'I did this for the last 2 years and no one said a word': Company Fires a Warehouse Employee Without Warning for Taking Too Many Smoke Breaks, Claiming He Was a "Time Thief" and Owed Them $290 in Labor Losses

'I did this for the last 2 years and no one said a word': Company Fires a Warehouse Employee Without Warning for Taking Too Many Smoke Breaks, Claiming He Was a "Time Thief" and Owed Them $290 in Labor Losses

Work can get boring sometimes, especially when the bulk of your job is to sit around and wait for things to happen. For one man, a warehouse quality control guy ( u/Gasp32 ), his daily life was ruled by grueling 12 hour shifts, boring Excel sheets, and killing time while on the clock. Claiming he could do a full 12 hour shift in 4 hours time, Gasp struggled to make himself seem busy while he was clocked in and on the job and paid the ultimate price for following the habits of his other coworker…
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HOA Tried To Tow My Legally Permitted Vehicle Twice in One Day!

'I sent a Cease and Desist letter to the HOA': Nurse seeks advice after car is repeatedly targeted

Parking permits: the bane of many people's existence, especially this unfortunate nurse.
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'We need drinks!'... 'And I need tips': Bartender Gets $500 Tip After Epically Calling Out Entitled Celebrity Who Tries to Tip with an Autographed $5 Bill

'We need drinks!'... 'And I need tips': Bartender Gets $500 Tip After Epically Calling Out Entitled Celebrity Who Tries to Tip with an Autographed $5 Bill

Tipping culture in America is essential to keeping the service industry afloat. With most servers clocking in at minimum wage, tips are pretty much the main way that they earn their living. Not only that, but servers, especially bartenders, have to put up with a lot of entitled customers who thrive on being doted on and babied by their waitstaff and if you've ever worked in the service industry, you probably know, that guests who are rich and famous are usually also the worst. One witty bartend…
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20+ Weekly Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

20+ Weekly Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

Not many people today can say that they love their job. Maybe a handful, at most. Toxic environments, terrible bosses, and irritating coworkers are at large, and it only takes one word to get your eyes rolling and your foot halfway out through the door — and that word is 'work'. Don't get me wrong, I like to work. It's better than sitting at home anyway. I just don't like the conditions or expectations that come with it. I salute those of you who work in customer service, for that is truly the…
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When your friend blocks you because you didn’t give her money after your mom died.

'Did you really unfriend me?': Grief stricken friend gets blocked by entitled person for not sending money to baby registry

It doesn't get more entitled and tone-deaf than this...
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guy epically quits after maliciously complying to bogus rule for several months, then finds a better paying job and quits right when toxic boss tries to offer him a laughable promotion

'Being 1 minute late= being out for the day, so I’ll take the day off': Toxic boss tries to revoke employee's pay increase for being 1 minute late, Employee maliciously complies then epically quits

Sometimes the way workers are treated is so mind-blowingly poor it's unbelievable. Yet here we are with a new insane story of a worker having to maliciously comply or epically quit. Recently, an annoyed ex-employee took to Reddit to share their story of their epic last days at work at an old job of their's. They had been working at the company for a couple of years already and was offered a third promotion. They wanted to accept, but the manager looked at their time card and saw they were exact…
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AITA for wanting to drop my friends after they turned me into a joke?

'Your friends are making a laughingstock of you': Teens play cruel prank on their 'friend' at restaurant

One teen wondered if they were the jerk for getting angry at their friend's bizarre joke. The r/AmItheA****** community quickly rallied to let this teen know that friends shouldn't treat you like this! The writer, u/Wrong_Possession_839, described a scenario that took place at a restaurant that left a huge divide between them and their friend group . In the comments, the writer also added a few extra details that helped people gain insight into the situation. As they wrote, the entire friend gr…
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FAILS pro revenge list revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit funny - 19264005

The Top Petty Revenge Stories of the Week (February 7, 2023)

These people were all served the coldest revenge dishes...
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‘Did You Block Me?’ : 20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

‘Did You Block Me?’ : 20 Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

What is wrong with people.
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AITA for asking my BFs brother for a chance of a iob when I'm desperate?

