They left me three wings. Three. 3.

Girlfriend Cooks 100 Wings for Significant Other's Friend Group. They Leave Only 3 for Her.

This woman cooked a feast of wings for her boyfriend's friend group, left the room for just 15 minutes to hop on a call, and returned to find only 3 wings left for her.
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Don't intimidate your roommates | I (33M) currently live with three roommates (B, S, T). B decided two months ago that she was unhappy and going to move out after 7 months of no complaints. T

Terrible Roommate Tries to Bully Roommates, Shocked When They Move Out

Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions?.. That's exactly what this abhorrent roommate must have been thinking when her roommates announced they were moving out after she decided to make their lives a living hell. The terrible roommate had decided that she was “unhappy” and was going to move out prior to her discovery that she was getting a steal of a deal for her BigMac supersized room. So, instead of moving out and putting herself in an inferior position… somewhere in that twiste…
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Snarky Memes About Billionaires That Only The Working Class Understands

Snarky Memes About Billionaires That Only The Working Class Understands

1% of you don't get it
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"At this point, Jane was mid-way to her desk when Sandy informed her that there was no need to go any further and that she had accepted Jane's notification..."

Employee Tries to Bluff and 'Fakes' Their Two-Week Notice, Shocked When Employer Immediately Accepts

It's commonly said that you should “Always get something in writing” so that you can prove that something was said or an agreement was made. This generally is poor advice when you're doing something like feinting retirement or resignation in order to strong arm your employer into doing something you'd like them to do. Unless you really mean it, it's just really not a good idea… because by putting it in writing you're literally giving them written notice, and, if they're eager to be rid of you a…
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"dumb employee is dumb"

Office Supply Store Employee Given Horrible Review, Gets Revenge on Evil Manager

Some managers are just asking to be treated this way.
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landlord malicious compliance revenge bad-landlord petty revenge - 1671175

'He threatened legal action': Landlord coerces tenant into showing their apartment, so they give overly honest tours

This landlord threatened legal action against their tenant if the tenant refused to let them show the apartment while they were still living there. The tenant did not want the grief of going through a legal process with their terrible landlord, so they caved under pressure and allowed the apartment viewings to occur.
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Woman expects coworker to give her free PTO days, lashes out when rejected.

Woman Expects Coworker To Give Her Free PTO Days, Lashes Out When Rejected

Just a tad bit unreasonable.
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ranchers farm-medicine viral video rural-hospital farmers farms rural-medicine blue collar funny comedian tiktok - 17943557

‘I’m here, ain’t I?’: Farmers can’t believe how spot-on a doctor on TikTok is with his spoof about rural medicine

"A farmer coming in voluntarily by himself is legit serious stuff."
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End of the Work Week Memes and Tweets For People at the End of their Wits

End of the Work Week Memes and Tweets For People at the End of their Wits

There's nothing like using Spongebob and dog memes to describe your mental health by the week's end.
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AITA for blatantly pretending my roommate doesn't exist because of her "robbing prank?"

Woman Gets Robbed By Her Roommate As a "Lesson" For Not Locking the Door

Not locking the door is definitely a problem, but robbing your roommate as a "prank" in order to teach her a lesson is definitely not the solution.
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"I got a $0.25 raise this year, which absolutely is not keeping pace with inflation. [T]hen I get to walk into work and see the owner's new toy."

'I got a $0.25 raise this year': Business owner lambasted online for egregious flaunting of their wealth

A business owner is getting roasted in this viral Reddit thread after one of their employees shared a photo of their “new toy” on Reddit's popular r/antiwork subreddit.
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ProRevenge story | "We would get a letter every now and then about how the bushes had to be torn out and replaced with [an] 'approved' shrubbery. After the second letter, they sent us a notice that we were being fined." | "We are the Karens who say... Ni"

HOA (and Knight of 'Ni') Karen Demands Exasperated Homeowner Fetch a Different Shrubbery, Costs HOA 'Potentially Millions'

What's next? Cutting down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring? This HOA Karen, who also apparently happens to be a member of the ‘Knights Who Say “Ni”', demanded that this homeowner fetch her another shrubbery… and place it beside the other shrubbery , only slightly higher so that you get a two-level effect, and with a little path running down the middle. Apparently, there was something wrong with the type of bush that was planted on the homeowner's property. No, it wasn't too big o…
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This has happened to me 3 times in a row now. I show up early for an interview and they just waste my time acting like I don't exist.

'No one showed up': Interview candidate ghosted for the third time in a row

It's one thing to get ghosted in the dating scene, it's quite another when it's a potential employer.
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r/ProRevenge | Company fs over long-term employees and my boss's act of revenge helps me start a freelance media company for pennies on the dollar | For legal reasons, I can't disclose the exact location.

Manager Sells $400k of Electronics to Employees at 90% Off in Order to Get Revenge on Shady CEO's Plot

A nefarious plot by the CEO to lay off all workers at a chain electronic store triggered a rebellion by the store's manager that would send the corporate entity reeling. Is this a plot line written by George RR Martin? Or a modern retelling of Robin Hood? You be the judge! It's no secret that CEOs and others in similar positions of unchecked power often use said power to line their coffers and fill the wallets of their closest friends and allies. It's not above them to make closed-door deals th…
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rancher rootin-tootin texans howdy Memes lol Wild Wild West farmers cowboy hat yeehaw cowboy cowgirl partner texas yee-to-my-haw farm animals funny yee haw - 17938437

The Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (Sept. 15, 2022)

Things are getting pretty yee-haw out here!
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'Welcome to the new corporate America': Breaking down what flexible hours and unlimited vacation actually means

'Welcome to the new corporate America': Breaking down what flexible hours and unlimited vacation actually mean

Welcome to the ~new~ corporate America, where we try to encourage young people to embrace the 40-hour work week with promises that are too good to be true.
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