aita relationships dating - 16721925

Guy Insults Ex In Front of Her Husband, Wonders if He's Wrong

Presenting: This guy. u/throwawaysnapchat_ra posted this topic to r/AmItheAsshole after a disastrous interaction on what became a painfully long flight. He ran into his ex-girlfriend from University on a flight and recognized her before she realized who he was. They were seated next to one another, and once he confirmed who she was when she removed her mask momentarily, he engaged her in conversation. Unbeknownst to him, the man seated next to her on the other side was her, now, husband. Things…
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Will Smith attacks Chris Rock

Will Smith Assaults Chris Rock Live at the Oscars, Wins Award Moments Later, Internet Reacts

What the heck just happened? So, let's get this straight… You can get up on stage at the Oscars and attack a presenter live on television, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that security is going to do to stop you? You are then free to return to your seat while the person you just attacked has to fumble through the rest of their presentation awkwardly. You have got to be kidding me. The show should have been stopped, and Will Smith should have been removed from the building. Please tell…
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entitled people

Entitled People And Their Terrifically Shameless Demands

Look at em go.
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mom won't change her own kid's diaper, asks daycare worker to do it while she's off work

Entitled Parent Won't Change Her Own Kid's Diaper, Insists Daycare Worker Do It Off The Clock

What a delight.
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cringey cringe nice guys relationships dating - 16720389

"Nice Guy" Gets Roasted For Harassing Woman With Cringey Messages

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boss threatens employee with at-will agreement until she quits on short notice

Power-Tripping Boss Reminds Employee She Can Quit Any Time, She Does

Instant regret.
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AITA for dropping him and his daughter off at a rental car place states away from home?

Woman's Boyfriend Can't Control His Entitled Daughter When They Invite Themselves On Her Holiday, She Leaves Them At a Car Rental and Tells Them to Find Their Way Home

After her boyfriend invited himself and his brat daughter on this mother's holiday with her sons, they could not have been on worse behavior. After putting up with the daughter's entitled behavior for most of the trip, the mother snapped and sent them packing, leaving them at a car rental agency and telling them to find their way home. The altercation between the couple occurred after a series of infuriating events enabled by the boyfriend, Dave, a 44-year-old male and perpetrated by his 17-yea…
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harassment aita coworkers workplace reddit thread Reddit - 16721157

Guy Sexually Harasses Female Coworker With Inappropriate Texts, She Responds Via Work Email With the Messages Attached

When a coworker targeted this woman with unsolicited texts and harassment, she devised a clever plan to bring him into the light. The thread was posted to the r/AmItheAsshole subreddit this week by the aptly named u/businessbittch with the title “AITA for replying to a coworker's inappropriate texts by work email, and attaching them?” It's hard to imagine a situation where you could be “the asshole” for deftly handling a coworker's inappropriate behavior. Still, her posting of the topic was for…
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My Co-worker brings her dishes in to work so we wash them in the commercial dishwasher and if I see them, I bin them.

Woman Brings Dishes From Home to Trick Others Into Washing Them at Work, Coworker Introduces Dishes to the Bin

Sometimes an inappropriate action deserves the appropriate response; it's the simple laws of cause and effect acting out their parts. This is how it was when u/elena247 's coworker decided to execute the clever ploy of bringing their dirty dishes into work to have others wash them. When u/elena247 discovered what their coworker was up to, they decided the appropriate response was to introduce the dirty dishes to the trash can. Sounds like a reasonable plan to us. This topic was posted to the r/…
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Dealership said sue, so I did.

Dealership Tells Guy He'll Have to Sue in Order to Resolve Issues With His Vehicle, He Does, Management Sees Writing on the Wall and Caves

When this customer bought a used 2014 Mazda 5 from a dealership, the last thing he was expecting was for the car to stop running less than a month later. The dealership refused to accept responsibility despite their mechanical guarantee when the vehicle refused to start on Christmas Day. The manager told the customer that he'd have to sue to get anything out of them, so he took their advice. Redditor u/functi0nalPsych0path posted this thread to the r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit, where it hit…
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funny tweets about kids getting names wrong

Twitter Thread: Kids Trying And Failing At Hard Names

"Meet my son, Dump Truck."
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Viral 93-Year-Old Retired Farmer Gets Free Hats from Tractor Supply Co. and Has the Most Wholesome Reaction

Viral 93-Year-Old Retired Farmer Gets Free Hats from Tractor Supply Co. and Has the Most Wholesome Reaction

Everyone who has ever had a papaw knows and loves the heartfelt “how 'bout that” reaction.
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antiwork great resignation work workplace social issues - 16713733

Woman Ignites Voracious Online Debate By Claiming that Women Should Receive PTO For Menstruation

We love a good period piece.
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malicious compliance revenge - 16720645

Business Owner Refuses to Remove Guy's Phone Number From Receipts, Guy Pretends to Be Business Owner

"Look at me, I am the Business Owner now."
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pro revenge revenge parenting family Father - 16721413

Dejected Son Destroys Cheating Father's Life, Takes Everything In All-Out Family Warfare, Leaves Him With Nothing

This son had a tempestuous relationship with his old man. The two briefly reconciled when his dad got cancer, only for his dad's adultery to be revealed. He supported his mother through separation from his father, which put him squarely in the crosshairs of his dad's “traditional” family. After an encounter with the family, a plot began to take shape. This story was posted to Reddit's r/prorevenge subreddit but strayed well into “Nuclear Revenge” territory. In this story, u/thunderkerg tells ho…
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funny design fails

Stupid Design Fails That Made Things More Complicated Than They Needed To Be

Maybe choose a different font.
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