'Two cups... made me transcend the space-time continuum': Guy shares his TIFU learning moment, says it was a 'terrible discovery'

'Two cups... made me transcend the space-time continuum': Guy shares his TIFU learning moment, says it was a 'terrible discovery'

Breakfast time is not the best time for kitchen experiments, as one unfortunate dude learned the hard way. As he shared in a r/TIFU (today I f***** up) post that gained thousands of comments, he shared his brewing experience with us, so that we may absorb his wisdom. Basically, the OP did a lot of research on coffee, and kind of fell down a rabbit hole, leading to them purchasing an expensive new toy to make coffee with. But the OP clearly didn't do quite enough research, as they explain in the…
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man accidentally robs his neighbor due to a food delivery order fail

'Food delivery gone wrong:' Confusion with food order accidentally turns man into a thief

In New York City, when you order food, you get the call, text, or door buzz that says your delivery guy is there. Then you just go down, take the bag, say thanks, and walk away. No other exchange is needed or wanted—it's NYC, they don't have time to say hello and comment on the weather. So when this New Yorker got the message saying his food delivery guy was at the door, he went down and did just that—grabbed his food from the guy, said thanks, and left. Turns out, however, he was very much not…
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Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

Worker Quits After Greedy Company Denies Them a Promised Raise, Costs Company a $3 Million Client

There's something to be said here about following through on promises. When this company promised this worker a raise a year ago and then refused to follow through, all they were doing was stacking dominos that were ready to fall. It doesn't take that much effort to follow through on promises so it's hard to imagine what these idiots were thinking here. It doesn't seem unfair to expect a promised raise, especially in light of their contribution to dramatically increased production. Honestly, it…
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'We are to call him Daddy Cool': Entitled, unhinged boss insists employees call him weird nicknames, cue malicious complaince

This man-child sounds like the ultimate nightmare!
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Sleepy, Self-Deprecating, and Stressful: Memes, Tweets, and Fails For Your Sunday Scaries

Sleepy, Self-Deprecating, and Stressful: Memes, Tweets, and Fails For Your Sunday Scaries

How do we combat the Sunday Scaries? One word: memes.
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'He just looks at me dumbfounded: "Wait, you mean I have to pay for this?"': Locksmith enacts extremely satisfying revenge on irritating customer

'He just looks at me dumbfounded: "Wait, you mean I have to pay for this?"': Locksmith enacts extremely satisfying revenge on irritating customer

One locksmith got back at an annoying customer in the best possible way — which of course the customer absolutely hated. As the OP shared in this classic post , they're a locksmith who makes keys and opens doors and car doors for customers. But at the end of one day, an irritating customer barged in shirtless and demanded service. He didn't become any less of a headache from that point forward! As a locksmith , though, the OP had most of the power in his hands. His business also had a policy th…
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My husband has a dating app, I don’t know how to feel about it

Update! 'My husband has a dating app': Husband downloads Tinder because he's 'bored,' wife confronts him

There are lots of things married people can do when they're bored; downloading Tinder is not one of them.
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'He looked at me with shock ': Jerk father-to-be gets owned by his own father after giving silent treatment to his wife over the gender of their child

'He looked at me with shock ': Jerk father-to-be gets owned by his own father after giving silent treatment to his wife over the gender of their child

It's ok to have feelings; they're only natural and not something that we can always control. Still, it's not ok for you to take those feelings out on other innocent people in your life who have done nothing wrong to cause the situation. That's the mistake that this father-to-be made when he decided to take out his “gender disappointment” on his pregnant wife. The two had been expecting their first child, but upon learning that the child was to be a girl, the father-to-be began giving his wife t…
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retail employees create a "karen board" that counts down the days from their last rude karen encounter and count how many they get

'It has been 0 days since our last Karen': Candle store keeps count of entitled Karen customers with a hilarious ‘Karen board’ that every retailer should own

Inspired by the “injury boards” from the floors of dangerous work environments like factories, etc. a candle store in Washington state
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'My car's double parked and I don't have time to wait': Karen gets roasted like a coffee bean by an off-duty barista

'My car's double parked and I don't have time to wait': Karen gets roasted like a coffee bean by an off-duty barista

There are some moments in life where the stars align and you get to live out your dreams. Such was the case for one off-duty barista. As the OP shared, she had a day off work, and stopped into a coffee location to grab a quick drink. She wasn't alone, there were tons of customers, and the baristas working the restaurant seemed overwhelmed. But does that ever matter to a Karen? No, absolutely not, never ever! But the OP wasn't working, and spotted a chance to get some incredibly satisfying reven…
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‘Sorry, Do I Know You?’ : Daughter Pettily Pretends Not to Recognize Biological Parents When They Try Reconnecting 9 Years After Abandoning Her on Uncle's Doorstep

‘Sorry, Do I Know You?’ : Daughter Pettily Pretends Not to Recognize Biological Parents When They Try Reconnecting 9 Years After Abandoning Her on Uncle's Doorstep

Bad behavior and a lack of communication should not be rewarded. If you made your bed, you gotta lie in it. Those are the rules, simply put. You can't expect people to ‘forgive and forget', this isn't a Hallmark movie. Some parents rendered their parental rights when giving their kids up for adoption. And I'm not just talking about legal ones. Yet, much like those pesky spam emails that keep showing up in your inbox, those 3 am calls from a regretful ex, and those forever skyrocketing bills you…
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'Oh buddy': Entitled idiot insists on ordering for girlfriend's entire family, gets served by waiter

'Oh buddy': Entitled idiot insists on ordering for girlfriend's entire family, gets served by waiter

In the service industry, it's incredibly important to be polite and courteous to your “guests,” but occasionally, a chance presents itself that can't be ignored.
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What happens if you have questions?

Viral Tweet: Guy Discovers That His Online Professor Passed Away 3 Years Ago

If this isn't evidence of a desperate education system, I don't know what is!
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absurd, news, headlines, breaking news, headline, funny, hilarious, stupid, dumb, funny, lolz, lol, fail, media, fake news

The Most Absurd News Headlines That Will Make You Laugh Then Cry at Our Ridiculous World

The world is sometimes a scary, lonely, and horrible place. It seems like whenever you open the news these days, something terrible has happened somewhere and it's becoming numbing and ridiculous to even consider that there's good news out there. Fortunately, there are the few news stories that slip through the cracks in the machine , blessing our feeds with some of the most ridiculous heccin' titles imaginable. So sure, maybe there's been a horrific bombing in the Middle East… but there's also…
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'Don't sign it': Worker gets written up for discussing pay with coworkers, internet offers their advice

'Don't sign it': Worker gets written up for discussing pay with coworkers, internet offers their advice

It's surprising just how often this discourse emerges online; it should be common knowledge among employers that they simply can't tell workers that they aren't allowed to discuss their pay. Not only is it not a good idea and encourages employees to discuss their pay, but it's completely illegal in the United States.
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AITA for getting my daughter a hotel room entirely for herself after her stepsisters made her sleep on the floor?

'What is this? Cinderella reloaded?': Real-life evil stepsisters make guy's daughter sleep on the floor

Haven't we all heard this story before?
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