idiotic, the worst, dumb, stupid, idiots, dumb people, online, internet, reddit, lol, incorrect

Painfully Idiotic Memes That Remind You That Confidence Certainly Does Not Equate to Intelligence

'Plants are the new pets. Pets are the new kids': 25+ Millennial memes that are far too relatable for the internet generation

'Plants are the new pets. Pets are the new kids': 25+ Millennial memes that are far too relatable for the internet generation

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

20+ Insufferable Coworker Memes and Fails, Plus a Few Wholesome Ones for Your Work Bestie

20+ Insufferable Coworker Memes and Fails, Plus a Few Wholesome Ones for Your Work Bestie

Crazed Cinema Karen accosts wheelchair bound patron for switching on their electric wheelchair

Crazed Cinema Karen accosts wheelchair bound patron for switching on their electric wheelchair

Just f***ing leave? Well alrighty then!

'You told me to leave and go home': Crazy ex storms out of car and tells BF to drive home, he does and she loses it

An employee gives their two weeks notice, hotshot manager tries to fire them, and end up getting demoted themselves.

Employee Gives Two Weeks Notice, Hotshot Manager Tries To Fire Employee and Gets Demoted

"Dramatic" nanny quits after insane parent demands they come into work after being hit by a car

"Dramatic" nanny quits after insane parent demands they come into work after being hit by a car

20+ Top Tinder Moments From the Savage World of Dating

'NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP:' 20+ Top Tinder Moments and Fails From the Savage World of Online Dating

'Are you kidding? I would buy this immediately': Internet completely divided over utterly bizarre food label

'Are you kidding? I would buy this immediately': Internet completely divided over utterly bizarre food label

‘It’s Still My Money!’ : Dad Decides to Reinvest Daughter’s College Fund Towards His New Step Kids Education Following Her Early Graduation, Family Drama Ensues

‘It’s Still My Money!’ : Dad Decides to Reinvest Daughter’s College Fund Towards His New Step Kids Education Following Her Early Graduation, Family Drama Ensues

'We are terminating you': Employee asks for a raise, boss fires them instead

'We are terminating you': Employee asks for a raise, boss fires them instead

20 Relatable memes for night owls who always stay up way too late and regret it the next day

20 Relatable memes for night owls who always stay up way too late and regret it the next day

Relatable Restaurant Memes for Servers, Cooks, and Bartenders

Relatable Restaurant Fails for Servers, Cooks, and Bartenders

20 Small animals (and their owners) who had a bad day

20 Small animals (and their owners) who had a bad day

WIBTA if I used part of my paternity leave to visit my family?

'Why women have babies with men like you is beyond me': Dude wants to use paternity leave to take a vacation away from his wife and kid