Funniest Work Memes And Tweets to Celebrate That It's Finally Friday

Funniest Work Memes and Tweets to Celebrate That It's Finally Friday

Whether it's constantly following up on emails, making corny jokes to your boss to get in his or her good graces, or just dealing with the mess that is interviewing, it takes way too much effort to stomach office culture throughout the work week.
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MaliciousCompliance | Don't Like it Leave | "The first thing she does is pull out a different set of numbers than we were originally given and agreed to.  All of a sudden there is a dealership fee for selling us a car at this time of year...  Nearly 1k for this nonsense."

'I laughed at her': Used car dealership tries to use shady practices and implement fees, surprised when client walks out

A used car dealership thought that they had out-of-state buyers trapped and used the opportunity to try and renege on terms and instate higher fees; they were shocked when the buyers got up and walked away from the deal. This couple had been searching for a used car after losing their previous one in an accident. They finally found one they wanted at a dealership 90 minutes away from their house. They took extra time and care to ensure they had the time to make this journey. Everything on their…
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Male Karen throws tantrum for having to show his ID

Male Karen Refuses to Show ID and Makes a Scene at Target

At this point, we need to come up with a definitive male Karen name! They're spreading like a pandemic.
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PettyRevenge | Reddit | You want to steal my desert? How about a mouth full of ink to go with it?

Manager Turned Food-Thief Gets His Just Desserts When Stolen Snack Holds Inky Surprise

This snack didn't smile back when it was stolen from a worker's lunch. Instead, it unloosed its hidden fury in the form of an inky surprise. The trap was set by frustrated workers who were tired of losing their sweet treats out of their lunch to an unknown snack-stealing menace. The workers banded together and loaded up a whole lot of Hostess Ding-Dongs with an edible, but definitely not invisible, ink. The culprit turned out to be none other than the plant manager who got a great taste of his…
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shoprite New-Jerseyites jersey shore The-Real-Housewives-of-New-Jersey snooki Parking-lot-brawl New-Jerseyans lol NY Giants lmao funny New Jersey - 1694983

'The most New Jersey thing I have ever seen in my entire life': A NY Giants bumper sticker deescalates a heated argument between two New Jerseyans

“People who aren’t from jersey don’t realize that that was the nicest interaction two ppl from Jersey could ever have.”
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rancher rootin-tootin howdy Memes lol cowboy boots Wild Wild West farmers cowboy hat yeehaw cowboy cowgirl partner texas horses yee-to-my-haw farm animals funny the-rodeo yee haw - 18002949

The Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (Sept. 22, 2022)

Don't claim you know yee, if you don't know haw!
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Broke Memes for People Who Are Slightly Delusional About What They Can Afford

Broke Memes for People Who Are Slightly Delusional About What They Can Afford

Broke people are funnier
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food memes cursed food cursed images meme food funny - 17983237

20+ Incredibly Cursed Foods That Should Be Banned From Existance

There are some creations that people out there thought were brilliant when they came up with them that really shouldn't have come into existence at all. In fact, we should ban these people from even further participating in society. Items that make this list include the “peeing Calvin sticker" and “tow-hitch testicles,” both of which are worshipped and frequently used by a certain particular demographic. Other things that I'd put on this list include subscription services for things that should…
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AITA for giving my son's ex a "reality check?"

Girlfriend Gets Dumped, Goes to Ex's Mom for Support and Leaves Crying

This is just another classic story of boy meets girl, boy and girl break up, girl cries about it to boy's mother!
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"When my grandfather passed away, my boss asked for a funeral note. Wtf is a funeral note?"

Employee Asks for Day Off for Grandfather's Funeral, Boss Makes Him Provide a "Funeral Note"

This employee was forced to provide a funeral note after requesting a day off to attend his grandfather's funeral service.
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Why did you schedule this call on my off hours? | Been reading other stories of virtual meeting shenanigans

'My manager insists I turn my camera and mic on': Manager late for web meeting on employee's day off, witnesses literal inferno via Zoom

This volunteer firefighter was threatened to be fired while attending a fire on their day off.
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"No value in your work"

Employee Fired and Told His Work Is Worthless, Gets Better Job at the Competing Firm

These managers had no clue their former employee added so much value to the company. In fact, they told the employee his work was worthless. They learned the truth the hard way.
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Funniest Vaping Memes for People Who Rip the Fattest Clouds

Sickest Vaping Memes for People Who Rip the Fattest Clouds

Represent the Vape Nation
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Right, everyone. I need to be serious for a moment. Because the gretest thing that ever happened is happening right now. I don't particularly care either way about the queen but the queue? the queue is a triumph of Britishness.

Twitter Thread: 'The Queue', the Pinnacle of British Society, a Memorial

We'd like to take this chance to remember and memorialize ‘The Queue’ an inordinately long endless stretch of outstandingly ordered persons that demonstratively indicates we have likely reached the penultimate peak of British society. No this isn't about the memorial for the queen herself but rather a memorial to memorialize the sensation that has now passed in the form of “The Queue” as it remains in our hearts and minds. "The Queue" as it has been dubbed both on the internet and in the wider…
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These are the funniest trending relatable tweets about adulting this week

Top Trending Relatable Adulting Tweets This Week (September 21, 2022)

Being an adult is all about finding relatable tweets about being an adult!
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pettyrevenge | "The owner shows up to see how we’re doing while we have the dog on the porch. We make some small talk, and he mentions that we didn’t indicate we were bringing a dog."

'We didn’t indicate we were bringing a dog': Entitled Airbnb guest brings dog without telling host, is surprised when host leaves them a negative review

Almost universally, we have a tendency to trust the narrative of the narrator when it comes to stories we see online. We seldom stop to pause and take a look at the other perspectives that the context offers us: When you're reading a story your favorite influencer or personality is telling about some aggressive Karen they met at a festival, do you ever stop to think, "Why did that complete stranger take offense to them?" Sure there are some wildly unhinged persons in this world who have the ten…
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