Top 27 Dating App Flops of the Week (June 28, 2023)

Top 27 Dating App Flops of the Week (June 28, 2023)

'The company just isn't really meeting my expectations': Employee shocks employer, quits while giving them a taste of their own medicine

'The company just isn't really meeting my expectations': Employee shocks employer, quits while giving them a taste of their own medicine

Bosses of Reddit, what do your employees think you don't notice, but you really do?

'I know all kinds of dirt on employees, past and present': 25+ Employee 'secrets' that bosses always notice

Top Roommate Stories of the Week (June 29, 2023)

Top Roommate Stories of the Week (June 29, 2023)

'I've started selling to coworkers': Employee creates loophole for herself and coworkers after bosses dress code her

'I've started selling to coworkers': Employee creates loophole for herself and coworkers after bosses dress code her

'They demanded a formal letter of resignation': Employee quits using Shrek-themed design template, internet reacts

'They demanded a formal letter of resignation': Employee quits using Shrek-themed design template, internet reacts

should-you-quit toxic-manager employee manager upper management r-antiwork quitting-advice work-life balance Reddit workplace-culture - 21125637

'I've really started noticing how sad it is': Employee on verge of quitting sparks discussion on what to do when your boss has no work-life balance

'How is this legal?': Worker gets a new job, realizes the recruiter wasn't honest about the role

'How is this legal?': Worker gets a new job, realizes the recruiter wasn't honest about the role

 'The grin slid off his face and his mouth went agape': Employee foils the plans of customer who thought he found a loophole

'The grin slid off his face and his mouth went agape': Employee foils the plans of scam artist who thought he found a loophole

single mother single-mother slacker lazy work employee coworker manager workplace reddit antiwork entitled entitled-people work-ethic excuse lame hr

'She demanded I hire her, but I refused': HR tries to dump a slacker employee on a hard-working manager; they get denied even after they try to pull the 'single mother' card

'The penalty is $150k per image': Client refuses to paid photographer, gets predictably sued

'The penalty is $150k per image': Client refuses to paid photographer, gets predictably sued

'Karen doesn't like that I removed my rose bushes': Tantrum-throwing Karen sent on goose chase after neighbor misleads her about where he works

'Karen doesn't like that I removed my rose bushes': Karen sent on goose chase after neighbor misleads her regarding where he works

'I think you should go to the back of the line': Woman wins petty encounter

'I think you should go to the back of the line': Woman wins petty encounter with her high school bully

'You can't claim residence when you don't pay rent': Karen tenant refuses to pay rent, roommate submits paperwork to get her evicted

'You can't claim residence when you don't pay rent': Karen tenant refuses to pay rent, roommate submits paperwork to get her evicted

'I quit my job and there may be a massive domino effect': Manager causes 'domino effect' when they quit their job

'I quit my job and there may be a massive domino effect': Manager causes 'domino effect' when they quit their job

'I don’t understand why you can’t just fix it': Employee declines to work in hazardous conditions

'I don’t understand why you can’t just fix it': Employee refuses to work in hazardous conditions, tells boss he'll call her an ambulance instead