'You're not making me steam milk? Thank you for an easy life, king/queen': 35+ Highly specific memes from cafe baristas

'You're not making me steam milk? Thank you for an easy life, king/queen': 35+ Highly specific memes from cafe baristas

‘Revenge Cost Approximately $3.50’ : Lady Gets Sneaky Payback on Entitled Neighbor Who Removes Her Laundry From Shared Washing Machine in Order to Use It Herself

‘Revenge Cost Approximately $3.50’ : Lady Gets Sneaky Payback on Entitled Neighbor Who Removes Her Laundry From Shared Washing Machine in Order to Use It Herself

Update! 'It was kind of satisfying actually': Lying boss cries after being hit repeatedly by paintballs while cheating at a company event

Update! 'It was kind of satisfying actually': Lying boss cries after being hit repeatedly by paintballs while cheating at a company event

‘My Brain Is Glitching’ : 18 Strange and Unusual Perspectives by Talented Photographers Who Tricked The Internet

‘My Brain Is Glitching’ : 18 Strange and Unusual Perspectives by Talented Photographers Who Tricked The Internet

20+ Memes about pushing through the mid-work-week blues when you're just a tired little dude

20+ Memes about pushing through the mid-work-week blues when you're just a tired little dude

20 First Date Fails for Folks Who Can't Catch a Break

20 First Date Fails for Folks Who Can't Catch a Break

woman starts a new job with a millennial as a boss and she has never been happier working somewhere, before she had only worked with boomers and Gen-X as management and she says it was the worst

'Now THIS is a boss!:' Woman Who Has Only Had ‘Narcissistic & Psychotic’ Boomer and Gen-X Bosses Shares Refreshingly Professional Email From Her New Millennial Boss

Candy dots and green slime popsicles: Strange 'Geriatric Millennial Menu' will unlock your long-lost childhood snacking memories

Candy dots and green slime popsicles: Strange 'Geriatric Millennial Menu' will unlock your long-lost childhood snacking memories

AITA for showing up to my husband's Dr appointment?

'You're an obsessive helicopter wife': Guy asks for privacy at his doctor's appointment, wife shows up unannounced

Late-night-reading girlfriend sparks the sleep deprived rage of her lamp hating boyfriend, wonders if she's wrong

'I broke down crying': Late-night-reading girlfriend sparks the sleep deprived rage of her lamp hating boyfriend, wonders if she's wrong

‘Bro, I Earn More Than You’ : Rich Dude Is Fed up With SIL and Brother for Bullying Him and His Wife, Destroys Them in Front of Entire Family

‘Bro, I Earn More Than You’ : Rich Dude Is Fed up With SIL and Brother for Bullying Him and His Wife, Destroys Them in Front of Entire Family

New workplace changes employee's job location 12 hours before their first shift, they quit

New workplace changes employee's job location 12 hours before their first shift, employee gives them a piece of their mind and quit

'You will give me a room!': Customer faces off with hotel clerk facing technical issues

'You will give me a room!': Demanding customer faces off with a frustrated hotel clerk facing technical issues

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

'Do your job': Karen boss tries to sabatoge overworked and underpaid employee, they stop doing her job for her

'Sure, I'll do MY job': Karen boss tries to sabatoge overworked and underpaid employee, they stop doing her job for her

Karen hurls abuse at 13 old before her husband tries to grab him across the counter

Enraged Karen and Kevin curse out a 13-year-old at a restaurant