Karen blames restaurant after she burns her own pie, gets roasted in the comments

'How many DAYS did you cook it for?': Karen blames restaurant after she burns her own pie, gets roasted in the comments

One of those moments when you have no one to blame but yourself... but decide to blame someone else anyways… Most people have the ability to admit that they made a mistake and own up to their own failings. Mind you, it's not something that's easy to do; the ol' ego has a particular aversion to acknowledging any wrongdoing or fault. Most of us can push past the ego gremlin and own our mistakes, but there are certain entitled and narcissistic people on this planet who, if you asked them, would te…
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20+ Embarrassing Family & Wedding Photo Fails

20+ Embarrassing Family & Wedding Photo Fails

They say a picture's worth a thousand words.
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'The design is very human': 20 truly unique inventions that could only exist in a parallel universe r/UnnecessaryInventions

'The design is very human': 20 truly unique inventions that could only exist in a parallel universe

What's your favorite invention ever? It's a great question that will give you a lot of insight into someone's worldview. My personal favorite is air conditioning, although other people cite inventions like, you know, sensible things like the wheel or the toothbrush or the internet as the best inventions ever. However, we're all wrong, because the best inventions are still being created today! The folks in this meme list have created some truly special products here, like a vest that can carry d…
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funniest memes for ranchers, farmers, cowboys, and cowgirls

Most Rootinest and Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes of the Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (November 24, 2022)

A cowboy be rootin' and they be tootin', but most of all, they be ~kind~.
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AITA for asking my fiancé to wear a different dress to a work event?

'I see her putting on the tight, less nice dress': Couple gets into argument over dress code for a work event

Now, all dress codes are dumb, but this guy may have actually been in the right.
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'No wonder you're single': 15 savage Tinder Fails that prove chivalry is dead

'No wonder you're single': 15 savage Tinder Fails that prove chivalry is gone

They say chivalry is gone. They may be right.
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turkey, turkey day, turkey fails, thanksgiving, thanksgiving day, thanksgiving fails, fails, lol, family, cooking, chef, deep fried turkey, burn, fire, flame, worst, terrible, vegan, turkey drop

Absolutely Tragic Turkey Fails That Are So Terrible That They'll Make You Go Vegan on Thanksgiving (November 23, 2022)

There's no recovering from any of these
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This is how my husband’s GM speaks to him and the other managers..

'The incompetence MUST STOP!': GM writes insane email to management team

It is simply HARD to believe that people would think THAT COMMUNICATING like this to their staff is in the SLIGHTEST bit effective or acceptable!
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Is this a cat or a dog? 'Schrodinger's pet:' Internet divided over mysterious animal-shaped Christmas ornament

'Schrodinger's pet:' Internet divided over mysterious animal-shaped Christmas ornament

Every so often, something mildly controversial will blow up the entire internet for a few days.
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Bossy Co-worker Screws Himself Out of a Promotion, Woman Gets Revenge Without Even Trying

Bossy Co-worker Screws Himself Out of a Promotion, Woman Gets Revenge Without Even Trying

What goes around comes back around after all. Sometimes sooner than later.
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'Don't ruin it like everything else in your life': 20+ relatable moments for the self-deprecating

'Don't ruin it like everything else in your life': 20+ relatable fails for self-deprecating "adults"

It's hard being a horrible adult
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Funniest Braindead Memes for People Who Feel a Little Dumb Sometimes

Funniest Braindead Memes for People Who Feel a Little Dumb Sometimes

Those two braincells are working overtime right now
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'Is this written for a fish?': Guy bakes weird 93-year-old water pie recipe

'Is this written for a fish?': Guy bakes weird 93-year-old water pie recipe

This Thanksgiving, one creator has the perfect recipe for people who are cooking on a budget. Video creator B. Dylan Hollis has a specialty of baking very old recipes, specifically ones from the Great Depression era.
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AITA for telling my niece her mother never wanted children?

Horrible Aunt Babysits 9-Year-Old Niece, Tells Her That Her Mom Never Wanted Kids

When it comes to babysitting, this is about as bad as it gets.
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boyfriend askreddit relationships girlfriend exes breakup reddit thread Reddit dumped couple - 18503941

'Her mood ring changed colors': 20+ people share the worst reasons why they were dumped

Sure, people have their reasons, but some of these reasons are straight-up dumb!
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It is a really bad idea to make a government employee angry | Both of the police units showed up and I let them know what was going on. They were both appropriately agitated to have to waste their time and let not nice guy know that I was within in my authority to proceed with the investigation.

'He stated berating me': Jerk neighbor breaks code, gets served bureaucratic justice by disgruntled government employee

There's an old saying that's continually relevant to customer service: The squeaky wheel gets the grease; it's true, more often than not, following up consistently with a service provider (and being generally bothersome) will net you a faster result than those who wait silently. Most people choose to do this by obnoxiously demanding service but obnoxious or not, it's always important to be polite. Being polite, maybe firm, when necessary, will always net you a better result than being a bellend…
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