Here are some random and relatable Tweets for your middle of the week breakdown

Random and Relatable Tweets For Your Middle of the Week Breakdown

There's nothing like having an existential crisis in the middle of the week and needing some relatable content to get you through.
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AITA for giving my son's dog to his ex-wife?

Cheating Husband Moves Back Home, Mom Gives His Dog Back to His Ex-Wife

She's taking the dog, dumba$$!
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Karen reviewing a skatepark in London | housing and residential area. Enjoy the park. Pick up that board. Yes children playing here, less of the middle aged blokes with no shirts.

'Less of the middle aged blokes with no shirts': Karen bizarrely reviews a skatepark in London

Don't feel bad if you get confused while you're reading this, we're confused too, and we're pretty sure that Angela was also confused while she was writing this. Nevertheless, Angela was determined to have her voice heard when she posted this review for a London skatepark. The review then made its way to Reddit's aggressively named r/ F**YouKaren subreddit when a screenshot of the review was posted by Reddit user u/PEDR069. As you muddle your way through the piece a couple of times you kind of…
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AITA for losing it on my husband for lying about an emergency to get me to leave my brother's wedding early?

Man-Child Fakes Emergency So His Wife Will Leave Her Brother's Wedding and Come Home

It's crazy what people will do for attention.
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"Yesterday Mary texted me that her dad is flying out for graduation and she is looking for hotels but they’re too expensive so he needs to stay in my bedroom. I was very confused and taken aback by this request because it seemed completely strange and inappropriate." |  AITA if I don’t let my roommates dad sleep in my bed?

'She said that we need to leave': Roommate insists that her father will be staying in female roommate's bed, internet disagrees

Living with people, whether strangers or friends, is a gallimaufry of strange and weird experiences. Everyone's a little odd in their own way, and our strange habits have a way of manifesting themselves in the worst way possible when in a joint living situation. (Good thing that, even in 2018, one in three adults lived with an adult roommate.) All things considered, a little bit of strange is a best-case scenario… As there is no end to the horrible ordeals that a terrible roommate can inflict u…
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my coworker showed me this email from her old employer and I asked her permission to post it.

Baker Discovers Her Boyfriend of 4+ Years Was Cheating, Bosses Don't Want Her Sadness Going Into the Cakes

We don't want customers to ingest sadness now, do we?
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Lady says I look like a sl*t and my supervisor said... | "She just stops and gives me this once-over look and stares at me very intently. She stares at my face and says to me "Seriously? You work in a museum and you come here looking like a sl*t?" |

'Her face went completely white': Supervisor intervenes when Karen uses slur on employee, has her removed

Ahh, the joys of customer service and retail. A wondrous world where strangers will use you as a punching bag for their emotions at the slightest inconvenience and where going above and beyond will seldom earn you a word of thanks.
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the-buffalo-bills espn nfl coworkers lol employee-prank workplace football office humor lmao funny the-bills - 1703431

Woman Surprises Her Male Coworkers With Her NFL Knowledge, Is Just Secretly Reading an ESPN Article Word-for-Word

Reading truly is knowledge…
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Top Trending Memes and Tweets That Are So Dark And So Real

Top Trending Memes and Tweets That Are So Dark And So Real

Sometimes nothing can capture the truth quite like a meme.
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askreddit | What’s a trade secret you know from working the industry? | If you call a call center of any kind, and the person you're talking to puts you on hold with no hold music, they can hear everything you're saying.

20+ Insiders spill the beans on the secrets of their industry

There's nothing more mind-bending than discovering how intricate the inter-workings are of every little thing around us. We spend so much time focusing on our own careers and lives that we couldn't possibly take in and process everything that is going on. It's a bit of a terrifying realization; we miss and don't observe infinitely more than we actually do. Our understanding of this world that's happening all around us is incredibly limited by the scope of our perspective and learned experiences…
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I'm a new mom, and this was my evening!

Major Parenting Fail: New Mom Was Not Prepared for Diaper Change Catastrophe

It's no secret that being a new mom is hard, but this woman had a wild night.
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"AITA for asking a bakery if the pastries they were selling me were made that day? I went to a bakery when they opened (7 AM) asking about pastries; she told me that* the ones I wanted were not ready yet."

'She was extremely offended.' Rude dude demands fresh pastries despite already being told they were fresh

The unspoken meaning of words can say more than the words themselves. For this reason, it's always best to guard one's words carefully to ensure that you don't accidentally give the wrong impression or make the wrong implication. That's what this guy failed to consider when he basically accused a bakery owner of lying to him when he insisted on receiving only fresh pastries. He had already been into the bakery earlier in the day and been told that the pastry he was after was not ready yet. When…
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Nuked an interview because "no one wants to work anymore."

'Set the interview on fire and somehow got offered the job still': Guy calls out interviewer for lying on the job posting

This guy gave his potential employer the middle finger after he fed him the tired "Nobody wants to work anymore" line.
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"At this point, the man loudly scoffs and smirks at me while reaching for his wallet.  He asks, 'This mean anything to you?' while flashing me his badge.  [Did] this guy really just try to extort me for a beer for his underage daughter??  'No, that doesn’t mean anything to me,' I replied.  'Really? Nothing? Pull down that mask and let me see your face.'

'This mean anything to you?': Cop tries to flash his badge and use intimidation to get drinks for underaged daughter

The problem with misusing your authority and making a scene is that it makes all those you are associated with look bad — this includes any organizations or groups who you might be affiliated with. This is why it's so important to conduct oneself in a manner that suits your station -whether you're on duty or off. Just take this off-duty hotel manager who was fired for being rude to the staff of another hotel as a prime example. This server took to Reddit's r/talesfromyourserver community to sha…
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Funniest Memes for People Struggling to Keep Their Cool at Work

Funniest Memes for People Struggling to Keep Their Cool at Work

Per my last email...
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amazon reviews reviews karens funny reviews 1-star-review entitled karen entitled people - 1695751

Karen Can't Spell, Writes Wild 1-Star Amazon Review For Birthday Balloons

The internet is a wonderful creation that has opened all kinds of doors and avenues for the advancement of the human race. It allows us to collaborate, push new ideas, and make our voices heard in a way that was never before possible.
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