reviews customer service retail amazon reviews retail worker karen-customer customers 1-star-review business karen - 2113287

'Be advised': Male Karen leaves 1-star review because he's angry about free soda

'Most people wouldn't behave like this': Local celebrity gorges on free food at restaurant that sponsors him, refuses to tip

'Most people wouldn't behave like this': Local celebrity gorges on free food at restaurant that sponsors him, cuts the line, and refuses to tip servers

'Your date just stole all the tips your friends left for me': Server gets back at prom kid for taking all the tip money from group hibachi dinner

'Your date just stole all the tips your friends left for me': Server gets back at prom kid for taking all the tip money from group hibachi dinner

'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined because her method would 'really clean it out'

'She was going to hire a 'professional'...': Boss refuses to stop cleaning computer until it's ruined, because her method would 'really clean it out'

country-folk USA-memes murica Cowboys murica memes funny memes Memes yee-yee yeehaw cowgirls funny-america-memes funny-country-memes america memes yee haw - 21072133

23 Yee-Haw Memes vs Yee-Yee Memes For Good 'Ol Funny Country Folk

'I told you that your expectations were unrealistic': IT consultant fired after refusing to work OT on ridiculous project, gains leverage when negotiating exit terms

'I told you that your expectations were unrealistic': IT consultant fired after refusing to work OT on ridiculous project, gains leverage when negotiating exit terms

job-reddit toxic-workplace Office career workplace reddit thread Reddit office drama toxic-work-environment - 21056517

‘I’m stuck in some office drama’: Man seeks advice on overcoming tough client

'She must go on leave and I won't hear any excuses!': Worker gets double leave when Karen boss forces them to take leave and forgets to document it

'She must go on leave and I won't hear any excuses!': Worker gets double leave when Karen boss forces them to take leave and forgets to document it

'Bad karma, buddy': Dude flips off neighbor after trying to park in someone else's assigned parking spot

'Bad karma, buddy': Dude flips off neighbor after trying to park in someone else's assigned parking spot

roommates roommate psycho rules bad fridge food eating eat stolen thief stealing-food rage revenge petty-revenge petty reddit call-center call work harassment prank prank-call

'I spent 2 hours making his life miserable': Dude gets revenge on his roommate for eating his food; terrorizes him at work at the call center with hours of silly prank dials

'Send us a check': Landlord refuses to take $0.02 payment in cash, tenant maliciously complies

'Send us a check': Landlord refuses to take $0.02 payment in cash, tenant maliciously complies

'You better open this dang door': Employee locks door and catches wannabe thief trying to steel from convenience store

'You better open this dang door': Employee locks door and catches wannabe thief trying to steal from convenience store

'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (June 21, 2023)

'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (June 21, 2023)

'All that just to spite [a jerk]:' "Really rich guy" buys apartment complex and fires manager who was rude to him

'All that just to spite [a jerk]:' Really rich guy buys apartment complex and fires the manager who was rude to him

'He was shivering and holding an entire meatloaf': 20+ Times bosses caught their employees being on their wackiest workplace behavior

'He was shivering and holding an entire meatloaf': 20+ Times bosses caught their employees being on their wackiest workplace behavior

'I burped in my manager's face': 20 embarrassing things people did in front of their bosses and crushes

'I burped in my manager's face': 20 embarrassing things people did in front of their bosses and crushes