Viral Thread: Airline passenger chronicles the bizarre adventures of their missing luggage on Twitter

Viral Thread: Airline passenger chronicles the bizarre adventures of their missing luggage on Twitter

Anyone who travels frequently has had their luggage go missing at some point… and anyone who has had their luggage go missing at some point has experienced the anxiety of having their valued personal possessions locked in a suitcase in who-knows-where and with who-knows-who. Airlines are never helpful at quelling these fears; their vague assurances and unwillingness to acknowledge the existence of a problem leave us with no answers wondering what cruel fate has befallen our precious goods. In m…
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20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

20 Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted Everything For Nothing

Interacting with strangers is a curious thing: Two people with a lifetime of experiences… thoughts, ideals, goals, and passions; colliding together for a single moment (or mere moments), resulting in each person forming the static two-dimensional projection that is their impression of the other person. How was that person in that moment? There are so many ways to define or categorize this: Were they amiable or antagonistic? If antagonistic, was that born from a lack of understanding — or a conf…
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dog locks family out of car at Mexican boarder, hilarity ensues

Family Gets Stuck at Mexico Boarder After Their Dog Locks Them Out of Car, Hilarious Problem-Solving Ensues

Crossing the boarder between the U.S. and Mexico is already unnecessarily stressful. You could be sitting in your car and know for a fact that you have no reason to get in any sort of trouble with boarder patrol, but will still be sitting there sweating.
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20 People whose expensive mistakes cost them big

20 People whose expensive mistakes cost them big

It only takes a second to change your life forever, as these people found out when caused some rather costly mishaps. Lots of people mess up installing TVs , like one person who forgot to check for studs before installing a new flat screen . That's just the tip of the iceberg, though. From smushed car doors to demolished art pieces , these people will be thinking of that one goof-up for a long time to come. After that, help one Redditor decide their fate, as they shared this annoying message fr…
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'Any Race Except British' : 20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week

'Any Race Except British' : 20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week

All the fish in the sea are piranhas.
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If I don’t like it I can find another job? Okay.

'I resigned': Tradesman quits mid performance review after being refused a raise

Working relationships are built on trust… and contractual agreements. The contract tends to have a more tangible effect on ensuring that both parties hold up the ends of the deal, but still, there are employers that see fit to flout the written terms of these agreements. That's what this electrical apprentice faced when their boss saw fit to deny them their guaranteed annual increase in pay, citing performance issues and issues in the business as the cause. The thing is: the raise wasn't suppos…
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Yell at me in front of a customer? Fine. Everyone gets 18oz of free coffee.

‘She threw me under the bus’: Diner worker gets shamed by manager for coffee order in front of customer, cue coffee-fueled malicious compliance

This diner worker brewed a coffee-fueled tale of malicious compliance!
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20 Horrendously Spelled Tattoo Fails

20 Ugly and Horrendously Spelled Tattoo Fails

It's not like they last forever or anything!
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'This horse accomplished more in 25 seconds than I have in 35 years': 25 Deranged fails from the YouTube comments section

'This horse accomplished more in 25 seconds than I have in 35 years': 25 Deranged fails from the YouTube comments section

Since YouTube started in 2005, people have spent roughly a bajillion hours watching music videos, streamers, vloggers, and sketches, and they've been leaving hilarious comments to boot. Below is a fine collection of the cringiest and funniest comments found under YouTube videos . My favorite is probably the guy who requested to know what song was playing in a video , and came back after 10 whole years to find out no one had told him the answer yet. The YouTube comments community had a solid dec…
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Teacher said “if you don’t tell me who walked in during prayer you will all be sent to the principal’s office!”…

'[She] starts SCREAMING at us to tell her who was late': Students get teacher fired in glorious tale of malicious compliance

There's nothing like a success story about rebelling against authority.
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dog video, fireworks, firework, firework fail, fail, lol, dogs, funny dogs, chihuahua, roman candle, fountain, fire, destruction

'He wanted all the smoke': Pyrotechnic pooch grabs a lit firework, terrorizing the family party the threatening the whole neighborhood

Everybody loves fireworks with the exception of dogs. Most of the time, when there is a firework show within a 25 mile radius of a dog's house, they'll hide in fear under the bed or seek their owner's arms to cower from the noisy blasts. Chihuahua's however, are not like other dogs. One tiny dastardly doggo was so fearless that he accidentally terrorized his entire family when mistakenly picking up a sparking fountain firework, thinking it was his new chew toy.
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‘Who Doesn’t Expect Noise at a Gym?’ : Stubborn Entitled Dude Appalls Gym Goers by Being Disrespectful and Selfish, Continuously Ignores Requests to Be Quiet

‘Who Doesn’t Expect Noise at a Gym?’ : Stubborn Entitled Dude Appalls Gym Goers by Being Disrespectful and Selfish, Continuously Ignores Requests to Be Quiet

Firstly, a quick shoutout to Darwin's brilliant theory of evolution… the flaws in how humans have evolved are no secret to any of us. Just enter the nearest Mcdonald's — I dare say 15 minutes won't go by without some kind of incident occurring, most likely involving an entitled person who takes their 3-dollar burger very seriously. Evidently, some humans have not quite evolved as we'd have hoped, and are clearly deficient in brain cells. Particularly those linked with public decency. We all kno…
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Decide their fate: Help this Redditor respond to their intrusive boss

Decide their fate: Help this Redditor respond to their intrusive boss

One Redditor has a nosy boss who's about to get way more sass than they bargained for!
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Entitled angry mom doesn’t want my floor fixed (3ft-3ft hole by my bed)

'Your mom is nuts': Unhinged Mom refuses to fix huge hole in kid's bedroom

This lady has taken things way too far!
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‘You Should Treat a Customer With Respect!’ : Entitled Lady Grabs Worker by the Arm, Demands Refund for Ice Cream She Already Ate

‘You Should Treat a Customer With Respect!’ : Entitled Lady Grabs Worker by the Arm, Demands Refund for Ice Cream She Already Ate

Without a doubt, the most soul-sucking industry in the world is customer service. You get firsthand access to the portion of the human population that hasn't quite evolved yet. The ones who lack an alarming amount of brain cells. Those with a very low IQ. The chunk that thinks they are God's gift to the world. Lord knows I don't miss it... I offer my sincere condolences to those of you that are still in this daily fight. There are too many human beings, strutting about with their nose high up i…
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Young Karen gets a taste of her own medicine.

'You've got to be effing kidding me': Young Karen faces off with old lady at amusement park

The lesson here is to never mess with someone named Ida!
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