man getting robbed, ends up instead helping a father in need

'That was a desperate dad, willing to do a bad thing for his child': Man shares heartbreaking story of how he turned getting robbed into helping a father in need

Being approached by a stranger in a dark parking lot is already intimidating. You were just trying to mind your own business, and now you might be in a very scary and dangerous situation. However, sometimes these situations, when shed on by a different light, turn out to be okay. For instance, Bryan Minerly recently shared a story on his social media about how he somehow changed his fate from him getting robbed, to him helping a father in need.
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The saga of an entitled new neighbor who thinks she owns the entire apartment building

Update: Ultimate Karen wages pettiest war ever against confused neighbors

This neighbor is getting back at this Final Boss Karen in the best way she knows how: by posting her hilarious entitled antics to Reddit! The original OP, u/many_books_91, has been keeping the r/EntitledPeople subreddit updated with periodic stories. We've complied the entire saga below - and it's quite the long read, so grab a snack and cuddle up with a blanket! The OP has shared eight stories so far, and has recently updated once again. After you've digested these eight tales of Karen horror,…
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'Woke Up And Chose Lying' : Most Unbelievable Things That Happened, Literally

'Woke Up And Chose Lying' : Most Unbelievable Claims, Literally

Sure that happened.
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AITA for asking my sister to modify our vacation plans to accommodate my pregnant wife?

'It's really upsetting': Entitled couple gets all expenses paid trip to France for niece's graduation, wants it rescheduled so pregnant wife can ski, gets roasted and deletes their account

“Never look a gift horse in the mouth”… I'm certain there has never been a more appropriate time to use this expression. In this case, this entitled a-hole and his wife killed and dissected the entire damn horse and are now complaining that it's not winning any races.
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30+ People who would be helplessly lost without the internet and technology

30+ People who would be helplessly lost without the internet and technology

The internet grows so rapidly that sometimes we take for granted how recently it was that its' tendrils just didn't reach some people. People just used to not be online. And maybe some still are, “Castaway” style, avoiding the screens that seem inevitable. These days, it's all but impossible not to be on the inter webs. Most people in the 2020s have some kind of social media, even if it's just a Facebook account. However, the internet is slowly seeping into every aspect of life, like with new f…
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A designer bag... Really

'Must be Jimmy Choo or Louboutin ONLY': Entitled choosing beggar makes wish list while she waits for her first paycheck

The line between entitled Karens and satire is so thin these days.
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The 20+ Worst Gifts People Have Ever Received

The 20+ Worst Gifts People Have Ever Received

I guess these people were on the naughty list!
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'Nothing better than hour long soggy macaroni, it was like glue': 20+ Family members who majorly ruined meals with their terrible cooking habits

'Nothing better than hour long soggy macaroni, it was like glue': 20+ Family members who majorly ruined meals with their terrible cooking habits

There are few joys in life, like spending time with your family, but perhaps the exception is cooking with your family members. The kitchen can get way too crowded, even with just one extra person poking around. As one Redditor , u/RioA, posted on the r/Cooking subreddit, they were dealing with their mom rushing a chicken dish , and turning up the heat to get it to cook faster. Once you're done rolling your eyes at that line of logic, you'll see that the poster asked if anyone else could commis…
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Airbnb host leaves us a sh**** review for not cleaning before we left. We paid $3600 to stay for a week.

'I really just want to see the entire concept of AirBnbs in flames': Shady Airbnb host overcharges and leaves nasty review of guests

On the latest episode of Airbnb Horror Story...
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Am I being a dick? For context this is my scheduled day off every week and the ‘duty’ I’m on is spending the day with my baby son so the nanny and the grandparents are all busy because it’s my day to be a dad. Work also text my wife to have me check my phone because I didn’t respond fast enough.

'Guess I'll find a sitter': Manager passive aggressively tries to coerce worker into coming into work on their day off

The great part about being a manager of a retail location or restaurant is that you get paid a little bit more than the miserable wages of your subordinates. The not-so-great part about being a manager of a retail location or restaurant is that a little bit more still probably isn't a whole lot, and certainly isn't enough for all the bullshit you have to deal with.
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‘I Don’t Get Paid Enough to Care’ : Best Relatable Memes of the Week for the Broke Crowd

‘I Don’t Get Paid Enough to Care’ : Best Relatable Memes of the Week for the Broke Crowd

To that one coworker (you know who you are)... act your wage.
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A collecting of trending and viral screenshots of Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars

20+ Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted the World Handed to Them on a Silver Platter

Some people want everything for nothing, and you'd better not dare stand in the way of that ideal. These entitled people, Karens, and choosing beggars, wanted the world to be handed to them on a silver platter. Their shared ultimate superpower of narcissism is fueled by an undying sense of entitlement and a complete and utter lack of even a shred of self-awareness. Keep reading for this hearty helping of fresh trending entitled people; consider yourself lucky if you don't run into them in real…
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Bride Puts Wedding Photographer on Blast for Refusing to Deliver Wedding Photos

'She definitely made our day 'unforgettable' in the worst possible way': Photographer allegedly refuses to deliver wedding photos with 'lighting issues' to bride

One distraught bride has taken to social media to ask for help getting back photos from one of the most special days of her life — her wedding. As she shared in a social media post, this bride alleges that her photographer is simply not giving her the photos from the ceremony. While the bride mentions that she has about 100 photos from other portions of the wedding, the actual ceremony itself is missing. The photographer is quite beholden to her contract. Instead of trying to smooth things over…
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'I Have An Accurate Theory' : Best Philosophical Shower Thoughts For The Ponderer

'I Have An Accurate Theory' : Best Philosophical Shower Thoughts For The Ponderer

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my (17f) manager had me leave the new girl waiting tables on her own, so I took her at her word.

'A customer called in and complained': Lazy restaurant managers refuse to help teen workers with lunch rush, get customer complaints

Being appointed as a leader generally means that you should be doing at least a little bit of leading: sitting on your cell phone while your teenaged workers suffer the onslaught of a rush is not that. It's a sure sign that someone shouldn't have been appointed to the leadership position they are in and is instead a living, breathing example of the “Peter principle.” Other times the issue is worse still, and the person's appointment to their leadership role isn't due to any previous performance…
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Someone wants more lights in the neighbourhood

'Congratulations! You have won the Humbug award!': Ridiculous Karen gets enraged at neighbor for not putting up Christmas lights

Leave me alone, Karen!
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