antiwork hr toxic-workplace toxic human resources workplace Horrible Bosses - 17873157

Update: HR Department Adds Confidentiality Clause to Micromanaging Rules Following Viral Thread

It's never a good idea to double down on a mistake. Usually, if you're doing this, you're so narcissistically blind to your own faults that you don't see anything you do as a mistake in the first place. It's the same logic as going “double or nothing” on a bet once you've already lost all your chips. It just doesn't make logical sense to put yourself even further in the hole by refusing to know when to back away. Well, this HR department clearly doesn't understand the principle of “double or no…
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AITAH for being upset my SIL cut my 11 month old son's hair for the first time and hanging up on her apology?

Mother Picks up Her 11-Month-Old From Her Sister-in-law, Only To Find That She Gave Him a Disgusting Haircut

If I were this mother, I'd refuse to accept her apology too.
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disney copyright malicious compliance revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit graphic design - 17883397

Graphic Designer Tries to Save Company and Client From Disney's Copyright Squadron, Boss Doesn't Listen Then Tries to Scapegoat Them

Disagreeing with your workplace superiors and the business owners typically isn't ever going to be well received — even when you're completely and verifiably correct. Most people just don't like having their own ideas challenged, and fewer still have the ability to admit when they're wrong. Ego has a lot to say about this; most of us have fragile egos that are battling a persistent imposter syndrome masked by an outwardly excessive display of confidence and authority. Anything that this weary e…
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pro revenge neighbors revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit thief neighbor - 17883653

'Want some free gas? I gotcha bro!': Neighbor gets revenge on gas thieves with sabotaged gas canisters

These jokers thought it would be a laugh to repeatedly lift a couple of cans of gasoline off of their neighbor. What they couldn't fathom in their idiotic brains was how quickly their target wised up to their games. Right after the first time, from there on out, they were lifting bait cans consisting of a diabolical mix of all kinds of fuels. The mix basically boiled down to being the engine equivalent of what eating bacon grease mixed with Red Bull would do to your heart. This thread was poste…
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Desperate People on Tinder Using Queen Elizabeth II as Material For Pickup Lines

Desperate People on Tinder Using Queen Elizabeth II as Material for Pickup Lines

We're certain the Queen would be happy to know her legacy endures...on Tinder!
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food meme Memes meme list funny memes food memes vegan memes - 17873925

23 Slightly Cursed Food Memes With a Side of Weird For Your Voracious Consumption

Are you feeling hungry? Well, get ready to be confused and hungry… Once you feast your eyes on this unfortunately strange collection of food memes and cursed images your stomach will be confused into complete submission. That's all well and good because food is one of the great common denominators. We all need food and love to eat food. Food brings all of us together and is the centerpiece of holidays and family gatherings across the western world. Why come to think of it, I myself have just ea…
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Funniest Memes for the Aging, Working, Adulting Millennial

Funniest Memes for the Aging, Working, Adulting Millennial

Remember whe millennials WERE the culture? Sorry, ARE. Some of us are not ready to use past tense just yet.
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Horrible Bosses school Reddit workplace teacher malicious compliance reddit thread toxic-workplace - 17874437

Janitor Told to ‘Stick to the Correct Methods’ by Rude Boss, Stops Going Above and Beyond

There's nothing worse than going above and beyond what your job description requires and getting no recognition for it. Hold on, I take that back, let's revise… The only thing worse than getting no recognition for going above and beyond in your job is actually getting reprimanded for it. That's exactly what happened to this janitor when they found themselves at odds with their micromanaging boss who was determined to find flaws in their work. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ maliciouscompl…
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AITA for wanting to take a once a year guys trip even though my GF doesn't want me to?

Guy Asks Girlfriend With Abandonment Issues if He Can Go on a Trip With His Friends, She Loses It

Note to self: if you're dating someone with major abandonment issues, good luck trying to schedule any time with other people!
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rancher rootin-tootin howdy Memes lol Wild Wild West farmers cowboy hat yeehaw cowboy cowgirl partner yee-to-my-haw farm animals funny yee haw - 17877509

The Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (Sept. 8, 2022)

Y'all really gonna scroll by without saying meme-haw?
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AITA for reporting my supervisor to HR for calling my daughter stupid?

Woman Reports Boss to HR For Mocking Her Daughter's Speech Development

This boss clearly got what she deserved. It's like she was trying to get fired.
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coworkers Horrible Bosses manager management work workplace antiwork toxic-workplace - 17872901

'You don’t need to clock in until 8:30': Employer refuses to pay employee for 2.5 hour training session

There's nothing more infuriating and invalidating than being undervalued or underpaid for your work. Bonus points when an employer or client just flat-out refuses to pay you or tries to gaslight you into ing you less. Well, when Redditor u/cleverbiscuit1738 was called into their place of work at 6 am for training they were told by their manager that they “Don't need to punch in until 8:30" while being abruptly whisked away from the punch-in clock. Their shift didn't usually start until 8:30 and…
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Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Week

Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Week

So bad we can't look away
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That Time in 1994 When A Cricket Ball Almost Hit Queen Elizabeth II in the Head

That Time in 1994 When A Cricket Ball Almost Hit Queen Elizabeth II in the Head

The Queen's reign would have been cut short 27 years if her bodyguard hadn't caught a cricket ball headed straight for Her Majesty's head in a 1994 match.
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Tinder and Hinge Messages From People Who Should Probably Delete Their Dating Apps

Tinder and Hinge Messages From People Who Should Probably Delete Their Profiles

Some messages are so inexplicable and bizarre one has to wonder who, what, when, where, and why?
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bears bear Memes meme list funny memes funny meme bears-are-so-cool i-love-bears - 17872133

20+ Unbearable Bear Memes That Bear-ly Made Us Laugh

Bears are pretty cool, there's really just no denying that. What's not to love about a family of mammals that can manage to be simultaneously cuddly, adorable, and also apex predators that would kill you without remorse? True, there is a bit of a variation on the bear spectrum ranging from more cuddly/dopey to more sharp/murdery but the point still stands. The first end of this spectrum is undoubtedly claimed on one end by the Panda Bear whose famously incompetent disposition almost led to its…
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