work-story antiwork workplace-stories tech support technology IT guy tech news workplace story Tech developers - 19728133

'Win-win for everyone involved.': IT Guy automates his entire job and works 10 minutes a day from home

There is a quote that is often attributed to the likes of Bill Gates and Walter Chrysler that goes something along the lines of “Always choose a lazy man to do a hard job because a lazy man will find an easy way to do it.” Whether or not either of them actually uttered this string of words (or was the first to do so) is up for debate. But the sentiment rings true in many instances that require innovation: Why hire the guy who is content to do things by the letter when you can hire the guy who w…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19701253

'End of discussion, do you understand me?': New boss throws tantrum at employee for executing task without the OK, employee malicious complies and gets boss fired

There's nothing like a boss who turns out to be too prideful to acknowledge when they've made a huge mistake.
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AITA for reporting my sons math teacher to the school board for ineptitude and being so rude to me? I would like him fired from his provisional contract.

Entitled Karen Tries to Fire Her Kid's Math Teacher For Making Him Take Notes

This kid will never learn anything with his entitled mom around!
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AITA for telling a teacher she's being unreasonable?

Entitled Mom vs. 'Unreasonable' Teacher: Mom wants son to miss test for a pep rally, teacher refuses

We love when a teacher puts their foot down, but at what cost?
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reviews karens review 1-star-review karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 19707397

'You were trying to flee the place without paying': Karen leaves a 1-star review after trying to dine and dash, owner responds

Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions. Let's face it; some people really struggle to take accountability for their own behavior, to the point that they're reading to get dirty, messy—even feral—as long as it keeps them from having to face the truth that they're a Karen. When this Karen took it upon themself to leave a 1-star review for their dining experience, it didn't take long before the owner responded to put them in their place. The owner responded by saying that the Karen h…
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AITA for exposing an entitled neighbor?

'[They] roasted her brutally': Guy exposes entitled neighbor after she demands to borrow his only vehicle and blasts him online

No good deed goes unpunished, as one neighbor found out after being exposed on social media. It all started when this guy decided to get a nice sports car to drive around in during the summer months. He also has a “winter beater,” a run-down SUV that he drives during the winter months to preserve his sports car. However, the OP wrote that he has a young neighbor with kids, and she was in a bit of a financial struggle after a divorce. The OP decided to be nice to her and let her borrow the winte…
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imgur airport flight funny memes passenger Travel funny airplane - 19664389

30+ Travel Memes and Fails While You’re Stuck in the Security Line

Being stuck at the airport can be excruciating...
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getting fired no-notice-fired toxic-company fired got-fired toxic-workplace new-career-path zero-notice-fired toxic-employer time-lapse video - 2031623

Man Accidentally Records the Moment He Gets No-Noticed Fired By His Toxic Employers

One minute you're making a video of how good you are at your work, and the next minute you're getting pulled into an out-of-the-blue conference call with your boss, who then invites HR into the meeting and it turns out you're getting fired with zero notice… You think that's a funny little nihilistic point of view or meme? Nah, dog. That is real life. That is exactly what happened to a man who recently posted his getting-fired-story to TikTok. He had recently returned from vacation and was happy…
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AITA for renting a goat?

'I didn't expect her to react so negatively': Husband's HOA-compliant yard work idea infuriates wife

This guy absolutely despises cutting his lawn, writing, “The sound of the lawn mower makes me wish I could take my ears off like Mr. Potato Head and lock them in a box.”
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Work sucks memes relatable Mondays monday through Friday 9 to 5 clocking in jobs working anarchy bad mood

Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (March 14, 2023)

Hey Siri, how do you say, "I quit my job, I have no money, please don't rob me" in Spanish?
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karens entitled parents pizza entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19663621

‘This is why I hate people’: Pizza Karen thinks waitress is a teen mom, tips heavily, then demands money back

No one said tipping should be about whether or not you’re the mother of the crying baby in the restaurant.
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'They had no idea I understood every word' : Rude customers fat-shame bridal stylist in Spanish, unaware she speaks the language, leading to petty revenge

'They had no idea I understood every word' : Rude customers fat-shame bridal stylist in Spanish, unaware she speaks the language, leading to petty revenge

Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, and it's human nature to make grand assumptions about people based on their appearance. One woman was styling a bride-to-be, who came in with her rude, entitled family. The bride stylist didn't exactly give the impression of someone who speaks Spanish; in her own words, she is ‘whiter than a jar of mayo’. The bride's family took her appearance as an excuse to say awful things to her face, going as far as to fat shame her. Little did they know, sh…
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staff work-story workplace-stories hr workplace-story manager work employees human resources managers workplace employment - 19687941

Update: '[I] am completely confounded': Worker claims they're unable to use Microsoft Windows OS due to their religion

There are a lot of people in this world with a lot of different beliefs, and we would do well to seek to understand and accept them. Still, there are some things in this world that just don't seem to add up to any rational sort of thinking. It's all well and good to follow a belief structure that carries a sense of morality and ethics. But what do you do when that structure prohibits you from using the tools of your trade? Is it your organization's responsibility to cater to these needs? Or is…
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Neighbors kept parking in our lot. I froze them out.

'I call the tow company — they can't do anything': Party-goers infuriated by icy surprise after loud late-night party

One neighbor got so fed up with parking issues that he took a strategic approach that no one would ever forget. This person wrote that the story took place around 20 years ago, at a time when he lived in an apartment building with parking space for 16 cars. However, the OP, u/BrightRick, noticed that all of the sudden random strangers were taking up all this parking. The OP tried to get these cars moved through all the usual channels. They talked with police, who said there was nothing to be do…
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‘You're gonna revoke our admin rights? Fine, no problem.' : Terrible manager gets fired after employees maliciously comply with his new inefficient company policy

‘You're gonna revoke our admin rights? Fine, no problem.' : Terrible manager gets fired after employees maliciously comply with his new inefficient company policy

Stories like this are a dime a dozen, the reason for that being that many new managers make the common mistake of trying to change rules that work, for rules that don't. One man was working for a subsidiary of a fortune 500 as a manager of a dev team. Everything was working perfectly until a new security manager came along, and revoked the admin rights of OP's team. This led to a handful of problems, which were brought to the security manager, who waved them off. In fact, he replied to every em…
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work-story workplace-stories hr revenge work petty revenge human resources workplace - 19466245

HR Makes Salaried Employees Fill Out Time Cards, Costs Them Big

There's an age-old saying that can—although said in many different ways—be summarized as: If you're going to break the rules, don't break two rules at the same time. It's a simple, logical rationalization that boils down to mitigating risks. When you break multiple rules simultaneously, you just multiply your chances of being caught. In addition to that, when you get caught for one… you're probably going to get caught for both—and pay the price for both. There's also the added risk of more peop…
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