What are subtle red flags at a job interview that say "working here would suck"?

'You'll be wearing many hats': 20+ Job Interview Red Flags You Might Be Missing

A job interview is a two-way street; as much as the company is seeing if they want to work with you, you're also deciding if you want to work for them. Unfortunately, there's a lot of smoke and mirrors involved with the traditional interview process. It's a performative experience in which both parties are attempting to seem desirable, neutral, and natural — revealing just enough without giving too much away. Most of us, who have been working for an appropriate length of time, have come across…
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Entitled Woman tried to steal my tip jar because I’m “Satan’s Wh***.”

Entitled Karen doesn't like her Tarot card reading, so she steals the tip jar and runs away

Karen clearly forgot what the Bible says about stealing...
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They Refused Me an Office, I Complied, They Regretted It

'I distinctly heard the yelling': Stubborn department heads conspire against new hire having an office, get chewed out

It happens all too often in your life that you run into stupid obstacles created by obstinate individuals who, for some reason or another have managed to lodge themselves in a position of power. Maybe they just don't like you, maybe they don't like what you do, maybe they just don't like the color of your tie, or — maybe they're just drooling at a chance to exercise what little control they have over their stupid lives. Whatever the reason, these “leaders” make it their mission to act as an
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AITA For asking my roommate to cover up?

'AITA For asking my roommate to cover up?': Terrible roommate and boyfriend tell woman how to dress in her own home, call her a "tramp"

The beauty of living in your own space is that you can do whatever the hell you want. Well, within legal, ethical, and various social confines, that is. But, there is another obstacle that often presents itself to one's enjoyment in one's own living space: Roommates. The flatting/rooming life is a grab-bag of all kinds of terrible experiences. One is guaranteed to be exposed to all kinds of people from all walks of life and experience, and while that's a beautiful thing, you sure do run into a…
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Entitled Karens With More Audacity in Their Freshly Painted Fingernails Than the Average Human Possesses in a Lifetime

Entitled Karens With More Audacity in Their Freshly Painted Fingernails Than the Average Human Possesses in a Lifetime

Sometimes, I wish I could have the audacity of an entitled Karen.
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AITA for refusing to take down a video of my kids father dancing at my brother's wedding?

'He demanded that I take it down but I declined': Guy demands ex-wife take down embarrassing video of him at a wedding

We're conflicted about this one...
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Lady Screamed at Me For Not Cutting Her Fabric.. I Don’t Work at Jo Ann’s

Old lady accosts woman at fabric store and demands she cut her fabric... She doesn't work there

Accidentally approaching a stranger in a store, assuming that they work there — we've all done it — but it's how you handle those next embarrassing seconds that define your true character. Sure, most of us are most likely to blush and mumble some apology under our breath as we carefully back away and retreat to die in a hole somewhere; the bolder among us are going to be more like to laugh at ourselves for our mistakenness. But, there's a third group of people out there: Those who are so stubbo…
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Funniest Fatherly Memes for Dads, by Dads, and of Dads That'll Make You Buy a New Pair of New Balance Sneakers

Funniest Fatherly Memes for Dads, by Dads, and of Dads That'll Make You Buy a New Pair of New Balance Sneakers

Daddy issues
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A collection of Gollum memes from Lord of the Rings

20 Gollum memes for those who want the precious

Say what you like about good ol' Sméagol: at least the guy's got dedication and staying power —that's certainly more than a lot us can say. You'd have to imagine that, if he was able to accurately portray these qualities on his CV, he'd do quite well in a job interview process. I, for one, would hate to come up against him in that final selection process. Sure, there's that whole “murdered his cousin in cold blood” thing, but, if recent trends are anything to go off of, that would just mean tha…
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AITA for punishing my daughter for making us all worried?

'16 years ago [...] I slept with another woman which resulted in another child': Cheating husband punishes daughter for acting out after she felt excluded

This guy refuses to take any responsibility for his actions.
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You want 70, um ok, 1,2,3,..... | My sister buys these fish to feed to my BIL's pet fish. She goes into the pet store and says she would like 70 of the little guys. So, the net goes in and right into the bag. Well my sister looks and goes, "that's not 70".

Woman unhappy with uncounted fish, demands employee count them out, gets less fish

1 Fish 2 Fish "Less fish for you" Fish
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scam company gets laughed in their face during an interview

'What kind of BS company is this?': Company charges employees $50 bi-weekly to work from home, man hilariously goes off during group interview

“Any questions this far?” * Bursts into hysterical laughter *
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kentucky, man, hollywood, extra, tv, tv show, csi, csi vegas, crime scene investigation, true crime, acting, actor, dream, extra, dreams come true, faith in humanity, tiktok, viral

Relentless Kentucky Man Plays D3ad on Camera, Begging to be Cast as an Extra on TV, Within a Year He is Finally Hired for CSI

Honestly, this is an excellent portfolio of un-alive body experience.
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funniest country memes for cowboys and cowgirls, farmers and ranchers, blue collar workers

Most Rootinest Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls Out There (November 4, 2022)

A very pleasant yee-haw to my rootin' tootin' meme lords.
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pickup lines dating fails funny tinder tinder dating apps online dating Reddit dating - 18340613

This week's boldest pickup lines: the wins, the fails, & the straight up confusing (November 4, 2022)

Watching other people's pickup lines will never stop being entertaining
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This Guy Ranked Common Work From Home Experiences From Awkward Small Talk on Zoom to 'Rage Applying' on LinkedIn

This Guy Ranked Common Work-From-Home Experiences From Awkward Small Talk on Zoom to 'Rage Applying' on LinkedIn

If this isn't an accurate account of remote work, I don't know what is.
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