‘From now on, you punch in your work hours!’ : New manager attempts to deduce hardworking employee's salary, employee maliciously complies, leading to 30% raise due to overtime pay

‘From now on, you punch in your work hours!’ : New manager attempts to deduce hardworking employee's salary, employee maliciously complies, leading to 30% raise due to overtime pay

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Employee stands their ground after employer tries for an unpaid trial

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'This line is so long, do you know who I am?': 15+ entitled jerks who need to take several seats

Babysitter leaves 100 dollar a week job and entitled mom can't understand why | am LIVID seven months now 100 week hours are easy 9am-5pm, like regular fucking job and kids are basically angels, they sleep most day anyway at this age. mas been babysitting get text her saying she's applying walmart and she can't afford work anymore

Babysitter Leaves Bad Job, Entitled Mom Lashes Out

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Best Corporate Memes for Office Plebs Who Can't Stand Another Day in Their Cubicle

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Know-it-all part-time waiter insists on inferior method for billing guests, massive queues ensue

AITA for calling my neighbor and her daughter entitled, spoiled brats?

'They are entitled brats': Teen lets spoiled neighbor kids in her bedroom, immediately regrets it

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UPDATE: 'She asked me out': Bartender has chance run in with former bully, who had the nerve to ask him out on a date

What's the worst lie you were told as a kid?

'What's the worst lie you were told as a kid?': 30+ Redditors share the hilarious and stupid things their parents clearly lied about

AITA: 'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband shames wife and moves out as punishment for taking a weekend to herself after she slaves over 4 children and a full time job without his help

AITA: 'He's a deadbeat dad': Mooching husband shames wife and moves out as punishment for taking a weekend to herself after she slaves over 4 children and a full time job without his help

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'Don't flip out on people for things they can't control': Entitled airline passenger harasses employee about the weather, employee makes sure their luggage gets soaked

'Did You Block Me?' : Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd (March 15, 2023)

'Did You Block Me?' : Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd (March 15, 2023)

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'I've been struggling [to afford] food': Worker shares scathing messages from their boss after they recover discarded food from workplace

In my area, repair shops order tires on DoorDash.

'No one can fit that in their car': Delivery driver confused by enormous order he literally cannot fit in his vehicle

AITA: 'Stop packing your son disgusting and inappropriate lunches' : Tyrannical teacher commands mother to drastically change her kid's school lunches

AITA: 'Stop packing your son disgusting and inappropriate lunches' : Tyrannical teacher commands mother to drastically change her kid's school lunches

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'Win-win for everyone involved.': IT Guy automates his entire job and works 10 minutes a day from home