'Lady, you are living under my roof': Entitled stepmother insults woman's deceased mother, sets off chain reaction that divides family

'Lady, you are living under my roof': Entitled stepmother insults woman's deceased mother, sets off chain reaction that divides family

Evil stepmothers aren't just from Cinderella – this stuff happens IRL too! One Redditor shared her story of the rude way her new step family treated her after her dad remarried. It's quite the long read, because this stepmother and her two daughters are super entitled. Their dogs use the house as a bathroom. The stepdaughters walk around scantily dressed during the OP's Zoom calls. They move all the OP's photos and replace them with pics of themselves. But worst of all are the choice words they…
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AITA for calling my soon-to-be-MIL an insecure b****?

'It’s not my Mom’s fault that she’s an insecure b****': Woman lashes out at future Mother-in-law for taking over her wedding

It sounds like this Monster-in-law is always going to be a problem.
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‘Your Boyfriend Has to Leave, Now’ : Furious Brother Kicks Sister's Disrespectful Boyfriend Out of Holiday Dinner for Being Rude to His Blind Wife

‘Your Boyfriend Has to Leave, Now’ : Furious Brother Kicks Sister's Disrespectful Boyfriend Out of Holiday Dinner for Being Rude to His Blind Wife

Reentering the office after Christmas can be particularly overwhelming. You'll find everybody huddles together, each recounting their own dramatic holiday saga, which usually involves a few or more ‘loved ones’. Granted, family dinners are like taking part in a reality show, minus the cameras. My personal motto that has served me well throughout the years: When in doubt, say nothing. Also, lie — a lot. Or rather, omit as many details of your life as you possibly can. Moreover, if somebody says…
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Catloaf and Unalaska, Alaska: 20+ Deeply weird Wikipedia entries

Catloaf and Unalaska, Alaska: 20+ Deeply weird Wikipedia entries

Wikipedia has become the internet's go-to hub for quick information and access to primary sources — and because it's so vast, there are plenty of hilarious and obscure entries. No matter what topic you're curious about, rest assured there's a Wikipedia page for it. Since Wikipedia is mainly made by people who submit their own research to pages, there's the opportunity to mess around with some pages — like one guy who makes the state of Missouri a little bit larger each time he has a crazy night…
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Brave Man Types 'Joel Osteen Surrounded By Fire' into an Art Bot and the Results are Nightmare Inducing

Brave Man Types 'Joel Osteen Surrounded By Fire' into an Art Bot and the Results are Nightmare Inducing

"He looks like a movie villain, but worse." Everybody in America knows who Joel Osteen is. Whether you love him or hate him, the man has some controversial crap in his past, present, and probably future that tend to muck up his reputation as a Godly man and an example to the church. So for sweet ol' Texan Joel Osteen, a name you can't even say out loud without assuming a southern accent, becoming the face of a mega church was simply part of the business plan. With his soft voice, wet curls, and…
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UPDATE: AITA for not going to my parents wedding before they get divorced again?

Update! 'Call me when they get their next divorce': Parents keep getting divorced and remarried, daughter calls them out

This is some rich people drama!
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'ONE DISH and ONE GLASS per meal!': Airbnb renters stunned by owner's over-the-top kitchen rules

'ONE DISH and ONE GLASS per meal!': Airbnb renters stunned by owner's over-the-top kitchen rules

Would you stay at this Airbnb that has the most micromanage-y rules possible? One person vented their frustration about this very problem to r/mildlyinfuriating. It is just mildly infuriating, after all, these rules aren't the end of the world. But these rules are weirdly specific, and they would definitely be annoying to someone who's just trying to relax on their vacation! Check out this rules list that is giving “graphic design is my passion." Read about
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AITA for removing the door to my son's room indefinitely?

