aita neighbors revenge - 16984837

Insolent Neighbor Gets Car Towed After Repeatedly Blocking New Parent's Driveway

How many times do you have to ask someone?
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Construction Workers Can Only Laugh While 'Karen' has the Most Insane Meltdown Through the Security Camera

Construction Workers Can Only Laugh While 'Karen' has the Most Insane Meltdown Through the Security Camera

They were just trying to do their job and this ‘Karen’ client was going absolutely berserk—and not even in person!
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Professional Consultant on TikTok Sparks Conversation About Red Flags in Managers

Professional Consultant on TikTok Sparks Conversation About Red Flags in Managers

Micromanaging obviously made the list, but why is having been only at the company your entire career on there?
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interesting facts

Freaky Facts That Are Difficult To Believe

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aita family dating - 16977925

Bad-Tempered Girlfriend Starts Schism in Family, Protected By Passive Parents

This manipulative girlfriend did everything she possibly could to keep her boyfriend away from his family. She started fights with her partner's brother and his wife and tried to force other members of the family to pick a side. Her boyfriend's parents were too passive to do anything about it but this brother has had enough and is determined for everyone to know the truth. This thread was posted to r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) by the brother, u/Altruistic_Rabbit_21, who is wondering if he has taken…
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idontworkherelady karen - 16977669

Pet Store Karen Quizzes Random Teen on Animal Anatomy, Can't Fathom They Don't Work There

“Does it have testicles?”… an essential question that echos out into the space of recorded time. Thumbnail Image: Bonnie Kittle
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cursed images

Cursed Images To Not Feel So Good About

Thanks, I hate it.
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karen traffic story

Semi-Driver Blocks Shoulder-Driving Karen, Watches Her Crash Into Police Cruiser

Well, she sort of escaped traffic.
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malicious compliance revenge Horrible Bosses - 16978437

Digital Marketing Specialist Fixes Critical Issues, Told to Unfix it By Micromanaging New Boss

There's nothing more satisfying than going above and beyond in your job and receiving no recognition for it. Even better is going above and beyond to fix a serious issue and then being reprimanded . That's exactly what happened to this digital marketing specialist when they resolved a critical issue (that the company didn't even realize existed.) Their unqualified new boss took it as insubordination and a challenge to their position and questioned the changes they had made. This was despite the…
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Landlord Sends Over the Most Red Flag Renters Lease Ever, TikToker Calls Them Out

Landlord Sends Over the Most Red Flag Renters Lease Ever, TikToker Calls Them Out

Always read the fine print… Seriously.
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unprofessional doctor stories

People Share The Most Unprofessional Thing A Doctor Has Told Them

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idontworkherelady revenge karen - 16977157

Supermarket Karen Assaults Kid Helping Their Disabled Parent, Arrested, Cries in Court

This bewildering “Supermarket Karen” decided that she needed help from one of the store's personal shoppers. Except the store didn't have personal shoppers because that hasn't been a thing in grocery stores since like 1930 or something. She approached the “personal shopper” who was helping a woman seated in a wheelchair and began waving her list in their face and demanding her own service. To her abject horror, the personal shopper refused to divert her attention away from the other customer an…
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teacher memes

Teaching Memes That Are At Least Better Than Homework

Oh, public schools.
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receptionist recognizes abuser's voice and saves the day

Boss Badmouths Receptionist, Eats Her Words When She Gets Abuser Arrested

Whoa look, an actually good outcome.
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wholesome memes and moments

Wholesome Memes and Moments to Lighten the Load

That's the stuff.
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malicious compliance revenge Horrible Bosses - 16968965

Company Refuses to Give Employee New Contract, So They Abide the Terms of Their Old One

This retail worker was finally promoted to a management position after jumping through “1000 hoops” to get there. When they were finally promoted they were given
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