Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Boomer Bummer: Funniest Memes About the Greatest Generation Who Will Always Need Help Attaching a PDF to an Email

Millennials are just so entitled
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malicious compliance relationships bathroom toilet breakup reddit thread Reddit couple - 19653637

'You don't get special treatment': Couple has explosive fight over the toilet seat, boyfriend enacts bathroom malicious compliance

You know that classic scenario where a couple fights about something stupid but there's a lot of larger meaning attached to it?
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'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

Saint Patrick's is the one day you don't want to work as a bartender. Not that New Year's is that much better, but still, Saint Patrick's holds first place for rowdy customers who use the celebration of Irish culture as an excuse to get completely hammered. As customers, they can be rude, loud, and most of all, sick to their stomachs, which creates a big mess. Who gets the lovely privilege of cleaning up after 'em? You, if you're a server. But the money is pretty sweet, as people tend to be pre…
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pro revenge workplace-stories tech support toxic-workplace technical difficulties revenge it IT guy workplace Horrible Bosses Tech business - 19661317

'Ends up paying him double': Greedy business owner tries to scam IT guy, IT guy scams him right back

It's often said that you shouldn't meddle with things you don't understand and, by extension, you shouldn't mess with the people who handle the things that you don't understand either. If you've managed to get a contractor in to handle something you can't or aren't willing to do or understand, and they deliver on that product, you'd do your best to pay them the agreed price. After all, we've already established you don't understand that thing, so why are you so certain you've got the upper hand…
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'She's the embarrassing... perpetually online influencer': Sister 'mortified' by entitled influencer sibling's attention-grabbing habits

'She's the embarrassing... perpetually online influencer': Sister 'mortified' by entitled influencer sibling's attention-grabbing habits

“My sister is trying really hard to become famous online ,” this woman wrote, sharing why she's actually so fed up with her sister's attention-seeking habits. Many influencers online create carefully crafted Instagram feeds and Facebook profiles. Their whole lives look gorgeous, aesthetically pleasing, and basically perfect. However, what their viewers don't see is the behind-the-scenes action. Just how far would an influencer go to get the perfect picture? We don't even want to know! But these…
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'You sure have an accessibility problem now!' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled rich dude who decidedly parks new Corvette in designated handicapped space

'You sure have an accessibility problem now!' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled rich dude who decidedly parks new Corvette in designated handicapped space

Parking in a handicapped space is not only against the law, but it also goes against basic human morals and demonstrates some shocking nerve. One man was shopping with his daughter who needed a wheelchair for her disabilities. As he was loading her chair into the car, an entitled, very obviously not disabled man pulled up in a new Corvette with his girlfriend.
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employees workplace employment work-story workplace-stories employee hr malicious compliance revenge petty revenge human resources story - 19629573

Worker gets one over on vindictive HR by following workplace guidelines

It's no secret that the human resource department isn't as benevolent or employee-focused as we might have once been led to believe. At the end of the day, that seems pretty obvious, and we find it hard to believe that the wool could ever be pulled over our eyes. After all, it's in the name . It's an entire department of the company that exists solely to manage and mitigate one of its most costly resources… humans—aka you . Still, HR managers manage to either be the sweetest, most hospitable pe…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit quitting toxic-work-environment - 19652101

'Only a week notice?': Boss tries to guilt employee into staying longer, employee retaliates and decides to leave that day

The best way to get someone to do what you want is certainly not to insult them.
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'You can't just come in and pick him up out of school, that's against policy': Pushy cops get shut down by a principal's noncompliance when he stands up for one of his students wanted for interrogation

'You can't just come in and pick him up out of school, that's against policy': Pushy cops get shut down by a principal's noncompliance when he stands up for one of his students wanted for interrogation

He's not just the principal, he's being a princiPAL
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'We all owe our lives to Sarah Michelle Gellar': Man refuses to miss the finale of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' during a tornado, ends up saving his entire family from being buried alive

'We all owe our lives to Sarah Michelle Gellar': Man refuses to miss the finale of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' during a tornado, ends up saving his entire family from being buried alive

Everyone has that one TV show that is their kryptonite and takes the front seat over all other life responsibilities. You couldn't survive without it! There's no way that you'd miss a single second of that show, you fangirl over all the extras, and you'd sooner pass away than miss the season finale– literally. Well, back in 2003, when missing the live season finale meant that you might just never see it, show fandom required some serious commitment. It's not like you could just tune into your f…
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How-to-get-rid-of-your-HOA hoa ending-your-HOA Justice-served Horrible-HOA megalomaniac toxic-hoa HOA-laws HOA-bylaws Reddit Dissolving-your-HOA - 19665413

'Come to order to discuss what? The HOA meeting is over because there is no more HOA—we just dissolved it': Megalomaniac HOA's longstanding power-drunk reign comes to an end when angry neighbors discover a loophole

If you live in a neighborhood that has an HOA, then you know it comes with a big ‘ole governing book of laws and bylaws, etc. If you have a healthy HOA that actually helps your community and the neighbored is happy with them, then maybe you’ve never even had to glance at this book. Or maybe, like many people, you have a toxic HOA that's abusive of their leadership role and drunk on power . The kind of HOA that will ticket you for personal reason and hide it under the guise of an HOA infraction.…
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AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

Moving in together with your significant other is as charming as it is stressful. This is the time you truly get to know them. Sharing a living space with anyone can be emotionally draining, and it's normal to want some space for yourself. One woman took to Reddit, sharing the news of her moving in with her boyfriend. They were going to rent a three-bedroom house and had two spare rooms that they were figuring out what to do with. The entitled boyfriend thought it was totally legitimate to dema…
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server bad dates restaurant reddit thread Reddit tales from your server funny dating - 19642885

'Please help me': Server saves woman from first date, dude bails, woman returns to enjoy the rest of her meal

Folks, for once, we've got a wholesome tale from your server!
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TIFU and got fired over chicken nuggets

'[I] got fired over chicken nuggets': Conniving coworker spies on employee who snuck food to customers

A nosy colleague got this fast food worker booted from their job. The unfortunate worker shared their story with r/TIFU, home of stories of all kinds of eff ups. As they write, they used to work at a fast food joint, where they served all kinds of customers, including an older couple who came in with their granddaughter. As they became regulars, the OP began to feel bad for them — the couple always let their grandkid eat, without ever having food for themselves. The way the OP decided to help t…
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karens fitness karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen yoga entitled people - 19639045

'Instantly she starts sprinting to the front desk': Yoga Karen gets diabolical, steals woman's spot in class

There's nothing like a competitive yoga class to bring the Karens out!
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chick-fil-a debate on how much they pay

Video of Chick-Fil-A Employees Literally Running Orders to Cars Goes Viral, Sparks Debate About Unfair Pay Wages

Sure, it's called “fast food," but at what cost to the employees??
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