'So I was fired [...] Over this': Employee fired for refusing to break a customer's large bill four months ago, causes split reactions

'So I was fired [...] Over this': Employee fired for refusing to break a customer's large bill four months ago, causes split reactions

workplace discussion employment issues boss antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion bonus job work merry christmas workplace Horrible Bosses christmas bonus employment in the workplace - 23295237

'A $50 gift card that was deducted from my paycheck': 15+ Workers share the worst holiday gifts they ever received from an employer

reddit, failblog, r-entitledpeople, entitled-boomer-couple, privleged-boomer-hippies, bookstore-probs, bookstore-problems, seasonal-bookstore-employees

'Dude, you just loiter': Older couple waltz around bookstore like they own the place never spending a dime, owner pulls a fast one on them by removing all chairs

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

'I'll take a free upgrade, thanks': Entitled Karen books a hotel room that's too small for her family, management denies her demands for an upgrade

'Christmas morning, I was ready': Newlywed overhears husband and in-laws talking behind her back, then plots for the next holiday season

'Christmas morning, I was ready': Newlywed overhears husband and in-laws dissing her, then plots husband's downfall for the next holiday season

'I’m sorry what was your name again?': Woman gets petty after acquaintance keeps conveniently 'forgetting' her but remembering woman's husband

'I’m sorry what was your name again?': Woman gets petty after acquaintance keeps conveniently 'forgetting' her but remembering woman's husband

'My grandparents reminded the neighbor that they had a deal': Man tells neighbors he'll sue if they renovate their home

'My grandparents reminded the neighbor that they had a deal': Outraged dude tells neighbor he will sue if they renovate their home

'The flower girl was the daughter of the bride and the best man': Top 20+ shocking weddings gone wrong

'The flower girl was the daughter of the bride and the best man': Top 20+ shocking weddings gone wrong

chicken-egg-story, eggsperts, funny-eggs, egg-selling-story, chicken-egg-farm, selling-chicken-eggs, store-bought-eggs, farm-fresh-eggs, pawn-star-meme

'It's hilarious and irritating': Egg-monger sells eggspensive eggs but demands customers agree to returning them for no refund if needed, eggsperts chime in

reddit, failblog, entitled-people, r-idontworkherelady, I-dont-work-here-lady, grocery-store-clerk, grocery-store-karen

‘I don’t work here': Grocery store Karen grabs electrician by the collar demanding ‘clean up in aisle 10,' he almost actually does it due to sheer craziness-levels

'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

boss employee manager great resignation work story work working vacation time PTO two week notice payback paid time off vacation - 23260677

'I would be giving up $1,200 in PTO': Guy conceals his resignation so that he can cash out $1,200 in PTO, causing controversy at the Thanksgiving dinner table

‘I did the workload of 3 people’: Computer science student spends over 150 hours on the code for a group project, doing the workload of 3 people; his team takes credit for all of it

‘I did the workload of 3 people’: Computer science student spends over 150 hours on the code for a group project, doing the workload of 3 people; his team takes credit for all of it

'Watch people's body language, particularly around management': 30+ red flags and questions to ask to avoid toxic work environments

'Watch people's body language, particularly around management': 30+ red flags and questions to ask to avoid toxic work environments

recruit pro revenge sergeant commander malicious compliance revenge navy military commanding officer army military malicious compliance grunt - 23293957

'He lost his job': Naval officer gets fired after leaked viral letter about enlisted servicemen, enlisted man details his part in the revenge

'Why does their key card work for our room?': Hotel guests confront front desk agent after he gave two strangers their room key, agent reveals he was bribed

'Why does their key card work for our room?': Hotel guests confront front desk agent after he gave two strangers their room key, agent reveals he was bribed