bad tourist destinations

30 People Share The Suckiest Tourist Destinations They've Visited

Nothing to see here.
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Professional Home Inspectors on TikTok Hilariously Rag on House Flippers for Their Cheap "Fixes"

Professional Home Inspectors on TikTok Hilariously Rag on House Flippers for Their Cheap "Fixes"

“Flippers gonna flip”—pipes are duct taped together, outlets aren't wired, roof has active leaks, and the wood is rotting…
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aita parenting family - 17000709

Stepmother Demands Apology After 'Sea World' Standoff, Tells Stepdaughter She's Not a Part of "The Real Family"

She's the one who needs to apologize
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aita revenge - 17001221

Religious Neighbor Keys Adult Fiction Author's Car as Revenge For Her "Sin"

A neighborhood feud brewed after an adult fiction author's pious neighbor discovered what she did for a living. The problem escalated due to some (unwanted) attention that the author was receiving from the neighbor's husband. This sent the neighbor over the edge, and she began trespassing, threatening, and damaging her personal property. This thread was posted to r/AITA (Am I the A**hole) by the Author, Redditor u/Interesting-Reply118. They posted the topic to see whether or not they were in th…
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80s nostalgia toys and products

80s Nostalgia To Take A Trip Down Memory Stairs

It's fine. Everything is fine.
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revenge firefighters - 17000965

Idiot Insists On Parking In Emergency Vehicle Spot, Gets Car Crushed

He didn't start the fire... But his car did bite it when they tried to fight it.
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tinder top-tinder-moments toptindermoments - 17001477

Top Tinder Moments of the Week (May 10, 2022)

Let this week's list pull a reverse uno on your enthusiasm for the game. It's online dating, so some people want to get off.. and some people want to get off. Like into a relationship and off of the app. Get it? In another week of online dating madness, we have seen plenty of witty individuals who can spit some mean game with their choice of words. But is a strong helping of wit enough to make you an ideal match? We'd wager that there's a good bit more that goes into a relationship than that, b…
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bad roommate stories

30 People Share Their Worst Roommate Experiences

It's the worst.
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lights out wedding idea

Bride Makes Plans To Have Wedding In Complete Darkness, Doesn't Get Why This Might Be A Bad Idea

Well, it's a novel concept.
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revenge workplace Horrible Bosses - 17000453

Overworked Assistant Gets Independently Audited to See If Role is Required, Ends Up With 10K Raise

It turns out that they were the most valuable employee in the company.
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aita family pregnant - 16985349

Family Demands Sibling Give Money to Habitually Pregnant Sister, Threaten With Disownment

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interesting positions

People Standing In New And Intriguing Ways

Who knew you could just do that.
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revenge cop karen - 16985093

Car Karen Tries to Use Shoulder to Skip Traffic, Crashes Into Convenient Cop

This Karen thought that she could use the shoulder to skip a queue of traffic on the motorway but when a semi-driver decided that he was going to have none of that and intervened he caused her to crash into a conveniently placed police cruiser. This thread was posted to r/MaliciousCompliance by the Semi driver, Redditor u/fmintar1. They shared this story to the popular subreddit to share how they got one up on this queue-dodging cretin. The types of people that do things like this are the absol…
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mom breast pump work zoom call story

Boss Insists Breast Pumping Mom Turn Camera On For Work Meeting, Creates New Policy

Well, it worked.
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funny story about wrong numbers for chinese restaurant

Idiot Insists Guy’s House is a Chinese Restaurant, Gets Served Justice

What is there to expect.
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marriage relationships - 16989445

Husband Refers to His Wife's Cooking as Pig Slop, She Refuses to Cook For Him

This wife has decided that she is done cooking for her husband after she overheard him telling her father-in-law that her cooking “can only be fed to pigs not humans." Her feelings are extremely hurt but the husband claims that he had been “trying to protect her feelings” and that she “hurt him”
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