healthcare worker has encounter with extra entitled Karen

'The Karen Blueprint': Healthcare worker shares POV of what it's like having to deal with the most entitled Karen client

Over the years many different versions of the notorious “Karen” has come to light. The monstrous entitled person has evolved to be many fearful beings—like someone yelling at you to get out of “their” parking space, even though it is a public spot. Or someone yelling at you because you work in the service industry and obviously every problem is your fault. Or maybe you're unfortunate enough to come across a Karen while working retail and they're trying to return something that isn't even from t…
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most epic elf on a shelf fails

'Elf on a Shelf' Fails to Remind Parents to Move That Dang Elf and Not Traumatize Your Kids

You've heard of 'Elf on a Shelf': Now get ready for 'Tales of Elf Fails'! It's that time of the year again and parents are stressing. It's a beautiful thing to be a mom or dad and want to make this holiday season a magical time for your little ones, but dang does it take a lot of work. Nobody tells you how annoying it is to remember to move that dang Elf on a shelf every single night. What's your excuse to your kids when they wake up and their elf hasn't moved at all? You're just going to fold…
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Merry Collection of Festive Christmas Fails by Internet Trolls

Merry Collection of Festive Christmas Fails by Internet Trolls

'Tis the season to be jolly, after all.
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creepy, santa, creepy santa, santa claus, christmas, photoshoot, awkward family photos, vintage, holidays

Hail Santa: Cursed Vintage Pictures With Santa That Will Ruin Your Holiday

Santa Claus as a figure, as a story, and as a concept is downright creepy, Sure, they try to make him seem cute with his jolly voice and his rosy cheeks, but deep down, Santa is a home invader with a child obsession and it's just weird that everyone ignores those two facts.
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20 Oddly Satisfying Moments This Week (December 15, 2022)

20 Oddly Satisfying Moments This Week (December 17, 2022)

It's the little things, you know?
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'I slept under my desk at least 3 nights a week': 20 LinkedIn lunatics who just had to share their most unhinged work thoughts

'I slept under my desk at least 3 nights a week': 20 LinkedIn lunatics who just had to share their most unhinged work thoughts

LinkedIn is a really strange social media site, because people take themselves deadly seriously - after all, this is their career they're talking about! Some folks seem to love posting just to boost their own ego or hype up their most recent accomplishments. But a lot of the time, it turns into oversharing, bragging, or straight-up lying, just to gain some clicks and “good for you!” comments. Below are 20 people who
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Roomate ask me to leave the room at exactly 1:51 AM AT NIGHT. For alone time with his GF

College student goes on rant after bad roommate kicks him out at 2 AM during finals week

We've all had roommate drama...
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christmas, christmas party, holiday party, holiday, office, office party, lit, booze, hr, boss, manager, memes, relatable, christmas memes

'Don't get fired': Funniest Office Memes for Coworkers That Get a Little Too Lit at the Company Christmas Party

People love to drink with their coworkers because it combines two parts of their lives that are always in conflict: professionalism and acting completely unprofessional. It is a truly deadly combination when fellow employees are fueled by alcohol. It's an even more huge debacle waiting to happen when that booze is provided by their employer and nobody has to pay for anything. Ergo the annual office Christmas party . As the most devastatingly inappropriate spectacle of the year, every business's…
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New Boss is trying to reprimand me (threatening to take shifts away) because they feel my name tag's name is not my real name?

'The most ridiculous flex of power I have ever seen': Boss accuses employee of using a 'fake name' because of common nickname, confiscates their shifts

Some people have an immense propensity to abuse petty amounts of power. If you put some people in charge of filling a cup of water, they would find a way to do so with absolute authority. This manager got an incredibly petty bee in their bonnet about the shortened version of their own name that they prefer to use. They have taken to telling the employee that their name is "fake" and have even started penalizing the worker by confiscating shifts from them. The most insane part of this entire sto…
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Came out of my office in Times Square to find someone locked my bike, so they could steal it later. This is what happened...

'I ain't givin' up that easy': Guy finds bike theft in progress and takes matters into his own hands

Getting around New York City can be quite easy on a bike to whisk you from place to place. But clearly they are highly coveted items, as this man discovered when he ran into a bike theft in progress! A user who goes by Malcolm816 discovered that he'd left his bike carefully locked near his office in Times Square . But when he was ready to ride home, he found that someone else had placed a huge lock on his cycle. What could that possibly mean? To Malcolm816, it was a sure sign that his bike was…
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21 Dumb Photoshop Fails By People Who Don't Know The Laws Of Physics

21 Dumb Photoshop Fails By People Who Don't Know The Laws Of Physics

I smell a catfish.
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Come in for my shift? You just suspended me.

'You just suspended me!': Employee quits when blundering manager suspends them and then expects them to show up for a shift

Giving someone a punishment that prohibits them from doing something and then subsequently expecting them to still do that thing is downright insane. The entire point of suspending an employee from the workplace is that they have committed or exhibited some type of behavior that the employer has deemed unacceptable for the workplace. Hence, it's a way of having them temporarily not be there to either cool off or so the employer can figure out the next steps. Expecting the employee to show up wh…
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AITA for taking an Uber to a wedding so I wouldn't be late?

'I am over dealing with them:' Guy gets blamed for not getting his entitled parents to his sister's wedding on time

This guy is not his parents' keeper!
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funniest memes in the wild wild west

The Most Rootinest and Tootinest Yee-Haw Memes this Week for the Funniest Cowboys and Cowgirls (December 16, 2022)

Let's get right to the rootin' and tootin, tex: Yee, and we cannot stress this enough, HAW! Ohhhhh, pardon, is it a good day for some yee-haw memes. That's right, we're back with another week of the most rootinest and tootinest yee-haw memes that came to graze our pastor this week. We got cowboys lassoing in the laughs left and right. You think you're rough and tough? Try making a meme on this here internet! Trolls don't take too kindly to strangers. But this ain't our first rodeo, or even our…
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'My mailbox was blown up by lightning last night:' 30 People who had a pitifully bad day

'My mailbox was blown up by lightning last night:' 30 People who had a pitifully bad day

Bad days are unavoidable…but if you are having a bad day, be sure to share it online so we can all have a good laugh at the misfortune! Below are 30 people who shared their bad days - everything from an accidentally melted laptop screen to some ears of corn that were cremated instead of cooked on the grill. Up next, you'll want to check out this long read about the Final Boss Karen , the ultimate Karen, who believes she's the lone ruler of an apartment complex (and she's completely wrong about…
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lady and her dog get randomly recruited to lead a SWAT team while they are out on a walk

Woman Waking Up at 6AM to Take Her Dog Out Ends Up Letting an Entire Swat Team Into Her Building, Dog Leads The Way for Them

Imagine you wake up early, just trying to be a responsible pet parent and take your dog out because they have to go to the bathroom, and instead you end up being the lead for an entire SWAT team. Now, you and your dog are leading these heavily armed guys into where you live… You did not sigh up for this.
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