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Karen Attempts to Intimidate the New Neighbor With Threats of a Lawsuit, Stirring Up a Property Line Dispute That Royally Backfires

'Fine, I’ll stick to the terms of the contract I do have': Company refuses to renew senior employee’s contract, so employee quits on old contract terms

'Fine, I’ll stick to the terms of the contract I do have': Company refuses to renew senior employee’s contract, so employee quits on old contract terms

'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR

'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR

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'You'd be losing money!': Real estate agent landlord increases rent $500, tenant costs him $20k years later

'I asked her five times to make a payment... oh well': Contractors smash clients new patio to pieces after client refuses to pay the crew

'I asked her five times to make a payment... oh well': Contractors smash clients' new patio to pieces after client refuses to pay the crew

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'By god, he had me stressed on a Monday morning': Male-Karen throws a tantrum demanding a meal refund, turns out he's in the wrong restaurant

'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet':  20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

'She forgot to bring her dog with her... to the vet': 20 Major facepalm moments captured forever on the internet

'I had a dream I was a raw chicken cutlet': 15+ bizarre and cringe dreams stuck in people's memories

'I had a dream I was a raw chicken cutlet': 15+ bizarre and cringe dreams stuck in people's memories

'He was putting little notes in the DVD cases at Blockbuster': 25+ Employees who got fired on the spot

'He was putting little notes in the DVD cases at Blockbuster': 25+ Employees who got fired on the spot

'My boss FREAKED OUT!': Employee gives boss doctor's note requiring that they sit during work, boss loses it, threatens to fire employee

'My boss FREAKED OUT!': Employee gives boss doctor's note requiring that they sit during work, boss loses it, threatens to fire employee

'We can't work like this': Employees team up after boss docks 15 minutes pay from worker for being 1 minute late; productivity crumbles

'We can't work like this': Employees team up after boss docks 15 minutes pay from worker for being 1 minute late; productivity crumbles

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'Karen accuses me of trespassing and littering at my job': Entitled woman calls cops on worker cleaning up trash in the park

'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

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'My MIL pulled [a] little stunt': Daughter-in-law gets revenge on Mother-in-law's selfish holiday gift by losing 100+ pounds

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'Santa is a huge part of Christmas!': Parent criticized for telling 6-year-old daughter that santa isn't real

'Placed on the very public Wall of Shame': Employee calls out of work due to pet emergency, toxic bosses shame her to 'hold [her] accountable'

'Placed on the very public Wall of Shame': Employee calls out of work due to pet emergency, toxic bosses shame her to 'hold [her] accountable'