tumblr reading faith in humanity human humanity book lord of the flies - 16718085

Tumblr Thread: Lord of the Flies Isn't An Accurate Reflection Of All Humanity

Grow up.
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airline won't pay employee ten dollars to be proper ground lead, loses thousands

Management Won't Pay 10 bucks For Ground Crew, Loses Airline Thousands

It's all about preperation.
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funny stupid things people said

Terrifically Stupid Things People Have Heard Someone Say

It's just nonstop.
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"Ma'am these knives are high-end..."

Rude Store Clerk Mansplains Knife Pricing to Woman, She Gives Up, Gets a Steal of a Deal

A hasty and rude retail worker quickly corrected this woman when she pointed out a pricing error on a chef's knife she was interested in. She relented in revealing the mistake to the worker and ended up with a deal on a great knife. This story was shared to the r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/TIL_eulenspiegel , the woman in the story, where it earned 19k upvotes as of the writing of this post. The u/TIL_eulenspiegel , the Original Poster of the topic (referred to as the “OP” in Reddit's cu…
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Cheezburger Image 16706821

Raging Karen Demands Service From Burned Down Restaurant

When the local drive-thru restaurant burned down, this Karen was uncertain how she would get her daily fix. Set and rigid in her Karen ways, she decided to give it a crack and force the firefighters and investigators to serve her. After all, she always gets whatever she wants. This exciting thread was posted this week to the r/DontWorkHereLady subreddit by user u/alannahmyles . A subreddit where people post stories where they, or others, are mistaken for a store's workers. The stories usually f…
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pro revenge revenge - 16706565

School Locker Thief Gets the Book Thrown at Him in Savage Revenge Story

This trending Reddit post details a story of brutal revenge on a high school locker thief in the early 2000s. It has sparked discussions surrounding locker theft, and commenters have shared their own various stories. Reddit user u/Dunnachius shared this story to the r/ProRevenge subreddit. A place where users go to share stories, such as this one, where someone got even in a big way. Tales from the subreddit are easily identified by the purple ‘smiling face with horns’ emoji that the sub uses a…
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plant mom's family steals and sell plants

Plant Mom's Sister-In-Law and Niece Say They'll Watch Plants, Cut Up And Sell The Pieces

That's a bundle.
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funny dude rules for men

Dudes Share Unspoken Universal Rules Of Mandom

Well, not unspoken now.
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Leaked Applebess's Executive Email Details Strategy For Worker Exploitation

Restaurant Executive Plots to Pay Workers Less By Exploiting the Rising Price of Gas in This Leaked Viral Email

A leaked email has shocked the internet today after going viral. It was posted to the Reddit r/antiwork subreddit earlier this morning, where it has earned 68k upvotes in 12 hours. An absolutely insane number of votes even for the standards of more popular subreddits.
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Woman Discovers Her MIL is the "Ghost" She's Been Hearing on Her Sleeping App Threatening Her Every Night

Woman Discovers Her MIL is the "Ghost" She's Been Hearing on Her Sleeping App Threatening Her Every Night

Woman Discovers Her MIL is the “Ghost” She's Been Hearing on Her Sleeping App Threatening Her Every Night Woman Thinks She Hears a Ghost on a Sleeping App Saying They Want to M*rder Her, Finds Out it's Her MIL
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I was fired and now they’re “sad” that I decided to take them to court.

Guy Who Was Fired Reports Company For Breaches, Company Shook in this Viral Thread

Company: *surprised Pikachu face*
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spelling mistakes

Spelling Failures That Shouldn't Even Have Been Written Down

Speeling is hard.
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ex husband tries to dodge child support, ex wife gets the money

Cheating Ex-Husband Tries To Get Out Of Child Support, Suggests Ex-Wife Get A Lawyer, She Does

Oh baby.
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funny broken signs

Busted Signs That Gave Themselves Hilarious New Meaning

Become something else.
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“Please update your emergency contact information.” I don’t work there anymore. Please do not call me if there’s an emergency.

Worker Gets Aggressive Call From Employer Asking to Verify Emergency Callout Contact Details, Hasn't Worked There For 8 Years

"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty."
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people who ran into someone who rejected them

People Who Later Ran Into The Person Who Rejected Them

Some episodes of life have a part 2.
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