aita marriage mothers mother relationships reddit thread Reddit dating - 17897477

Wife Tricks Man-Child Husband Into Thinking Her Cooking is His Mother's, Tantrum Ensues

We've seen a lot of picky eaters, man-children, and food deception in AITA posts, but this one has managed to combine all three. This absolute penultimate dingus has somehow managed to convince himself that the only food he can possibly eat is his mother's to the extent that she hand delivers meals to him every SINGLE night of the week except for the night that they go to her house. Don't get me wrong, I love my mother's cooking (hi Mom), and I would love to have this arrangement… but none of t…
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The number of people on LinkedIn who need to stop and read the room is growing astronomically, and this “Growth Advisor” is no exception.

'I acknowledged the value of eating mud': Guy on LinkedIn gets dragged for tone deaf post

The number of people on LinkedIn who need to stop and read the room is growing astronomically.
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aita relationship relationships FAILS dating fails FAIL dating - 17896709

'What's for dinner tonight b*tch?': Boyfriend's attempt at terrible TikTok trend results in 'saucy' real-life breakup

It's always important to remember that you shouldn't try everything you see on the internet. If I had blindly tried everything I had seen online, without a doubt, I'd be all alone inhabiting a prison cell somewhere. It's just a good idea to take everything you see online or in real life with a grain of salt, and you shouldn't need a disclaimer stamped on everything to realize this. Well, this guy would probably jump off a bridge if you told him to, and, after a solid session doom-scrolling TikT…
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Employees Go Over What They Were Not Prepared for About the Corporate World

Employees Go Over What They Were Not Prepared for About the Corporate World

Fight or flight will be triggered by zoom notifications
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twitter twitter memes tweets funny tweets random tweets - 17874181

20+ Freshly Harvested Tweets For Your Absorption

These Tweets are hot off the press and ready to be consumed by your eyes. It's been a crazy week in the world with ol' Queen Lizzy passing on, and there has been no shortage of memes to go along with that. A few of my favorites have been the ones that center around Charles and his chance to finally claim the throne. I am completely indifferent when it typically comes to news of the royal family, in no way would I ever celebrate someone's death or wish anyone harm, but no Cheezburger editor can…
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Funniest Job Interview Memes for People Who Can’t Stand the Small Talk

Funniest Job Interview Memes for People Who Can’t Stand the Small Talk

Job interviews are low-key romantic
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AITA. My husband went out to dinner on our anniversary without me and I got angry at him.

Her Husband Had a Great Time On Their Anniversary... Without Her

Way to celebrate 27 years of marriage, dude!
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family drama aita motorcycles drama mother parenting motorcycle Parenting Fail Parenting FAILS - 17847301

Mom Calls the Cops After Husband "Steals" the Motorcycle She Got Her Son For His Birthday

It's rare that a parenting disagreement actually escalates to police involvement in the investigation of theft. At least, I would hope and assume that this is the case, but maybe it happens with a higher degree of frequency than you'd anticipate. This mother describes her son's obsession with motorcycles and automobiles There are a lot of working pieces and ethics to consider when it comes to the inter-workings of this story. First of all, this husband is not the son's biological father, and we…
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My school has a work ethic quiz and I got some questions wrong. I do not think I got these questions wrong.

Student Given a "Work Ethic Quiz" at School That Smells Like Indoctrination 101

If I were making this quiz, the only right answer would be to quiet quit
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family drama aita drama service-worker Kitchen Confidential chef food service family reddit thread Reddit service industry antiwork parenting Horrible Bosses - 17896965

'If you miss even one shift you get demoted': Father/Boss forces son to miss the birth of child

It's never a good thing when an employer forces their employee to miss a significant life event in order to assert their authority over the employee's life and ensure that they never dare to question the importance of their work again. Such instances are dehumanizing and toxically reinforce the bizarre idea that our work is more important than our family and health. It's shocking then to think that a parent could do this to their own child who works for them. Well, that's exactly what happened…
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Broke Memes for the Financially Challenged and Emotionally Damaged

Broke Memes for the Financially Challenged and Emotionally Damaged

Easy, breezy, broke af
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family drama aita mother family reddit thread Reddit parents brothers - 17846789

Guy Threatens to Screw Brothers Out of Dying Mother's Will, Then Kicks Dying Mother Out of House

Family is supposed to offer you an altruistic support system that is filled with unconditional guidance and love. That's the ideal anyways, but for a lot of people, this unfortunately isn't the reality. Understandably, people grow apart, and sometimes things happen that not even time can forgive, but it's important to be forgiving and understanding of your family and their own struggles whenever you possibly can. This brother probably doesn't fit into the category of someone you'd be able to tr…
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AITA for freaking out on my bf for "making a point" and hiding my toothbrush?

Boyfriend Hides His Girlfriend's Toothbrush to "Make a Point." Note to Self: Never Do This!

If you're looking to get dumped, feel free to do exactly what this guy did!
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AITA for telling my SIL that she upstaged me at my wedding?

Bride Accuses Sister-in-Law of Upstaging Her at the Wedding by Just Showing Up

Jealousy knows no bounds, I guess. This sister-in-law got in trouble for showing up and wearing perfectly appropriate attire for her brother's wedding.
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antiwork jobs toxic-workplace job interviews workplace Horrible Bosses job interview interview - 17883909

'I just walked out of a job interview': 7 Top Trending Threads Where Candidates Walked Out of Interviews

A job interview goes both ways. You are trying to see if you want to work for the company just as much as they are trying to work for you. We've said it time and time again, but job interviews are just the absolute worst. They're the ultimate facade of our society, with both parties putting on their bravest face in order to sell themselves to the other. The interviewee is often trying to sell how loyal and confident they are. The interviewer, on the other hand, sells their dominance and superio…
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chicken-farmers viral videos funny-farm-animals chicken coop ecosystem local-snakes chickens snakes snake-education farm animals - 1649671

Chicken Farmer Gets Praise for Fearlessly Relocating a Snake That Was Snoozing Under a Chicken Like It Was a Bed & Breakfast

“The snake will probably leave a nice review: 'Dinner, nap, fluffy chicken blanket, gently carried to the fence. 10/10 will dine again.'”
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