FAILS funny memes mildly infuriating infuriating Reddit funny fails funny - 19625989

Top Most Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (March 9, 2023)

Seasons may change, but mildly infuriating moments will always be there!
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2 Guys Talk About Hot Girl In Spanish And Find Out She Speaks The Language

2 Brothers Mortified After Talking About A Hot Woman In Spanish, They Later Conclude She's Latina

Other people speak Spanish y'know, the world doesn't revolve around you
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medical-system doctor-fail toxic-workplace doctors appointment doctors office bad-treatment healthcare nursing-fail - 19611909

'This should NEVER happen to a patient': Woman gets forgotten by hospital staff and walks out to a completely closed down doctor's office

The healthcare system in the U.S. has been a topic of controversy for decades. We pay out the wazoo in taxes for it, yet many of us don't even receive it. And then the ones who do, are either super rich and get top quality care, or not super rich and get subpar or horrible care. We don't blame the health workers! It is the system. But because of this horrible system, we've all, unfortunately, experienced a horrible doctor's visit situation. You know, that time you had an appointment made for 9a…
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aita toxic-workplace drama relationship-drama relationships Reddit toxic relationship dramatic toxic-work-environment - 19364869

'AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave the house for 6-7 hours a day?': Dude gets roasted for forcing girlfriend out of their shared home with terrible reasoning

When you decide to take the leap and share your life with another person… actually share it with them. Don't do what this jerk boyfriend did and kick them out of the house, baring them from their own home so that your friends can sit in their favorite chair and hang out with you while they're on the outside looking in. Instead, be inclusive and seek to share time, love, and desires with them. This dude got roasted for forcing his recently-jobless girlfriend out of their shared home so that he c…
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Neighbors used my property as their own. Paid for new fence.

'The neighbors were in my pool': Entitled family disregard new neighbor to use his property because they 'had permission' from previous owner

After buying a house , this guy met his new neighbors, but these people just couldn't let go of an old neighborhood agreement. Relationships between neighbors can be delicate. The family in this guy's story clearly missed house's previous owner, and that didn't stop them from using his property. As u/rodeopete3281 wrote, he recently purchased a new house, and was fixing it up before move in. He realized that some of his new neighbors were parking at his house every day, which wouldn't be a prob…
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karens revenge petty revenge food delivery karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit karen - 19608581

'You lied to me and you should deal with the consequences': Nightmare Male Karen thinks he got petty revenge by making enemies with a restaurant

Talk about main character syndrome!
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Roommates renting out my room when i traveled without telling me

'I'm paying rent, it's my room': Sneaky roommates run up bills, attempt to steal guy's room while he's away

Living with your pals is a risky move, even if you're life-long friends. This guy shared the story of his two awful roommates , Lisa and Jay, who decided to share a living space. As the OP wrote, “Every bone in my body is saying this is a bad idea, but I give it a go." Despite their hesitation, the first few months went fine for the OP and their two roommates. But then, things started to shift. The two began acting oddly, like the GF, who suddenly shows up with a $500 phone and TV bill, claimin…
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coworkers marriage proposal proposal girlfriend cheating breakup reddit thread Reddit - 19610629

'Her coworkers thought I'm not good enough': Boy buys ring, girl breaks up with boy because her coworkers don't like him, internet reacts

There are many red flags to watch out for in relationships, but your coworkers' opinions should not be at the top of the list.
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'Sorry Karen, I don't do work I'm not compensated for' : Delusional customer calls employee's manager after being refused service from employee on break

'Sorry Karen, I don't do work I'm not compensated for' : Delusional customer calls employee's manager after being refused service from employee on break

It's almost alarming how many customers assume it's their right that an employee drops everything to help them, whether the employee is on break, off the clock, or busy helping another customer. This was Karen's assumption as well, as she scoured the store for someone wearing what resembled a uniform. This same Karen expected a retail worker to help her, even though the worker was on break. She took offense when told that, and went straight to the manager, as any good old Karen would do. There…
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work-story work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses story developers quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 19630085

'[They] didn't want to pay me a fair wage': Horrifically underpaid IT guy leaves and costs the company $40 Million

This underpaid IT professional waited years for fair treatment from his bosses. The work doubled and then tripled, but the pay never reflected his efforts. He wouldn't prove how essential he was to the company until he left… and cost them $40 Million. Redditor u/slw_motion_trainwrck shared this story on the r/antiwork subreddit. u/slw_motion_trainwrck's story centers on their experience working for a factory in the Southern United States. The factory was based in "a very small farming town of a…
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You get a tiki torch, you get a tiki torch. You all get tiki torches!!

Fired-up Karen calls fire department for nothing, so the entire neighborhood retaliates against her

Nosy neighbors always have too much time on their hands to start pointless feuds. In this case, Karen not only ignited a neighborhood fight , she also wasted valuable resources. This person shared their wild tale from a few years ago, when they first moved into a duplex. The trouble stared the day they moved in, when Karen began interrogating her new neighbor . Acting like she was the HOA, she told the OP that all fire pits and bonfires are banned from the street, then asked lots more invasive…
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'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

Roommate situations can get muddled and messy real fast, especially when matters concerning money are involved. You'd think you could trust a friend in that regard, but don't be so quick to assume… people can unpleasantly surprise you, as made obvious in this tale of petty revenge. One man told his ‘roommate horror story’ to r/pettyrevenge, which took place many years ago. While in college, he rented out a room in the summer at a friend's apartment in Colorado. He wasn't aware that this ‘friend…
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boss work-story workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace text message i quit mildly infuriating workplace Horrible Bosses workers infuriating employment toxic-work-environment - 19629829

'I accept your termination': Viral texts show immature boss flipping out after demanding unlimited worker availability for an already released schedule

This worker shared a lengthy exchange that occurred between themselves and their boss over availability to cover shifts for an already published roster. Things started off rocky, with the boss sending passive-aggressive and immature responses to the young worker's level-headed reasoning. It wasn't long before the conversation escalated into threats of termination. The fact that the worker appears to be a minor makes the conversation that much worse; the fact that the boss's lack of maturity is…
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karens malicious compliance karens in the wild food reddit thread Reddit fast food karen - 19621893

'You idiots always never listen to me': Fast food Karen insists on three separate bags for her order, malicious compliance ensues!

Literally, why would you ever mess with the people making your food?
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twitter Twitter Thread elon musk tweets tweet celebrity twitter work-story workplace-stories fired work laid off viral tweets tech news Horrible Bosses viral Tech developers - 19629317

Update: 'I would like to apologize': Elon Musk forced to apologize after publicly shaming disabled developer who was questioning their employment status

An incredibly public display that may have resulted in multiple contractual and privacy breaches occurred on Twitter between Twitter CEO Elon Musk and a developer, Halli, after the developer enquired about his employment status on the platform following radio silence from the social media giant. The exchange resulted from a viral tweet from Halli, who claimed that they had lost access to their work computer nine days prior—yet there had been communication from the HR department, which also wasn…
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public freakout, freak out, public, marriage, marriage proposal, drama, ultimatum, relationships, target, fail, walmart, people of walmart, crazy, insane, video, footage, real life

Desperate Woman Bombards Her Boyfriend Working at Target, Demanding Marriage Immediately

This has some serious Walmart energy
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