aita relationships dating - 16744197

Guy Locks Girlfriend Along With Her Sister and Two Children Out of His House, Actually Might Have a Point

A boyfriend locked his longtime girlfriend, her sister, and the sister's two children out of his home after what he had determined to be a betrayal. He has now taken to Reddit to see if he was in the wrong. Now, this might sound really bad at first glance but give this guy a chance and let him explain. This thread was posted to r/AmItheAsshole by the guy, Reddit user u/simpleguyy6 (OP). OP thought that his house and belongings might be at risk if he allowed his girlfriend to have continued acce…
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Professional Home Inspector Goes Viral for Posting Videos of Inspecting Rotten Wood by Slicing it Like it's a Piece of Cake

Professional Home Inspector Goes Viral for Posting Videos of Inspecting Rotten Wood by Slicing it Like it's a Piece of Cake

You see a freshly painted area of the house, he sees someone trying to hide a spot where the house is as soft as a freshly baked cake.
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insane parents jaden smith entitled will smith parents - 16741637

The Most Wildly Insane and Entitled Parents of the Week (March 29, 2022)

Presenting: This week's list of the week's most insane and most entitled parents. Freshly curated from the bowels of the internet. Remember that kid who bullied you in middle school on the bus? Remember the kid who thought it was funny to give his teammates concussions during practice on your High School football team? Remember that kid who sat in the back of the class and made masturbation jokes in the 5th grade? I've got some terrible news for you… They're all parents now. And they're well on…
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employee malicious compliance - 16742405

Shipwright Shares Two Stories of Nautical-Themed Shipyard Malicious Compliance, Earns $900/hr for 15 Years

When you've got a sinking feeling about your employment.
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twitter jaden smith roast will smith - 16743941

Jaden Smith Roasted, When He Tweets "That's How We Do It" in Response to Father Will Smith's Violent Outburst

Jaden has a history of saying and doing some insane stuff that has repeatedly put him on the sharp end of the Internet's roasting stick.
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out of touch things people said

The Most Absurdly Out Of Touch Things People Have Heard

It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?
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HOA doesn't tip and gets neighborhood banned from pizza ordering

HOA Doesn't Tip On Massive Pizza Order, Gets Whole Neighborhood Blacklisted

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Breast Cancer revenge coworkers - 16732165

Jealous Coworker Tries to Get Woman Fired Because of Her Implants, That She Got After a Double Mastectomy, Plan Backfires

This woman found herself targeted by a catty coworker after the coworker discovered that she had breast implants. The woman had gotten them implants at the recommendation of her therapist following a double mastectomy. When the coworker escalated the drama to new heights and tried to get the woman fired from her job, the woman turned the situation around on the coworker. This post stands as one of the highest-rated posts of all time on Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit, where it sits with a whopp…
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Unsuspecting Tourist in NYC Needs to Use the Bathroom, Pops Into the Church of Scientology, Goes Viral for What Happens

Unsuspecting Tourist in NYC Needs to Use the Bathroom, Pops Into the Church of Scientology, Goes Viral for What Happens

She didn't know much about Scientology and just really needed to use the bathroom in a city notorious for their lack of public restrooms.
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Crazy Karen Calls Storage Company to Complain and Threaten the Employee, Won't Listen that She has Called the Wrong Place

Crazy Karen Calls Storage Company to Complain and Threaten the Employee, Won't Listen that She has Called the Wrong Place

The Karen was too busy threatening the young woman working that she couldn't hear her telling her that she has called the wrong place.
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aita tattoos Reddit culture - 16732421

Insane Tattoo Artist Brands Client With Their Initials, Can't Believe Client Is Upset

It's hard to imagine literally branding another human being and thinking that is ok but that is exactly what happened when this riled client made an unfortunate choice in a tattoo artist. This story was posted to Reddit's r/AmItheAsshole subreddit by u/TattoodNoobAITA (OP), the tattooed individual in question. The tattoo was to be a sentimental ‘heirloom’ type of piece as it was a tattoo that had been received by three generations of the men in OP's family. So it was essential that the piece lo…
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AITA for getting mad my artist hid their initials in my tattoo?

Manager Demands Worker Covers Shift on Their Day Off, Demands They Answer Their Phone When They Quit

What a downright demanding individual.
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pro revenge stepmother revenge family - 16731909

Evil Stepmother Gives Away Guy's Playstation, Guy Gives Away Stepmother's House

In this story, two family members (it's complicated) came to metaphorical blows after the passing of their connecting loved one. It's an almost biblical tale of revenge as this step-son decided to take an eye for an eye after his “hag” of a stepmom took his Playstation out of his own home and gave it away. This story was posted to the r/ProRevenge subreddit by u/YoungSourSwede (OP), the narrator and step-son in the story. He had tragically lost his mother to ovarian cancer five years before the…
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kids say what makes a good person twitter thread

Teacher Asks Kids What Makes A Good Person, Gets Mixed Results

They were on the right track.
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funny tumblr gems

Tumblr Gems To Help Deal With That Sinking Feeling

That's some good stuff.
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fun useless facts

People Share Their Most Tantalizingly Useless Facts

Ohh, shiny facts.
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