good-customer-story, wholesome-customer-story, good-life-lesson, how-to-tip, good-tip, tipping-culture, happy-ending, faith-in-humanity

'I needed to clear my conscience': Server is miffed by 3% tip, gets a holiday miracle the next day when customer comes back to give additional 50% tip and an apology

‘I'm leaving, good luck with the holiday rush': Senior employee quits after getting written up on his day off; boss backpedals

‘I'm leaving, good luck with the holiday rush': Senior employee quits after getting written up on his day off; boss backpedals

'Park anywhere you want': Tenant sues landlord and wins after landlord tries to keep security deposit over parking dispute

'Park anywhere you want': Tenant sues landlord and wins after landlord tries to keep security deposit over parking dispute

pro revenge parking space petty-revenge-reddit parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama revenge-stories parking stories petty revenge revenge-stories-reddit - 23296517

'You abandoned your car on her property, talk to Granny': Old lady traps entitled parker's car in her deeded parking space that they kept stealing

decade decades trend trending trends throwback throwbacks nostalgia nostalgic cringe cool funny trends trending keep calm

'Mustaches everywhere': 25+ Nostalgic throwbacks that were totally cool in 2013, but now make us cringe

reddit reddit-thread reddit-update aita baby names babies parent parenting mom pregnant pregnancy honest friend friendship name-ideas unique funny terrible

'I wish I was joking': Honest confidante rebukes the baby names chosen by her pregnant friend, saving the child from a lifetime of embarrassment

employee-work-party, how-to-office-party, office-winter-party, christmas-party, office-HR, HR-christmas-party, HR-office-party

'I'd rather have a bonus': 30+ Employees share how the really feel about office holiday parties

'Kids don't understand the point of... high school reunions': 25+ Outdated things that could never be explained to anyone born after 2000

'Kids don't understand the point of... high school reunions': 25+ Outdated things that could never be explained to anyone born after 2000

'Oh, I remember you': 10+ stories of running into your high school nemesis that range from wholesome to petty

'Oh, I remember you': 10+ stories of running into your high school nemesis that range from wholesome to petty

'I'll let it pile up': Senior employee instructs coworker to never touch her stuff, coworker agrees

'I'll let it pile up': Senior employee instructs coworker to never touch her stuff, cue malicious compliance

Update: '$170,000 dollars of the money was missing:' Guy discovers his Karen wife had been using their daughter's college fund to satisfy her shopping habits

Update: '$170,000 of the money was missing:' Guy discovers his Karen wife had been using their daughter's college fund to satisfy her shopping habits

boyfriend boss worker workplace-stories employee petty-revenge-reddit malicious compliance revenge work ex girlfriend cheating reddit thread Reddit betrayal - 23257093

'He had done this five other times to different girls': Boyfriend gifts new girlfriend things he stole from his ex, so she calls his work and gets him fired

'Who's laughing now': Landlord gets even with tenants and cashes their security deposit after taking them to court

'Who's laughing now': Landlord gets even with tenants and cashes their security deposit after taking them to court

'I'd let the repercussions happen': Boss requests constant check-ins, employee sends '25 or more emails a day'

'I'd let the repercussions happen': Boss sabotages employees' workflow and demands constant check-ins, employee sends '25 or more emails a day'

'You want more details, here you go': IT team complies with micromanaging coworker's request to provide ‘details' for new system update; turns out 120 pages long

'You want more details, here you go': IT team complies with micromanaging coworker's request to provide ‘details' for new system update; turns out 120 pages long

Cheezburger Image 23289093

'Take that PTO. Have a good laugh. And move on': After a 2 week notice, employee debates taking 80 hours of PTO because her micromanaging boss asks her to train three people as a replacement