'He said I had a work ethic and attitude problem and I didn't get fired for nothing': Entitled woman demands job from BF's brother, keeps getting rejected

"Your own story makes me think you'd be a risk," one commenter told this entitled job-seeker . Sometimes Reddit posters on r/AmItheA****** don't give the whole story in their post, because this person has some serious issues with workplace behavior that she just brushes off. In this post, u/boasoas is asking if she's in the wrong for a situation that arose after she lost her job. Job loss is horrific, but you have to be strategic about your next moves. For this OP, she badgered her boyfriend's…
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retail work humor sick leave job malicious compliance union-rep overworked appeal petty revenge unfair horrible-manager medical unprofessional vacation days funny formal-warning - 19256837

‘Union Rep Was Being Unhelpful on Purpose’ : Employee Receives Unfair Formal Warning for 3-Week Medical Absence Given by Unprofessional Manager, Resulting in Malicious Compliance by Means of Appeal

You haven't experienced the true face of humanity unless you've worked at one point or another in customer service, and yes, that includes retail. The fact of the matter is, you can't indoctrinate someone for minimum wage and expect them to actually give a hoot about the job. It's not a secret, customers know this, management knows this, heck the workers themselves are well aware. Now, of course, there are the outliers, the people who care about their employment, the ones who make an effort to…
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AITA for pulling my daughter from a waterpark trip because her teacher made her stay with a kid she doesn't like?

'Teacher is a piece of work': Terrible teacher makes 9-year-old deal with difficult student on field trip, parents retaliate

If there's one universal truth in this world, it's that when there's a fight between a teacher and a parent, the parent will almost always come out on top.
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‘Does It Look Like I Care if My Car Gets Hit?’ : Entitled Lady Double Parks Cart in Handicapped Spaces, Bystander Plays Vigilante, Ultimately Blocking Her as Revenge

‘Does It Look Like I Care if My Car Gets Hit?’ : Entitled Lady Double Parks Cart in Handicapped Spaces, Bystander Plays Vigilante, Ultimately Blocking Her as Revenge

We all believe that if we witnessed something terrible taking place, we'd certainly take some sort of action to help the person in trouble. Then why are there so many videos rampant online showing what psychologists like to call ‘The Bystander Effect’? For those of you who don't know, this term, otherwise known as ‘Bystander Apathy’, is when something happens right in front of you and a bunch of other people's eyes, yet none of you step in or do anything. Why? For some weird reason, the presenc…
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service industry customer service server waiter Waiting food service malicious compliance coworkers terrible coworkers dickhead co-workers

Annoying coworker insist's server's section is better and forces them to swap, makes less

Sometimes, you just aren't good at something, and that's okay; not everyone is going to excel at everything they try, and that's just the way it is. We're all individuals with different skills who might find certain things more or less challenging. Still, it's important that we keep our egos in check and not lash out at others for our own shortcomings—for displaying grace in the midst of one's failings will determine how others will perceive your character. Some people don't seem to get this an…
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‘I Reported Him Straight After the Phone Call’ : Boss Accuses Wrong Ex-Employee of Reporting Use of Pirated Software, Leading to Petty Revenge

‘I Reported Him Straight After the Phone Call’ : Boss Accuses Wrong Ex-Employee of Reporting Use of Pirated Software, Leading to Petty Revenge

It's really easy nowadays to pirate software, which is probably why everybody does it, including big companies that can easily afford to buy the original. Of course, there are those anti-pirating-angels, who wish to wear their halos for all to see — which begs the question, why (besides taking cash into account) don't we download the genuine version of the software? Why are we so quick to dismiss it? The reason is actually pretty simple. You can't run the stupid thing without an internet connec…
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20 Attention-seekers who couldn't resist stealing the spotlight

20 Attention-seekers who couldn't resist stealing the spotlight

Everyone should have their time to shine, but some people can't help being the main character in their lives 24/7. We all have these people in our lives, and maybe you are that person! Some people love to post every minute of their lives on their socials, which of course their friends will comment on, hyping up their reels, snaps , or TikToks. It's so lovely when your besties give you love on your photos, but too much of that might give you a big head. Even influencers with just a few hundred f…
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