first class ticket planes entitled karen airplane entitled people flying - 19971845

'I'm more important than an employee': Entitled airline passenger demands first class seat she never paid for

This airline worker bought the very last first class ticket , and settled in for a plane ride to Texas, until an entitled passenger disturbed him. The best part of going to the airport is the relief you feel once you're through customs and security and you find your gate. You breathe the biggest sigh of relief that you made it to your flight on time. Then, in your spare time while you wait to board, you get to shop at the airport stores, which are similar to a mall. If I ran things, I would let…
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stalker aita siblings sister reddit thread Reddit parents - 19965445

‘AITA for turning up at my sister’s work?’: Woman learns about her long lost sister, surprises her at work, internet reacts

Here’s a good rule of thumb in life: don’t surprise your long-lost sibling at her place of work.
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20+ Top DIY Fails for Lone Rangers Who Chose to Walk the Road Alone

20+ Top DIY Fails for Lone Rangers Who Chose to Walk the Road Alone

There are some things you shouldn't cheap out on.
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antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee toxic-workplace workplace-story toxic-boss workers employment - 20005637

'My new employer [laughed it] off': Boss calls worker's new employer to accuse them of "poaching" when the worker leaves for better pay

It's nice to feel valued for your work and know that your employer understands that you're important to their business, though you might hope it wouldn't take handing in your notice to find that out. You might also prefer that this was communicated to you in a way other than through your old boss calling your would-be new employer to accuse them of “poaching." Alas, some people just don't know how to communicate properly. Maybe they never learned, maybe they just don't care… maybe they aren't e…
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Bosses of reddit, what is the stupidest thing you have had to fire someone for?

'Forgot cheese on cheese pizza, twice': 30+ Bosses share the super stupid reasons they had to fire someone

We hear a lot about bad bosses, so today, let's turn the tables and see why these bosses had to fire their employees for particularly outrageous behavior. Bosses of Reddit joined in to share the actually crazy reasons they had to let their employees go. In any workplace, there are going to be your share of Perpetually-Late-Patties and Fake-Call-Out-Freds. But these employees took it one step further. They didn't just toe the line, they jumped over it. I saved my favorite story for last — a stor…
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'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

If you are one of the unlucky folks who accidentally married a slob, you're probably aware of the daily struggle of trying to keep your house in order. It's a full time job to simply keep up after yourself, let alone another person. So when dirty dishes, stinky laundry, and insurmountable mess starts to grow, it can be tough to dig yourself out of it. When you've reached that point of home mayhem, the last thing you need is your mother-in-law coming over and criticizing the house
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance revenge coworkers managers workplace workers story - 19986949

'Blew a good $6000 hole in his budget': New hotshot manager makes a demand they don't understand, costs them big

When managing a business, it's best to ensure you understand how things go before making any big decisions. When your subordinates point out that your amazing shiny new idea isn't … you'd do well to listen to them and not let your ego push you into what could be a huge mistake. This thread was posted on Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by Redditor u/Absurd-n-Nihilistic, who shared their story with the popular community. They tell how their new manager had joined the company from a diffe…
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workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace Office workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19965701

‘The work I did wasn’t on him, it was on you’: Leadership tries to block employee from opportunities, he ends up with a more senior position than them

We love a triumphant ending in which ruthless managers at a company get exactly what they deserve. This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/baka-tari , a new manager who was brought in to oversee a team that included Willie. Willie made a comment about the uncomfortable layout of the office that rubbed the other managers the wrong way. So, essentially, they attempted to blacklist Willie and find a way to keep him from getting other opportunities in other departments. The…
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'Watch the game somewhere else': March Madness watch party gets cut short when overly-passionate basketball fan goes feral and kicks out his buddy's girlfriend for supporting the wrong team

'Watch the game somewhere else': March Madness watch party gets cut short when overly-passionate basketball fan goes feral and kicks out his buddy's girlfriend for supporting the wrong team

Everyone gets fired up over March Madness. In a world where sports outcomes can be fairly predictable, college basketball championships combine high pressure gameplay and decision-making skills, with the hotheaded nature of 20-year-old giants who are flooded with testosterone. What could possibly go wrong?
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work-story antiwork workplace-stories jobs employee toxic-workplace job workplace contractor employment toxic-work-environment - 19928837

'I officially resigned': Company approaches contractor they ghosted with generous offer of a 50% lower rate

With more experience comes more opportunities and better pay… Unless you're a contractor, who was ghosted by a client at the start of the pandemic that has suddenly rematerialized and requested your services once again. You might expect that you'd be receiving at least the rate that you were on previously—although it might be foolish to make this assumption without getting it in writing—and return to working at that rate. That's what happened when this healthcare contractor, u/Kind-Designer-576…
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AITA for not inviting a friend to my wedding due to her behaviour at the last wedding she went to?

'No one had anything to eat for most of the [wedding] reception': Blundering baker's stunt leaves wedding guests stunned and hungry

Some friend groups last forever, others dissolve over time, and some, like this one, break up in a dramatic fashion . You make friends in high school or college, and over time, you might find that you have less and less in common. The classes you bonded over in college aren't there to tie your friendship together after you graduate, and life circumstances mean that someone you were once close with might have entirely different priorities now. It's one of those awkward parts of life that have to…
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reviews online imgur shopping online shopping funny - 19957509

'That's when I found [this] Banana Slicer. Our marriage has never been healthier': 20+ cringe online reviews

Sometimes, the greatest window into someone else's life is via their online shopping reviews!
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AITA for defending my boss in front of her family?

'AITA for defending my boss in front of her family?': Corporate worker deflects lies about her boss at family dinner, and it makes things awkward

One woman wrote about her experiences at an awkward family dinner that she had with her boyfriend, his family, and… her boss.
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Manager tried throwing me under the bus, so I showed everyone her incompetence.

'Small win against toxic management': Employee pushed out by toxic manager, exposes that they have been doing manager's work for over a year

Here's a lesson to all managers out there: you don't want to make enemies with the person who has been essentially doing your job for you for over a year.
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'I prepared an entrée, main course, and dessert': Retail employee serves customer 3 portions of petty revenge on a plate following customer's petty promise

'I prepared an entrée, main course, and dessert': Retail employee serves customer 3 portions of petty revenge on a plate following customer's petty promise

Working in retail makes you develop a thick skin, as you have no choice but to deal with people who have obviously never heard the word ‘no’ in their entire lives, let alone been taught basic manners. Anyone who has worked in customer service of any kind will be sure to tell you that the number of times they've been told, ‘I’ll never shop here again!' would surmount the times it was actually true. In other words, people like to talk, but they don't put their money where their mouth is. One cust…
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reviews karens work-story workplace-stories review pizza delivery 1-star-review Karen-in-the-wild business delivery karen - 19986181

'Are you kidding me!!!': Owner sets the record straight when Karen leaves 1-star review because a tornado delayed her delivery

Being a delivery driver isn't an easy job. Sure, you might get to cruise around in your car while listening to your favorite tunes, but that's where the fun stops. The other (significant) part of the job involves going onto a stranger's property. A stranger who was, for some reason, incapable of making or retrieving their own food—with this reason usually being varying levels of intoxication or antisocial nature. This exchange usually occurs at night, in the dark, leading to already heightened…
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