boss work-story workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance toxic coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses story quit quitting - 19482885

'Work a double and get written up... or...': Every worker quits when manager tries to write them up for working a double shift to help out

Who among us hasn't dreamt of dramatically quitting and walking out the door of a toxic workplace? It's one of those fantasies that seem to creep in any time your manager is berating you for something inane, like not putting one of the new cover sheets on your TPS report. That's what these workers had the choice to do when their manager tried to write them up for not closing properly. The thing is… they didn't close properly because they had never been trained to close properly—in fact, they we…
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AITA for cancelling my wife’s TV subscriptions?

'My wife subscribed to over 15 TV services': Wife steals husband's credit card to pay for streaming, husband retaliates and now marriage is on the rocks

It turns out nothing can break up a marriage like your TV subscriptions.
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live ring security camera system helps cops find the man they're chasing, he's hiding in a trashcan

'He's in my trash can!': Cops Catch Man on the Run After Woman Talks Them Through It Remotely on Her Security System

We've all seen cops on a chase on TV and in movies, maybe even in real life, but have you ever seen one go down through your very own security system? And then you're recruited to help them find the perp?! Well, that is exactly what happened to one woman in the middle of the day.
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'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

'The Customer Is Not Always Right. You're Fired, Effective Immediately' : HR Roast Bitter Boss and Fire Him Following His Strict Rule of ‘Customer Is Always Right’ That Resulted in Loss of Profits

HR exists for various reasons, one of them being they oversee employee relations, but it isn't often that you come across HR that has an employee's back. Especially if the employee is maliciously complying… But when said malicious compliance results in loss of profits, you bet they're gonna have the worker's backs — perhaps not for the right reasons, but a win is a win! This employee in particular deserved a big win, and although it took some time, karma did its job — well, I might add. OP work…
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karens aita neighbors neighborhood am-i-the-ahole entitled Bad Neighbor karen entitled people - 19465989

Karen blocks Single Mother's driveway, Single Mother calls the cops, Karen demands an apology

Wherever there are parking spaces or driveways… there are bound to be neighbors feuding over them. It's just one of those territorial behaviors that have been ingrained in us since the monkey times… Monkey get big cube of metal. Monkey need place to keep big cube of metal. Other monkey move their cube of metal. Monkey take other monkey's metal cube keeping place. Other monkey mad. This story plays out time and time again, with an irrational neighbor insisting on parking in another (slightly les…
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AITA for not accommodating my niece?

'Your SIL is an entitled parent': Party host gets yelled at by her SIL over food choices

Planning and hosting a kid's birthday party is stressful enough, but this woman's entitled sister-in-law made it so much worse. This OP shared her story with the internet, since she was seeking helpful opinions on whether or not she was the jerk in this situation. As the OP, u/haley××2 wrote, she was planning a birthday party for her kiddo, age 8, and inviting a bunch of people over. The OP invited her sister in law and niece, age 6, to the party as well. Since her niece has several allergies,…
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20+ Stupid Food Fails

Top 25 Food Fails of the Week (February 24, 2023)

Not everyone was born to be a cook!
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AITA for refusing to help my classmate after she accused me of mansplaining?

'She accused me of mansplaining': Teen refuses to work with study partner after she claims he's 'speaking to her [friend] like an idiot'

This guy was unsure about the difference between mansplaining and being a dude explaining a topic, so he turned to r/AmItheA**hole for advice. Many women have experienced mansplaining – depending on what circles you're in, it might happen all the time! But for this 15 year old, he's been accused of something he doesn't think he did. As he writes, the OP, Ellie, and Mia are all in a class together. He and Ellie study together during and outside of their physics class, as he recited parts of the…
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Apparently submitting assignments before the due date is considered “Late”.

'A deadline is a deadline': College student gets late penalty despite turning in paper early, professor goes on power trip and refuses to reverse decision

Power-hungry authority figures can show up anywhere, especially on a college campus.
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failblog equestrian cowboy memes funny memes Memes yeehaw horse girls cowgirls farms horses - 19473669

Funniest Yeehaw Memes Fresh From This Week for Cowboys and Cowgirls Who Need a Good Hootin' and Hollerin' (February 24, 2023)

Cowboy philosophy is laughing to yeehaw memes while you're rootin' and tootin' along.
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'Did You Block Me?' : 20+ Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

'Did You Block Me?' : 20+ Best Dating App Fails of the Week for the Tired Crowd

Yes, yes I did.
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recruiter antiwork workplace-stories jobs recruitinghell interviews recruiting workplace job interview interview - 19482117

'Offered the same salary again': Job candidate declines role after low-ball salary offer, management comes back with a second offer... for the same amount

If, at first, you don't succeed... try, try again—except… maybe, not in the exact same way as your first failure. Shake it up a little bit. Try an attempt that was better, or at least different , than your first… This was not a concept that this recruiter understood, choosing to make the same offer for a second time after this job candidate initially had declined. Who knows what their thought process was? Maybe they were seeking to wear the candidate down in a war of attrition—make the same off…
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'Getting a show/movie spoiled on me is preferred': 30+ Unpopular hot takes that will always raise eyebrows

'Getting a show/movie spoiled on me is preferred': 30+ Unpopular hot takes that will always raise eyebrows

What's your most unpopular opinion, the one that would definitely result in some surprised looks if you said it aloud? These folks weren't shy about sharing their most unsavory takes! Twitter user @pallnandi asked, “What unpopular opinion can put you in this position??” with a photo of Frozen's Flynn surrounded by swords. People had lots of thoughts
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HR-fail antiwork hr Toxic-HR human-resources-fail dumb blonde dumb-boss human resources bad-HR-Lady bad-HR Reddit toxic-work-environment boomer gen x - 19463173

‘Coworker keeps calling me a DUMB BLONDE’: 60-Year-Old Boomer HR Lady Keeps Harassing Employee, Boss Just Says She’s "Set In Her Ways"

When someone is harassing and bullying you at school, you can tell an adult. When someone is doing that to you at work, you go to the human resources department, aka HR. If HR is the bully… Then you can try telling your boss, but they hired HR so they didn't have to deal with that kind of stuff, so good luck! Unfortunately, that is what happened to one employee that turned to Reddit to share her story. She does her job well and all of her coworkers, and even her boss and upper management, respe…
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work-story workplace-stories fired hr manager new-boss malicious compliance coworkers human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses - 19482629

'Delete your files and leave': New boss fired after making analyst redundant and telling him to delete his "worthless" files, cost company $2.5 million

If you don't understand what your new subordinates do, it would be a good idea to seek to understand their work. Jumping to baseless conclusions that their work is worthless just because your skull is three inches thick is a surefire way to land the entire organization in hot water. Well, true to typical “new boss logic,” this boss, “Sally," was too quick to judge when an essential analyst was restructured under her tyrannical
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A guy tries to underpay an artist for a poster design. Artist rightfully declines the offer. Than the guy goes on a full temper tuntrum, starts harrasing the artist, uses ML as ammunition against the artists, claims the artist "gave the idea to them by declining the low offer". Yeah.

'You ARE the Zombie Apocalypse': Manchild Choosing Beggar refuses to pay artist, then uses AI art and goes on temper tantrum online

Every so often, you come across a choosing beggar who goes on a full-on temper tantrum.
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