Yeah I’ll work 8 hours

'You sound like someone who loves a job that will never love you back': Employee screws herself over by working unpaid hours

This employee thought she was pulling off some malicious compliance, but in the end, she just made things worse for herself.
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girl gets fine line tattoo from TikTok artist, they come out so bad she cries the entire way home, is able to get them to fade by scrubbing them with salt and oil all week and then gets them expertly fixed by another tattoo artist

Major Tattoo Fail Sends Girl Home in Tears, Spends Proceeding Weeks Trying to Scrub Them Off, Works Enough to Get Them Expertly Fixed

If you didn't know this already, tattoos are permanent… As parents like to remind their tatted up children quite often. So what do you do if you get a bad tattoo or it comes out messed up somehow? Well, usually you either wait until it's healed and spend thousands of dollars getting it removed by a professional. Or you talk with another tattoo artist, preferably one you trust, and see how you can transform it or cover it up to look better. Others however take a riskier route and try to hinder t…
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Rental car company told me where to leave my keys and when I left them there, tried to charge me for an extra day. So I refused to give them the car back until last minute.

'At this point I'm petty and angry': Rental company tries to charge guy for extra day, cue devastatingly dirty malicious compliance

Companies really hate when their consumers know their rights, which one customer used to their advantage when they needed a rental car . As the customer, you're subject to a company's rules the moment you sign a contract. But if you just follow that contract to the letter, following all the rules, there's nothing the company can do to stop you. One poster shared this experience to r/MaliciousCompliance, one car rental company tried to screw him over after renting a car for five weeks. They need…
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You won’t pay for my hotel? Ok I’ll drag your name through the mud and you’ll pay for a more expensive hotel

'Don’t cheap out on your invaluable employees': Employee expected to work late, wake up at 3 AM, and drive 2 hours for a meeting? Cue Malicious Compliance!

Never mess with someone's sleep schedule!
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Toxic boss says he can replace employee in an hour after they enquired about a small raise, employee told him to start the timer and epically walked out on the job, this story prompted other Redditors to share their satisfying defying-management stories

'My supervisor told me today that he could have another person ready to take my job...So I said “start the timer” and I left': Employees Share Their Most Epic Quitting Stories

Name one thing better than being able to epically quit your soul-sucking job and shove it in your toxic boss' face with an epic one liner exit? Seriously, how freaking satisfying. Recently, a welder went to Reddit to share their epic “mic drop” moment when quitting. It all started when they went to their supervisor to enquire about a small raise they had previously discussed as a potential prior. Apparently, this manager decide to respond with toxicity and Karen-level tantrum. While the employe…
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AITA for telling my roommate that speaking a language is not a personality and she needs a new one?

'I told her she’s boring and has to fake her personality': Woman is jealous that her roommate speaks multiple languages, gets roasted online

Jealousy isn't a great personality either, my friend!
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sweetheart arson fire stories-about-kevin dance skip - 19214597

'Stupid, but sweet': Kevin tries to ask girl out, accidentally commits arson

While trying to ask his crush to the Sweetheart Dance , one teenage goofball took his prom-posal to the extreme. What's the most creative way you've ever asked someone out? For many of us, it may be as boring as writing a card or just asking the person. But that didn't fly back in the day, as u/Smoke_Water shared to Reddit. He reminisced about his high school days , and the lengths that his dumb friend, Skip, took to get the girl of his dreams. The girl was Sally, and as u/Smoke_Water wrote, sh…
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'He disguised himself as a client and came to my office for therapy': Fail Blog Fans share the last time they saw their ex!

'He disguised himself as a client and came to my office for therapy': Fail Blog Fans share the last time they saw their ex!

We asked you all about the last time you bumped into your ex and here were some of your great responses!
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OOP's job forces OOP to take a shorter route to save $ on milage reimbursement. OOP maliciously complies and costs the company thousands.