'You were screaming like a harpy and it was annoying': Enraged Mom removes son's bedroom door as punishment

Teenagers will be teenagers, but also helicopter moms will be helicopter moms!
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Top Trending Relatable Memes and FAILS That Perfectly Capture Adulting

Top Trending Relatable Memes and FAILS That Perfectly Capture Adulting

There are a few pros and countless cons when it comes to adulting!
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‘He Messed Up Big Time!’ : Entitled Senior Engineer Lashes Out at Employees A Mere Months Before Retirement, Cue Malicious Compliance

‘He Messed Up Big Time!’ : Entitled Senior Engineer Lashes Out at Employees A Mere Months Before Retirement, Cue Malicious Compliance

The minute you are afraid to engage with someone at work because you feel that they will respond in a reactive way, you have a problem. Although working in a comfortable environment where you aren't belittled seems like something very basic, not everyone has that pleasure. Some people's coworkers, especially ones that are working at a company for a long time, feel like they get a free pass to be an AH. Lord knows why… We tend to make fun of HR a lot, for a number of reasons, but when they actua…
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'Here's what it's like to meet the worst person you've ever met in your entire life at a party in L.A.': Woman shares how entitled influencers actually treat people

'Here's what it's like to meet the worst person you've ever met in your entire life at a party in L.A.': Woman shares how entitled influencers actually treat people

When an influencer from Ohio first moved to Los Angeles , she found that the influencers there could be quite entitled — especially after how they treated her at a party. Video creator Becca Moore shared her story of influencers acting crazy entitled at a party. She shared two stories . In the first, she spoke with an influencer who's already established, and in the second, she met a mutual who she had actually talked to before. Thumbnail image via Jake Blucker on Unsplash.
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cringe mom facebook posts

'Cringe Mom Facebook Statuses': Woman Reads Them Like a Dramatic Monologue in a Soap Opera

Oh moms. We love ‘em and we are annoyed by our own… They do so much for us and they truly are super heroes for the family. But seriously, what is with their rants on Facebook?? The classic Boomer mom rant where she airs out all her dirty laundry in a lengthy Facebook status, but also congrats her nephew for graduating and thanks her husband for the Christmas gift. Like, if you’re a mom out there that likes to rant for everyone to see on Facebook, please, tell us what is going through your minds…
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UPDATE: AITA for telling another gym member to wear a bra?

Update: 'The manager gave him a 30 day ban': Fragile gym bro demands woman wear a bra, she suggests the same, he gets banned

It never feels good to be accused of doing something nefarious or being something that you're not, but in these situations, the best thing you can do is remain level-headed and rational — if you get upset that someone is accusing you of being aggressive and you become aggressive as a result you're kind of proving their point. Regardless, this guy was in the wrong long before he lost his cool. As we've consistently said over the years: You're an a**hole as soon as you pass an unwanted judgment o…
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Patient was aggressive over nothing, he gets a nice lonnng wait to sit by himself in time out :)

'I ask the SLOWEST coworker possible': Nurse gets petty revenge on entitled patient by making him wait over an hour

If everyone's difficult, you're probably the difficult one!
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Artists: Did you ever have a bad art-school critique that really set you back, knocked you off your pins? What was it? Keep it short; don't exaggerate. Often, it can be the least thing. Have you ever made a "revenge" work of art? What was it?

'I...was told “oh but you know only people with talent get in right…?"': 30+ Artists share the harshest critiques they've ever heard

Everyone's a critic, including the very teachers who are supposed to guide students along their path to success. When senior art critic Jerry Saltz asked artists to dish on their worst art advice from teachers, he got some incredible responses. He posed the question in a tweet, asking, "Artists: Did you ever have a bad art-school critique that really set you back, knocked you off your pins? What was it? Keep it short; don't exaggerate. Often, it can be the least thing. Have you ever made a “rev…
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HOA Facebook group Karen probably thinks it’s everyone else but her who is wrong.

'Next time I won't hesitate to call': HOA Facebook Karen goes on unhinged rant about kid playing basketball in the cold

This HOA Karen going on a social media rant sounds like a literal nightmare!
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