‘I’m Not Antisocial, I Just Don't Like You’ : Funniest Coworker Memes of the Week

‘I’m Not Antisocial, I Just Don't Like You’ : Funniest Coworker Memes of the Week

Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
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Family member wants everyone to buy a $30 chair to have a seat at Thanksgiving

'This is a mandatory family contribution!': Demanding family member tells guests to buy their own expensive Thanksgiving chair AND cover food costs

Would you attend this controversial family Thanksgiving meal?
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Wife Backs Out of Family Christmas Dinner After Deluded MIL Rejected Her ‘Dessert Sample’, Idiotic Husband Calls Wife Unreasonable

Wife Backs Out of Family Christmas Dinner After Deluded MIL Rejected Her ‘Dessert Sample’, Idiotic Husband Calls Wife Unreasonable

Some people have wacky family traditions...
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We all show up to the meeting with our lunch boxes and proceed to casually eat lunch at the corporate meeting. All 60 of us from our department. The ceo stops his spiel after a few minutes

'[Our] boss tries to deny having said that': Boss insists meeting is a lunch break, so workers eat their lunch and almost get the boss fired

A stupid directive necessitates an even stupider response — that's why these employees decided to eat their lunch in the middle of their CEO's annual update when their boss told them the meeting was going to count as their lunch for the day. The boss would soon learn to regret their bold words when their entire team threw them right under the bus as soon as the CEO started asking questions about the buffet that was taking place before their very eyes. When put to sharp questioning, the boss dec…
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AITA for taking back control of Thanksgiving meal planning and cooking from my husband?

'It's just bad holiday hosting': Husband says he can handle all the Thanksgiving dinner prep this year, it's not working out

Something tells me this family is going to be ordering takeout this Thursday...
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I would quit on the spot.

'If it does not stink, employee's name will be reported': Company institutes a smell check policy because of long bathroom breaks

Smell this, boss!
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How I got a car dealership to give my friend a "newer" car

Idiot friend buys car at outrageous price from scummy dealer, guy gets him a free new car when he realizes dealer committed fraud

The stereotype of the sleazy salesman is one that holds very true to reality. There are far too many people in the trade who will do anything it takes to close a sale and there are also far too many industries breeding these manipulators. Part of it is the fault of commission-based work: When you work with no guarantee of consistent pay, you're likely to turn to drastic methods to put food on the table. You usually then realize that there's no ceiling to your income as long as you can close an…
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30+ Cars that failed so hard there's no way they're street legal

30+ Cars that failed so hard there's no way they're street legal

Car people LOVE their cars - and some of them will do anything to stand out and improve their ride even in the smallest ways. Some people take care of their cars by making visits to the car wash, or opting for leather seats or a red coat of paint. But then other people are way more creative. After all, not every ride has hundreds of little Hot Wheels cars glued on to it! And if you're not jealous of the driver who installed a comfy brown couch in the front row, you just haven't viewed his cushy…
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Office Memes for the 3 Day Work Week

'Can I go home now?': Office Memes for the 3 Day Work Week

It's a scientific fact that 3 day work weeks feel like 13 days long.
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dog walker accidentally kidnaps dog, gets hired full time to walk the dog

'Whose dog am I walking, bro?!': Dog walker accidentally kidnaps a stranger's dog from their apartment, walks him, and returns him, gets full-time client out of it

“The dog's like: ‘BEST DAY EVER!’”
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Fired after 7 years | Worker fired after attempting to give their two week's notice, former employer then reaches out to them again

Update: 'This morning I woke up to several texts': Company fires worker for giving two week's notice, then has the nerve to contact them asking for help

The act of giving notice is one of mutual trust — especially when the worker isn't protected by an agreement or local law. The worker is showing their employer a sign of goodwill by allowing them the time to prepare other workers, maintain continuity, and execute a proper handover. The problem with giving notice is it's also like a breakup — “It's not you, it's me. I've just… Found someone else.” — and all too often, emotionally-stunted owners and middle managers take it exactly as such. This l…
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30 Thanksgiving food fails from people who definitely won't be allowed to host holidays ever again

30 Thanksgiving food fails from people who definitely won't be allowed to host holidays ever again

Every Thanksgiving, American families gather together to celebrate with food and fun activities. In some families, one person or family does all the cooking, while in others, each person brings a dish. Some people took to the internet to share their turkeys and side dishes on r/StupidFood - and some of them are pretty off the wall! Whether it's a mushy turkey slop or a sushi roll formed out of cranberry sauce and stuffing, these people opted for the weird and wacky this Thanksgiving. Keep scrol…
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15+ Best Weekly Dating Fails for Those Who Are Convinced That the Algorithm Hates Them

15+ Best Weekly Dating Fails for Those Who Are Convinced That the Algorithm Hates Them

Ping pong.
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Park across 2 spaces so nobody parks next to you? Challenge accepted!

'HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET IN!': Entitled parkers try to take multiple parking spots and leave one tiny one, dude accepts their challenge

Sometimes a moment so perfect presents itself to us that it's impossible to resist temptation — even if it's something we know we shouldn't be doing. Bonus points here if doing said inadvisable act results in just desserts being served on deserving, entitled persons. That's the chance that presented itself to Redditor u/Jack932008 when they happened across a tiny empty parking space that we being encroached upon by the two adjacent entitled parkers, who were trying to keep their cars well away…
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Thanksgiving Fails to Prepare You For Turkey Day

Thanksgiving Fails to Prepare You For Turkey Day

Thanksgiving is on its way, which means so are Thanksgiving fails!
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Funniest Customer Service Memes for the Perpetually Tired Souls Who Are Handing In Their Two Week Notice

Funniest Customer Service Memes for the Perpetually Tired Souls Who Are Handing In Their Two Week Notice

The customer is in fact, not always right.
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