'He called their bluff': Avocado farmer teams up with corporate attorney wife after electrical line ignites his crops

'He called their bluff': Avocado farmer teams up with corporate attorney wife after electrical line ignites his crops

'It's all in your head': Top cringe comments from unprofessional doctors

'It's all in your head': Top cringe comments from doctors with poor bedside manner

'She cheated and... blamed the great American eclipse of August 2017': 25 People with excuses for acting out

'She cheated and... blamed the great American eclipse of August 2017': 25 Cheaters with absurd excuses for acting out

'He tried to steal my dog': Top 10+ Worst Neighbor Stories

'He tried to steal my dog': Top 10+ Worst Neighbor Stories

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‘I finished my Masters… I'm doing what I originally wanted’: Student becomes wildly successful and scores their dream job, getting payback against a discouraging guidance counsellor who said they're not ‘university material’

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'He told me to turn [his TV] back on': Cable customer service rep gets even with customer by complying to their demand that they cancel their service

'She says that I should just be a silent owner': Coffee shop manager put in awkward customer conversations by company's owner

'She says that I should just be a silent owner': Coffee shop manager put in awkward customer disputes by company's owner

Top Painfully Awkward LinkedIn Flops for Employees 'Embracing' Team Morale

Top Painfully Awkward LinkedIn Flops for Employees 'Embracing' Team Morale

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'I will be filing an ethics complaint': Boss wants healthcare worker to work overtime, doesn't want to pay for it

Update: 'I will not be following up': Boss asks employee to write impossible report before he leaves the company, employee proves it was a bad idea

Update: 'I will not be following up': Boss asks employee to write impossible report before he leaves the company, employee proves it was a bad idea

'That child has been screaming for 40 minutes!': Kevin has screaming match with baby on flight, causes everyone to get deplaned

'That child has been screaming for 40 minutes!': Kevin has screaming match with baby on flight, causes everyone to get deplaned

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'I poured the shot in his shoes': Creeper gets what he deserves after pestering a woman on a date all night; ends up wearing the drink he insisted on buying her

'I had the pleasure of calling them back to tell them': Customer service manager cancels services after customer's accidental reveal

'I had the pleasure of calling them back to tell them': Customer service manager cancels services after customer's accidental reveal

'Bringing my kid with me on the first date': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (September 2, 2023)

'Bringing my kid with me on the first date': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (September 2, 2023)

'All four kids… agreed to not invite us to the baby shower': Stepparents cancel vacation plans for stepkids after paying for baby shower they weren't invited to

'All four kids… agreed to not invite us to the baby shower': Stepparents cancel vacation plans for stepkids after paying for baby shower they weren't invited to

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time