How I got my landlord arrested for auto theft I used to live in a rental townhome. The place was great. It was run by a big company but they paid an onsite super to run the office,

'They did it on purpose': Guy has landlord arrested after they maliciously tow his vehicle

Landlords are— well… lords . Their power over their tenant is totalitarian — they set the rate a tenant has to pay to access housing and, on a whim, can send the tenant scrambling for a new place.
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Work memes | When someone at work sees you come out of the bathroom 30 min after you went in

20 Work memes for those just trying to make it through the week (November 2, 2022)

However this list finds you, we can only hope that you're on the downward slope to your weekend —because at least that will mean that, however things are, life is looking up for you. Let's face it— facing a fresh working week is daunting and sometimes requires more mental fortitude than a weekend warrior (still battling a waning hangover) can muster. Peeling yourself from your sheets as your alarm blares might just be more challenging than anything else you're going to face this week —especiall…
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Funniest Relatable Memes For The Broke People Who Know That Money Does In Fact Buy Happiness (October 31, 2022)

Funniest Relatable Memes For The Broke People Who Know That Money Does In Fact Buy Happiness (November 2, 2022)

Tired of working a lot for very little reward
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Funniest Memes That Are Only Relatable If You're The Absolute Worst Kind of Person

Funniest Memes That Are Only Relatable If You're The Absolute Worst Kind of Person

Douchebags unite!
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Top Trending Memes and Fails For People Who Need To Get Their Act Together

Top Trending Memes and Fails For People Who Need To Get Their Act Together

For those of you who need a wake-up call...
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This company’s response to workers calling in sick.

'Calling in sick is probably the most destructive thing you can do here': Evil Karen boss cracks down on company's sick day policy

I smell a lawsuit coming...
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worker antiwork toxic-workplace manager managers workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 1788679

'Have yet to receive my first check': Workplace refuses to pay worker because their address was incorrect

There's no way this is legal.
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Manager mistook me for an employee

Retail Manager Accosts Off-Duty Security Guard and Demands He Get Back to Work

There really are very few jobs that are as soul-draining, and where you are treated as poorly, as retail. Even if that list is short, one job that might just manage to qualify is that of a retail security guard. It's even more thankless, and more looked down upon than retail itself; sure, you don't have to complete the same repetitive tasks as the retail workers do, but that repetitiveness is usually replaced with nothing. Nothing, that is, except the increased abuse from both clientele and ret…
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"If my work is that bad then it would be better for everyone if I quit"

'He's been telling me all year that I [...] wasn't good enough for my role': Employee quits for better job after boss threatened him all year

Here's a rare satisfying story about a horrible boss getting what he deserved!
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'We already switched seats" After a while the couple said "Oh you have the middle seat", i was confused because the wife was sitting at the aisle. And i said that was not the agreement and i want my seat back.

Entitled Couple Tricks Guy Into Trading for Worse Plane Seat, He Ends up With a Better Seat

If you needed proof that karma can act in instantaneous ways— this is it. There's nothing worse on this earth than someone who is willing to nefariously take advantage of other people's inclination toward goodwill in order to further themselves. These grifters have no conscience, stop at nothing, and are a parasite to society. Luckily, they also sometimes also are served the just desserts that their actions have wrought. When this traveler happened across a couple on his flight, they kindly req…
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Epic Collection Of The Worst Dating App Fail Memes We Saw This Week (October 31, 2022)

Epic Collection Of The Worst Dating App Fail Memes We Saw This Week (November 1, 2022)

Swipe left, swipe right, oops a bot, oh - a match! Actually... never mind.
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AITA for not clapping when my sister sang in her voice class?

'Everyone clapped for her, except for me': Older sister humiliates younger sibling in front of entire singing class

This story makes an argument for why siblings should never take a class together.
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October Roundup: The Best Halloween Memes, Tweets, and Fails for Millennial Employees

October Roundup: The Funniest Halloween Memes, Tweets, and Fails for Millennial Employees

Now that October is finally at its end, here were the best corporate Halloween moments on the Internet!
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No OT but you won’t swap me to day shift? Ok, boss.

Employee's Horrible Boss Denies Request to Switch Shift, Gets Revenge By Working OT Against Company Policy

This supervisor got a rude awakening
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Cut in front of me in the dinner queue? I hope you like ants... u/horatio_winklebottom 1 day ago A few years ago while travelling in India, I decided to try a ten day silent meditation retreat.

Monk Exacts Ant-Fueled Revenge on Queue Jumper

You can feel the zen of this meditation retreat washing over you. Let's face it: no one likes a queue jumper, and watching someone blatantly flaunt breaking this most rudimentary cornerstone of society is enough to boil the blood of even the calmest among us. There's just no excuse for such blatantly antisocial behavior, and you're pretty much going to deserve whatever is coming to you. It's like those entitled persons who, rather than waiting in the correct lane in rush hour traffic instead, d…
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Falsely accused of working with crime syndicate because I delivered them a pizza

Police Accuse Delivery Driver of Working For Crime Syndicate Because He Delivered Them a Pizza

Working as a delivery driver can be a hell of an experience. Consistently driving around and interacting with people on the threshold of their homes exposes you to a lot of experiences you'd probably rather not have witnessed; there's a reason why there's no shortage of crazy stories from delivery drivers floating around the wider web. People are strange, that's just a fact, and the more of them you interact with in a day, the more likely you are to encounter someone in uncomfortably close prox…
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