20 unprofessional answers no one should give in a job interview: 'I am very good with people because I am myself a person'

20 unprofessional answers no one should give in a job interview: 'I am very good with people because I am myself a person'

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‘I felt so bad I cried and bought him’: How viral posts have become the hottest new marketing tool

hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor HOA - 38494981

Homeowner joins HOA to expose HOA president for enforcing petty fines and pocketing them: '[He was] using the HOA as his personal piggy bank'

 aita family family drama Father son Family feud consequences money will parenting parents

Estranged 28-year-old sibling reappears to ask their younger brother for money after cutting family ties: 'They made a dramatic exit'

10+ employees who got their incompetent bosses fired: 'A week later, I got a new title and a 35% raise'

10+ employees who got their incompetent bosses fired: 'A week later, I got a new title and a 35% raise'

 fired getting fired fired story fired on spot got fired firing firing story laid off work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories

'He pick[ed] up his car with a forklift': 15+ Fired employees who gave their bosses good reasons to let them go

Entire jury gets dismissed because old lady juror fell asleep during trial: 'Such a waste of everyone’s time'

Entire jury gets dismissed because old lady juror fell asleep during trial: 'Such a waste of everyone’s time'

customer support customer service insurance workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail work customers customer workplace Customer Service - 38469637

Insurance company denies phone claim over strict policy until customer reminds them it will only cost them more: 'So how likely is it that a cracked screen could lead to water damage?'

 Retail cashier cash register working workplace retail worker shoppers karen karens in the wild karens entitled entitled people demanding karen story

Karen customer refuses to listen to retail worker's 60-day policy: 'I want to see a manager now'

Update: Shopaholic mother spends nearly all of daughter's college fund, husband files for divorce: 'It's VERY easy to spend $170,000'

Update: Shopaholic mother spends nearly all of daughter's college fund, husband files for divorce: 'It's VERY easy to spend $170,000'

restaurant drama server servers waitress waiter service-industry industry drama-story crazy work working employee boss take-out manager management caught red-handed thief stolen thieves steal kitchen cooking fine-dining service

'Over $150 every time': Server rings up fake to-go orders every night at closing so she can eat luxuriously for free, gets caught red-handed and then fired on the spot

Boss won't stop bothering employee while he's on holiday PTO, employee sends him a message: ‘We can discuss them when I am back from PTO’

Boss won't stop bothering employee while they're on holiday PTO, employee sends him a message: ‘We can discuss them when I am back from PTO’

Newbie employee outs sassy gift meant for her self-righteous coworker during an office Christmas party, a ‘domino effect’ of chaos ensues: ‘HR had to step in’

Newbie employee outs sassy gift meant for self-righteous coworker during an office Christmas party, a ‘domino effect’ of chaos ensues: ‘HR had to step in’

‘I’m loving the free entertainment!’: Sister calls out spoiled brother for not inviting her to his wedding, then goes abroad for the holidays leaving her family in satisfying chaos

‘I’m loving the free entertainment!’: Sister calls out spoiled brother for not inviting her to his wedding, then goes abroad for the holidays leaving her family in satisfying chaos

 gift presents Family holidays birthday Friends funny funny stories

25+ Gifts that rubbed people the wrong way: 'My mother-in-law bought me a dust broom and she deducted the cost of it'

'My boss kept cutting my hours more and more': Sandwich shop employee discovers he's been training the new hire to replace him, cue malicious compliance

'My boss kept cutting my hours more and more': Sandwich shop employee discovers he's been training the new hire to replace him, cue malicious compliance