karen karens passive-aggressive neighborhoods neighbors karens-in-the-wild wild note parking cars ticket privacy public private petty

Passive Aggressive Karen Leaves a (Politely) Threatening Note on Her Neighbor's Car, Demanding They Stop Parking on the Public Street; Neighbor Refuses

"Would you be so kind…"
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'Sleeping in': 20+ Things that are objectively better than getting freaky in the sheets

Nothing beats the satisfaction of watching a reckless driver get caught at the same red light as everybody else
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'As a naturally petty person, I obviously did not let it slide': Woman goes into detective mode to expose annoying bully in her Facebook group, satisfaction achieved

'As a naturally petty person, I obviously did not let it slide': Woman goes into detective mode to expose annoying bully in her Facebook group, satisfaction achieved

Ooooh baby, if you're in need of a satisfying petty revenge story, then you have come to the right place! There is nothing like a little DIY karma to really get the blood pumping. The OP here took down a Facebook group troll and man, was it *chef's kiss*! The Facebook group that OP is talking about is not mentioned, but she says that there is a man in the group claiming to be a professional “religious educator,” however all he does in the group is spread hate. The woman, having actually gone to…
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A Cringey Collection of Fresh 27 LinkedIn Flops

A Cringey Collection of 27 Fresh LinkedIn Flops

Serotonin for the Monday blues
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family drama aita drama sister-in-law family feud in laws family - 20783877

‘She thinks she is fixing stuff’: Sister-in-law’s unsanctioned sauce seasoning causes major family schism

For those of us who love some zest and spice, it’s always difficult eating at that relative or friend’s place who refuses to add even a grain of salt or dust of pepper to their meals. These people have clearly never used their tastebuds before, and it shows. Still, it’s worth acknowledging that this is a rather pretentious thing to think; you should always just be grateful that someone cares enough to cook you a meal at all. Cooking is an investment of time, and—unlike some ingredients—time doe…
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Top Wholesome 'I Don't Worry Here Lady' Stories (June 3, 2023)

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Worry Here Lady' Stories (June 3, 2023)

We've all likely been on both ends of an “I Don't Work Here Lady” story. Look, everyone makes mistakes but not everyone has to make these assumptions. Some of these stories range from assumptions made as a result of a customer being a good samaritan, a customer's attire being strangely similar to that of a store's employees, and an entitled Karen's main character syndrome. Keep scrolling below for this fresh collection of “I Don't Work Here Lady” stories. For more, here are some top petty stori…
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Waitress responds to diners who don't care for about her outfit

'They’re rude from the start': Waitress claps back at diners who complained about her outfit

Working in food service changes your view of the profession forever. Most people only experience restaurants as a guest. You sit down, have a lovely meal brought to you by a waiter or waitress , and don't have to lift a finger as you dine. But once you tie on that apron and work as a server, you're on the other side of the experience. You have multiple tables of people who need you to take their order, deliver their food, and cater to their every whim. It's nonstop! And it basically turns into…
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'I had to get a doctor note': Call center employee has to get approved for longer bathroom breaks, he now relishes the extra time

'I had to get a doctor note': Call center employee has to get approved for longer bathroom breaks, he now relishes the extra time

The concept of monitoring an employee's bathroom breaks is perhaps the biggest waste of management's time.
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karma boss manager happy-ending work interview job hired salary raise promotion victor retribution toxic workplace employee worker

'Karma for the old manager': Hardworking employee earns her dream job over her ex-boss, gets a 60% pay raise and a happy ending

Fleeing a toxic workplace is like dealing with a bad breakup. It's tough to muster up the courage to break it off and even if you finally do, the Ghost of Cubicles Past may follow you into your next job, lurking around every corner, poisoning references, and tainting every good interview. Although, even if you're trying to run away from bad bosses in your closet, leaving your current job is harder than you think...
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boss workplace-stories in-the-workplace director toxic-workplace workplace-story manager work i quit quit managers quitting - 20687109

'I'm watching my future former director going nuts': Boss has dawning realization at employee's imminent departure

It's amazing how ego-fueled denial can make an employer wait until the last moments of your notice period before attempting to reassign your tasks and replace you. It's probably not surprising, though, given that this exact attitude and lack of care are probably what made you want to leave your job in the first place. Still, this happens time and time again—as evidenced by the sheer number of stories posted about it online. You might even have some stories and experiences of your own of dealing…
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'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family disagrees over who owns a birthday cake

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family birthday celebration turns into dispute over who owns a birthday cake

I'd be cringing so hard if I was the person behind this birthday mixup … but mistakes happen. Celebrating your birthday is a great time to gather your friends and family members to celebrate your big day. Another year old and wiser! There's no one way to throw a party — some people like to have small house parties, while others love to invite the whole neighborhood over for a BBQ. And then there are others who love to dine at their favorite restaurants to celebrate — and that's what happened in…
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‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

‘You can’t publish that': Karen flies off the handle when newspaper publishes her name in print, demands newspaper remove it, boss hangs up on her

Karens with a thin grasp of the law are especially tiresome to employees working who deal with it, and this includes reporters. In this case, OP was working at a small newspaper as a reporter. OP received a (surprise, surprise) complaint from a local Karen who was absolutely livid that her name was mentioned in an article OP wrote. To put things in perspective, OP mentioned Karen's name in passing, so it wasn't like OP quoted her, defamed her, or did anything else that may elicit such an angry…
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school toxic-workplace teaching work coworkers teachers awesome teacher teacher workplace - 20768005

'My next paycheck was $3500 more': Administration's attempt to dock teacher's hours makes them realize they're not being properly paid

Sometimes, in the effort to save $1, you lose $10—like when you buy an older bicycle, but it turns out, with all the work needing to be done to it, you should have just bought a newer one instead. Life's like that sometimes, and if you're trying to dig up ways that employees are screwing you to save money, you'd better be darned sure you're not actually screwing them, or else that might cost you—big time. When the administration tried to tell this teacher that she was having her hours docked fo…
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'Three hours of mandatory OT is requested per week': Employees pushed to work overtime despite already working 10+ hour shifts

'Three hours of mandatory OT is requested per week': Employees pushed to work overtime despite working 10+ hour shifts

Here's a friendly reminder that the words "mandatory" and "requested" do not mean the same thing.
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malicious compliance revenge revenge-stories military petty revenge - 20728581

'With a sledgehammer': Supply Officer says broken copier is fine, enlisted makes sure it's truly broken

Sometimes the only way to make sure a job is done (and done right) is to do it yourself… Even when that job is taking a sledgehammer to the department copier to ensure that it's well, truly, and undeniably broken—whatever it takes to get the pencil pushers off their butts and get something useful accomplished. This hardened division lead shared their story on Reddit's r/MilitiousCompliance subreddit, a community for sharing malicious compliance from within the military. They report that they we…
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Couple removes MIL from their house after she ruins a suitcase

'My MIL stood horrified in the middle of our living room': Couple kicks MIL from their house after she ruins a suitcase

Unpacking after a trip is something you either do as soon as you get home, or three weeks later, and those are the only options. Sometimes, you get back from a trip and put the entire suitcase away ASAP so that you can chill out and unwind after the journey. Other times, you've had so much fun that you're too tired to put away your luggage, and you just ignore it for a while until you gather the strength to put your stuff away . Anyway, this person's MIL is in that first category of people. She…
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