'Don't ruin it like everything else in your life': 20+ relatable moments for the self-deprecating

'Don't ruin it like everything else in your life': 20+ relatable fails for self-deprecating "adults"

Funniest Braindead Memes for People Who Feel a Little Dumb Sometimes

Funniest Braindead Memes for People Who Feel a Little Dumb Sometimes

'Is this written for a fish?': Guy bakes weird 93-year-old water pie recipe

'Is this written for a fish?': Guy bakes weird 93-year-old water pie recipe

AITA for telling my niece her mother never wanted children?

Horrible Aunt Babysits 9-Year-Old Niece, Tells Her That Her Mom Never Wanted Kids

boyfriend askreddit relationships girlfriend exes breakup reddit thread Reddit dumped couple - 18503941

'Her mood ring changed colors': 20+ people share the worst reasons why they were dumped

It is a really bad idea to make a government employee angry | Both of the police units showed up and I let them know what was going on. They were both appropriately agitated to have to waste their time and let not nice guy know that I was within in my authority to proceed with the investigation.

'He stated berating me': Jerk neighbor breaks code, gets served bureaucratic justice by disgruntled government employee

‘I’m Not Antisocial, I Just Don't Like You’ : Funniest Coworker Memes of the Week

‘I’m Not Antisocial, I Just Don't Like You’ : Funniest Coworker Memes of the Week

Family member wants everyone to buy a $30 chair to have a seat at Thanksgiving

'This is a mandatory family contribution!': Demanding family member tells guests to buy their own expensive Thanksgiving chair AND cover food costs

Wife Backs Out of Family Christmas Dinner After Deluded MIL Rejected Her ‘Dessert Sample’, Idiotic Husband Calls Wife Unreasonable

Wife Backs Out of Family Christmas Dinner After Deluded MIL Rejected Her ‘Dessert Sample’, Idiotic Husband Calls Wife Unreasonable

We all show up to the meeting with our lunch boxes and proceed to casually eat lunch at the corporate meeting. All 60 of us from our department. The ceo stops his spiel after a few minutes

'[Our] boss tries to deny having said that': Boss insists meeting is a lunch break, so workers eat their lunch and almost get the boss fired

AITA for taking back control of Thanksgiving meal planning and cooking from my husband?

'It's just bad holiday hosting': Husband says he can handle all the Thanksgiving dinner prep this year, it's not working out

I would quit on the spot.

'If it does not stink, employee's name will be reported': Company institutes a smell check policy because of long bathroom breaks

How I got a car dealership to give my friend a "newer" car

Idiot friend buys car at outrageous price from scummy dealer, guy gets him a free new car when he realizes dealer committed fraud

30+ Cars that failed so hard there's no way they're street legal

30+ Cars that failed so hard there's no way they're street legal

Office Memes for the 3 Day Work Week

'Can I go home now?': Office Memes for the 3 Day Work Week

dog walker accidentally kidnaps dog, gets hired full time to walk the dog

'Whose dog am I walking, bro?!': Dog walker accidentally kidnaps a stranger's dog from their apartment, walks him, and returns him, gets full-time client out of it