Goofs and Blunders That Should Have People Rethinking Their Choices

Observation is key.
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revenge petty revenge cheapskate win - 16115205

Cheapskate Tries to Renegotiate Price of Goods on Pickup, Ends Up Paying More

Don't try to renegotiate on pickup.
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funny sign has jokes on it

Restaurant Sign Dispenses Jokes and Wisdom

Good ol' sign jokes.
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antiwork manager workplace Horrible Bosses - 16071685

Insane-Entitled Boss Asks Employee to Come Into Work During Vacation Because They Are "Short-Staffed"

"But we're SO short-staffed!"
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People describe the dumbest reasons that they ever got dumped.

Dumbest Reasons People Got Dumped

Some bullets were definitely dodged.
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Waitress Shares Viral Stories of Insane Serving Experiences While Working in a Restaurant

Waitress Shares Viral Stories of the Most Insane Serving Experiences While Working in a Restaurant

From having to stop customers from doing drugs at the table, to threatening to fight a teenager who stole her tip—it gets real on this TikTok account.
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people revenge house hunting petty revenge real estate entitled couple - 16485381

Entitled Couple Loses Out Big-Time When They Sit on an Offer For Their House

This is a great way to loose out on almost $100k.
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