'That's a ridiculous rate': Entitled vacationing family has a meltdown over childcare costs

'That's a ridiculous rate': Entitled vacationing family has a meltdown over childcare costs

This confused freelancer is unsure if they asked for way too much money to babysit their cousin's three youngsters. U/HENNYDEFN was pretty sure they weren't asking for too much money, but they checked with the r/AmItheA**hole community to be sure. As the OP writes, they're actually a software engineer who freelances on the side. They make between $40-$60 per hour at their official roles, but they were willing to offer a family discount when their cousin asked them to babysit . This cousin is br…
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'She told me she was a widow' : Woman cheats for free drinks and a meal, date finds out and notifies her husband, leading to messy divorce

'She told me she was a widow' : Woman cheats for free drinks and a meal, date finds out and notifies her husband, leading to messy divorce

Shame is a trait that not everyone has in abundance. Then again, when taking into consideration that cheaters don't tend to be the most considerate people, the story below makes a smidge more sense. One woman was presumably a bit bored in her marriage, so she sought excitement elsewhere. A singles mixer bar, to be more specific. There she encountered a nice man, who she hit it off with. Instead of alerting him to the fact she was married, she told him her husband had passed. He didn't suspect a…
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pro revenge work-story workplace-stories Legal Woes fired toxic-workplace revenge new-owners lawsuit workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 19571973

'Fired or accept a massive pay cut': New owner fabricates allegations to fire top employee, he sues and watches the company dissolve

If there is any way to save a dollar and lose a fortune, this has to be it. When this new owner took over this company, all they could see were their immediate costs, and they decided that getting rid of all the top-paid employees was a top priority. There was no consideration made for what those employees might be contributing and what their unique strengths might be. So when the new owner decided to frame this top earner and hang them with a whole heap of lies… they set themselves up for a bi…
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workplace-stories employee work stories toxic-workplace coworkers workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19571205

'I will be leaving in order to pursue happiness': Employee prints form resignation letter and makes savage hand-written adjustments

Talk about effortless, am I right?
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boss coworkers work memes corporate millennials micromanager relatable underpaid overworked

Funniest Work Memes for Corporate Millennials That Are Underpaid and Overworked (March 2, 2023)

I'm a freak in the Excel Sheets
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College Girls Get Petty Revenge on Toxic Roommates, Moving Out Unannounced and Taking Everything but the Kitchen Sink

College Girls Get Petty Revenge on Toxic Roommates, Moving Out Unannounced and Taking Everything but the Kitchen Sink

What do you get when you cram 6 college girls into a tiny, off-campus house for a year? Drama . No matter which way you slice it, a group of that many females is going to fracture at some point, creating factions of opposition, passive aggression, and pettiness of Biblical scale. One woman named Claire recalls a time when her and her 5 other friends were all very close– during their junior year of college –but that was before they all moved in together and noticed that each other's quirks were…
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'TIFU by misinterpreting the CEO's arm gesture': Cringey interview goes terribly wrong

'TIFU by misinterpreting the CEO's arm gesture': Cringey interview goes terribly wrong

Interviews seem to bring out the most awkward parts of ourselves . There's just no way to get through the interview process without being uncomfortable in some way. After all, you're suddenly placed in a new environment, surrounded by people you don't know and have to impress, and you're dressed up fancy while being as nervous as possible. This person shared their own deeply embarrassing interview story. Not only did the OP act goofy in front of the CEO , they kept getting interviews despite th…
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Update on host that requested I separate the whites and colors and do a laundry load before checking out

'Don't ask me to do work for you': Airbnb customer asked to do laundry for host three times despite steep cleaning fee

These Airbnb hosts are in desperate need of a reality check.
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What's your unpopular food opinion?

'Cornbread is overrated': 20 Fail Blog fans share their most unpopular food opinions

“Peanut butter goes on chili dogs,” wrote one commenter in reply to this controversial question: What's your unpopular food opinion?
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malicious compliance cars tools mechanic truck reddit thread Reddit karen kevin - 19553541

'Never piss off your tool guy': Mechanic malicious compliance ensues after temperamental male Karen loses it

If there's one thing to learn in life, it's to always be kind to your mechanic.
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Best Blunt Unpopular Opinions of the Week for the Controversially Brave Crowd

Best Blunt Unpopular Opinions of the Week for the Controversially Brave Crowd

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terrible coworkers workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story lazy coworkers dickhead co-workers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses story coworker lazy-coworker toxic-work-environment revenge petty revenge - 19522309

'It's unfair': Worker forced to take a stand with boss after doing all of her lazy coworker's work

Doing your own job is tiring enough without having to do your coworker's job too. Unfortunately, the reality is you'll often find yourselves having to make up for your coworker's chain-dragging—hey, at least those group projects in school prepared us for something … right? Another unfortunate reality comes in the realization that most managers will be slow to do anything about this. Even if they say they're looking into it, you can bet on a sloth to show more urgency and keep a greater pace. No…
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AITA for telling my SIL to stop being broke when she complained about me flying first class?

'Why can't you just stop being so spoilt?': Two moms battle over first class seat aboard long flight

When flying for an extended period of time, it only makes sense to sit in comfort if you can. That didn't stop this woman's stepsister in law from flipping out that she couldn't fly in style too! This woman asked r/AmItheA**hole if she was in the wrong when a fight cropped up between her and her step sis. Both have children – the OP has a 5 year old, while her SIL has a 7 year old. They decided to travel together for a visit to South Africa, though they booked their flights separately. The OP n…
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healthy-workplace employee happy-employees toxic-workplace healthy-management work upper management management-questions toxic-boss leadership-roles workplace-culture workplace-etiquette - 19570949

'No one wants to be friends with their boss': Manager complains that his staff is too chummy and he feels left out, internet serves up harsh reality check

Getting a manager you get along with is rare these days. The workforce is filled with entitled Karen and Kyle bosses that think since they're you boss they can treat you like trash. Those jobs are the kind you have to quit as soon as possible. However, when you find upper management that you actual click with, it's feels like the sky has opened and the sun is shining down on you and the angels sing, ya know? However, how far can you go with that “click” with upper management before it's too far…
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terrible coworkers workplace-stories idiot coworker workplace-story manager coworkers dickhead co-workers managers workplace story idiots - 19503877

'Where is your manager!?': Idiot coworker ironically self-reports grievous safety violation when demanding worker's manager

Idiots can become a huge problem in the workplace when the “Peter Principle” takes effect and elevates them into positions they should never have held in the first place. From their positions of authority, they wreak havoc with their wider-reaching idiocy, making ill-advised decisions and unleashing their stupid wrath on competent workers. Luckily, that same double-edged sword of dimwitted confidence that got them in the position in the first place can also be their downfall; all it takes is th…
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Offered a job to a dead person today

'You will not be hearing back from her': HR has major hiring fail after offering job to candidate who is no longer alive

Instead of a job applicant getting ghosted by HR, this time HR was ghosted by a job candidate, who was a literal ghost.
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