oh my paper isn't long enough? k.

College Student Told His Essay Was Too Short, Gets Revenge By Writing Extra Long Paper Next and Getting It Published

What is the worst holiday gift an employer has given to you.

15+ People share the worst holiday gifts they ever received from an employer

'It has no effect on your answer': Husband flips out after wife calls out his burger blunder

'It has no effect on your answer': Husband flips out after wife calls out his burger blunder

‘You’re evicted, effective immediately': RV resident gets himself evicted after refusing to move his truck from neighbor's driveway

‘You’re evicted, effective immediately': RV resident gets himself evicted after refusing to move his truck from neighbor's driveway

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'She's bankrupt, I'm debt free': Boyfriend serves epic karma to cheating girlfriend by playing the long game

'She still looked upset': Bridesmaid insists on chocolate-free wedding

'She still looked upset': Bridesmaid insists on chocolate-free wedding

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20+ Marriage Fails for Bickering Couples

20 Absolutely huge plants, animals, and other units

20 Absolute units who are large, chonky, and in charge

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Job Applicant Undergoes Four Rounds of Interviews and Free Labor Only To Be Rejected

'Give me my change!': Customer gets dozens of Sacagawea dollar coins as change for $100 bill after demanding ‘change’ for buying 10 cent candy

'Give me my change!': Customer gets dozens of Sacagawea dollar coins as change for $100 bill after demanding ‘change’ for buying 10 cent candy

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'I walked out of a shady orientation': Job-seeker ditches out of orientation for new job after spotting red flags

'My roommate doesn’t seem to get this': Woman keeps 'borrowing' things without permission, so her roommate makes a plan to catch her

'My roommate doesn’t seem to get this': Woman keeps 'borrowing' things without permission, so her roommate makes a plan to catch her

‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’ Rude Wife Tells Husband to Quit the Job He Loves So She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

‘Your Job Is Just a Hobby’: Wife Tells Husband to Quit Job So That She Can Spend Even Less Time With Her Daughter

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'She immediately complained to HR': Boss reports worker for fixing problem, worker undoes their fix and quits

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'I had been broadcasting my baby talk to my entire team': Employee does baby talk with cat while unmuted on work call

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'This is pretty much theft, so I don't plan on just sitting back with my arms crossed': Tenant gets revenge on shady landlord by planning to boobytrap his apartment before moving