"'Wait...why is it so far over budget?' my boss asks": Update! Stingy bookkeeper Karen faces annual review, gets unwelcome surprise from management

Get ready for this incredibly satisfying update from one person who cashed in some malicious compliance at their workplace. As u/newtekie1 shared in 2022, they had to drive between two workplaces in their personal car, meaning that they relied on the company to reimburse any travel costs . But when Karen arrived at this workplace, she was determined to make budget cuts that made her look good, while inconveniencing basically every employee . She was such a penny pincher that she demanded the OP…
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20+ Cleaning Fails for Both Neat Freaks and Messy Folks

20+ Cleaning Fails for Both Neat Freaks and Messy Folks

Whether or not you're a neat freak or a messy roommate, we all can relate to the visceral struggle that is cleaning your apartment.
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'He's blatantly lying and making me out to be the bad guy': Shady Older Brother Sabotages His Sibling's New Relationship, Betraying His Family and Keeping Secrets From His Own Wife

'He's blatantly lying and making me out to be the bad guy': Shady Older Brother Sabotages His Sibling's New Relationship, Betraying His Family and Keeping Secrets From His Own Wife

Brotherhood is a sacred relationship. Typically, that sort of bond can't be broken, nor would anyone risk damaging their brotherly relationship because of pettiness, mean insults, or least of all, because of a girl. Well, one man proved that brotherhood is not as sacred to some, because he pretty much threw his own biological brother under the bus , effectively ending his relationship with his long-time girlfriend, publicly shaming his drug rehabilitation, and driving a very large wedge between…
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'It's a good bonding opportunity, but you may have ruined it': Overprotective Mother Scorches Her New Boyfriend for Taking Her Teenaged Daughter on a Motorcycle

'That would be the last time they saw my kid': Overprotective Mother Scorches Her New Boyfriend for Taking Her Teenaged Daughter on a Motorcycle

Motorcycles are dangerous, everybody knows that. In fact, that's the reason why so many people think it's hot to ride a motorcycle. There's something about the complete lack of self preservation, danger, and rebellion that we feel when looking at a guy on a bike. But there's a line that can be crossed when it's no longer cool and rebellious to be on a bike and it's simply dangerous, scary, and reckless, especially when it comes to your teenager. One Redditor, a motorcyclist and part-time bad bo…
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AITA for saying my sister doesn't have to dictate what I do in my own home after she insisted on setting the table for dinner?

'That was insanely disrespectful of you': Woman gets annoyed at sister who made family dinner

Cooking is such a personal thing, especially when you're cooking nice warm meals for the family you love. You have to take the time to look up a recipe, write down all those ingredients, shop, chop it all up, and stand at the stove stirring everything together. The best part is when the meal turns out beautifully and you get to serve it to your hungry spouse , relatives, or kids. Of course, there are many differences between families and between how they share their meals together. Some people…
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AITA for cancelling my son's birthday party because my Mother-In-Law left poop on my toothbrush

'Your MIL is LITERALLY TOXIC': Guy's MIL gets defensive after major babysitting bathroom fail

This lady makes a compelling candidate for the worst mother-in-law!
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Service industry employee has to call out for being sick on her first day of work serving, fears she might get fired, managers milk scare tactic, but just mark it as a "red flag"

'Called in sick on first day... [Now I'm] paranoid my boss secretly hates me': Server fears being let go for missing first day of work, managers say it's just a "red flag"

You know that nervous, but excited feeling you get in the pit of your stomach the night before starting your first day at a new job? Well, imagine if that feeling was actually you getting sick and now you have to call out with a sick day before you even officially have done any work. Sounds like a sticky situation. Well, one server reached out to managers on Reddit to get their opinion on the situation after they had to do just that. They already have asthma and then got Strep Throat, which mak…
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Why did they get in for free? Let me fix that.

'The looks of betrayal they gave him were priceless': Guy throws a fit about $2 cover charge at a club, bouncer gets petty revenge

Never piss off a bouncer at a club!
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