'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident asks for advice with parking issue

'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident infuriated by people parking in their driveway

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'It’s the one day for it to be all about me': Bride fires Maid of Honor over worry that she'll get pregnant before her wedding

'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from airline passenger

'Not much sleep was had': Husband defends wife from passenger over airplane etiquette

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'You amuse yourself in little petty ways': Underappreciated office manager sabotages photocopy machine with a paperclip

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'Instant Karma': Road rager learns a lesson after flipping off the wrong ladies in the parking lot, gets a shopping cart to the bumper and a taste of justice

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Guy leaves bike shop 1-star review for helping him for free

20 Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (May 9, 2023)

20 Top Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (May 9, 2023)

‘I fired him, just like you asked’: Customer begs manager to rehire worker who was fired per his request after delivering wrong $8 item

‘I fired him, just like you asked’: Customer begs manager to rehire worker who was fired per his request after delivering wrong $8 item

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'[He was] SUPER EFFICIENT and a valuable asset': Programmer fired for underperformance despite being the most productive, but quietest, on the team

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Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 9, 2023)

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'[She] ended up hitting the cruiser': Driver trying to cut up the shoulder in traffic runs into a conveniently placed police cruiser

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'Sure thing boss': Insurance worker told to just do their job, makes sure customers are covered

'There was a computer room in my house': 25 Memes for Gen X

'There was a computer room in my house': 25 Memes that only Gen X will totally understand

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20 Teacher Mishaps and Pranks

'Never spoke of that situation again': 8 Stories of awkward scenarios

'Never spoke of that situation again': 8 People who got stuck in super awkward scenarios

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'That's my seat': Mother uses kids as an excuse to take passenger's window seat, kid apologizes for mother's outburst