toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance toxic-boss managers workplace toxic relationship toxic-work-environment - 19521797

'I got to enjoy a comfortable 40-hour week': Tyranical manager bans overtime "without approval," overworked employees gladly comply

There's this thing that occasionally happens in workplaces, universally, across every industry, when management takes a look at their books and realizes how much they're paying workers in overtime. Commence initiative: Overtime approval—requiring workers to endure ridiculous approval processes to beat them into submission until they don't bother reporting overtime that they're working. The extra work still gets done, and costs don't increase. Job done. The perplexingly confounding thing about o…
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You want the situation to be escalated to management ? Bet. Might f*** up your employment chances though

'Me: 1, Karen: 0': Karen bullies office receptionist on her way to job interview, receptionist gets revenge

The number one rule in any work environment: be kind to the receptionist!
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entitled-idiot revenge public transportation petty revenge entitled bus karen entitled people - 19432965

Toxic entitled individual battles a Karen on the bus

It's a race to the bottom in this latest story of petty revenge… We're all the heroes of our own story, and the mind has an impressive way of spinning a narrative so that it isn't at fault—especially when that narrative is going to be posted online for fake internet points. But, hey, it's my job to farm other people's fake-internet-point stories and give my own snazzy take on it for my own fake internet points—so I shouldn't be one to judge.
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AITA For Asking My Friend For a Piece of Chocolate?

'You're not friends. You are her boss': Clueless manager forces employee to give her the last bite of her chocolates

This manager went into work on her day off just to bully her so-called “friend/employee." In this insane story told to r/AmItheA**hole, the OP described an interesting work situation she's got going on. The 34 year old manager went into her retail job on her day off, probably because she considers her employees to be her friends. Not that bosses and employees can't be friends in theory, but there's got to be some boundaries drawn, and this clueless boss has some major issues with that.
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25+ Gym and Exercise Memes and Fails for Those of You Who Are Still Sore From Leg Day

25+ Gym and Exercise Memes and Fails for Those of You Who Are Still Sore From Leg Day

For some of us, going to the gym is an obsession; for others, it's a fantasy.
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George Carlin said "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." What real life example have you seen that validates this view?

'He couldn't find any trains going to Hawai'i': 40 People share the moment they realized someone was dumb as a rock

There's billions of people in this world, and they can't all be geniuses. Some don't even have a drop of common sense . You're going to meet many people from all different walks of life and varying educational backgrounds, but sometimes people just say stunning things. Prompted by a famous quote from George Carlin , people shared their stories of the times they realized they were much smarter than the person they were chatting with. These people aren't your average run-of-the-mill dum dums. No,…
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I’ll never clean up after my roommates again

'I'm officially done': College student refuses to clean up after wild roommates anymore, internet responds

The only thing worse than a messy college apartment is when you have to do all the cleaning.
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‘My Legs Were Jelly’ : Dude Spites Entitled Gym Rat Following Rude, Water-Bottle-Kicking Behavior, Leading to Epic, Sore Petty Revenge

‘My Legs Were Jelly’ : Dude Spites Entitled Gym Rat Following Rude, Water-Bottle-Kicking Behavior, Leading to Epic, Sore Petty Revenge

The power of petty should not be underestimated, especially when it comes to a tired fellow gym rat. You might want to think twice before you prance around, kicking water bottles off of equipment that is obviously in use. One gym monger was in a rude mood that even sleeping on the right side of the bed wouldn't fix. It is universally accepted to wait your turn — this goes for lines in supermarkets, amusement parks, traffic lights, and… gyms. But this mean mood had obviously taken over this woma…
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family drama aita bride allergic drama wedding drama Crazy Brides allergic reaction wedding family allergy bridezilla cousin - 19504133

Update!.. 'Suck it up': Bride accuses cousin of show-stealing for suffering an anaphylactic allergic reaction at their wedding

The lack of accurate information and general misunderstanding of anaphylactic reactions in the wider population astounds me. My leading theory for this is that it all goes back to the “People don't understand what they can't see.” discussion that is so pertinent when it comes to other unseen injuries and illnesses like traumatic brain injuries. “You look fine, so you must be fine!..” the same thing your mother used to tell you before she sent you to school with the flu. People generally don't u…
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Cheezburger Image 19484165

'Neighbor called the cops on my husband': Neighborhood feud over noisy dogs turns to 'unnecessary escalation'

These neighbors let their dogs bark all hours of the day and night, and the “grin and bear it” attitude of one neighborhood couple is starting to wane. Even after five years of living on the same street, this neighborhood feud is seemingly just getting started. On r/AmItheA**hole, u/amandaisthenewkaren asked if she'd be the a**hole for giving her neighbor a new nickname — Karen. She writes that she and her husband work from home in a crowded and closely packed neighborhood. She and her husband…
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‘Malicious Compliance Mode Activated’ : Employee Fired for Messing With Wrong Coworker After Getting Berated for Not Following Company Safety Guidelines

‘Malicious Compliance Mode Activated’ : Employee Fired for Messing With Wrong Coworker After Getting Berated for Not Following Company Safety Guidelines

Do warning signs baffle you? Specifically, the type that read 'Do not stand in, on or around while operating'? It seems like kind of a given. Well, you haven't met my coworkers. Company safety matters should be taken seriously — guidelines are in place for a reason. That reason is usually that it is potentially saving employees from ending up as a pile of mush, buried 6 feet under. If someone had to make a sign, there is usually a reason. Well, apparently my coworkers are not the only ones in n…
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manager managers workplace workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story new-owners toxic-boss Horrible Bosses pro revenge revenge - 19503365

'It's my business now': Incompetent new owner tanks business by meddling with crucial employee, leaves and takes clients with them

There's nothing like building up a small business with your boss only to have them sell it… leaving your job in the hands of a greedy egomaniac who cares about nothing except making good on their investment. This new owner will often think that they know how to run your business better than you and manage your clients better than you—all while downplaying your experience and contributions to “put you in your place.” This often results in an incredibly predictable outcome; without knowing the nu…
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Woman at work accused me of vaping in the bathroom because “I can smell it on you.”

'I can smell it on you': Karen coworker falsely accuses employee of vaping in the bathroom, tries to get him fired

When your Karen coworker has it out for you, you have to watch your back.
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dog ingest mystery substance at the park, gets sick, turns out it happens all the time, vet fixes him up, but owner warns all dog owners

'[The vet said] it happens a lot, she'll be fine': TikToker Posts Warning to All Dog Parents About Off-Leash Parks After Her Dog Comes Back Testing Positive for Methanphatmines

The dog was treated and totally fine, but it was a terrifying experience—in conclusion, be careful letting your dog off-leash at parks!
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AITA For suing my girlfriend after she had my 1967 impala project taken to the scrapyard?

Toxic GF steals dude's beloved car and hauls it to junk yard

This guy was stunned to find out that his girlfriend had not only stolen his beloved car , but she took it to be scrapped. U/Jimothyisyouruncle shared this story to r/AmItheA**hole, and it's a truly wild tale. The OP let his GF live with him during for a few months, but she's hated his car since day one. The 1967 Impala really grinds her gears, all because it's parked in the spot she wants to put her own car in. The OP told her, “Tough luck," since there were other places to park it. But then,…
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Top 10 Tales From Your Server This Week (February 27, 2023)

Top 10 'Tales From Your Server' This Week (February 26, 2023)

The trials and tribulations of being a server are on full display here!
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