'Bought a head of lettuce and ate it... over the sink': 25+ Single people admit the most uncool meals they've ever concocted

'Bought a head of lettuce and ate it... over the sink': 25+ Single people admit the most uncool meals they've ever concocted

For single folks, “meal” is such a strong word. Making a “meal” requires time, effort, and possibly a stovetop. When you have a partner, you tend to want to make them beautiful meals with garnishes, or hearty meals that take hours to make (since it's a labor of love). When you're a single dude , though, all bets are off. Any food is a meal if you believe in yourself. Lately, when I don't feel like cooking for my single self, I make “charcuterie dinner.” It includes strawberries, pineapple, a ti…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job fired story consultant work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 35356677

Efficiency consultant "experts" advise firing the wrong employee cost the company their biggest account: 'Business went from $200k to zero'

A surprising amount of experts and analysts get hired to improve the efficiency of businesses that they know nothing about, putting more effort into marketing themselves and trying to ensure corporate clients than into ensuring their analysis offers any actual value—or that their statistics hold any actual significance. At the end of the day, all they care about is that they're able to give the client some result, a result that the manager who hired them is going to take at face value since the…
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‘I simply didn't want you to come’: Entitled coworker gets excluded from coworker's birthday party, confronts entire office about it, but gets shut down by the birthday celebrator

‘I simply didn't want you to come’: Entitled coworker gets excluded from coworker's birthday party, confronts entire office about it, but gets shut down by the birthday celebrator

Is there a stage in our lives when we should stop throwing birthday parties to ourselves? Probably. Birthday parties are overrated, pointless, and most importantly, a cause for drama. It does not mean one should not enjoy their birthday and celebrate the day they were born, but when you are 30 and still get excited about balloons and birthday cakes, drama is surely on the way. This Reddit story is a good example of that drama, and although I do not think the drama was the fault of the birthday…
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Entire team asked to take 70% pay cut after incompetent boss messes up contract negotiation: 'Virtually nobody is accepting this insulting offer'

Entire team asked to take 70% pay cut after incompetent boss messes up contract negotiation: 'Virtually nobody is accepting this insulting offer'

Imagine your boss getting your entire team together and then casually asking all of you to take a massive pay cut. It's possible that you've been in a similar situation, where you have been encouraged to “take one for the team,” so to speak. But here's the truth: taking a pay cut is far from taking one for the team. It's taking one for the boss, who likely has not been asked to do the same. In this specific instance, how could you be taking one for the team if the entire team is getting hurt by…
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'I love justice': Smug boss fires employee but twists it to say he quit, ends up digging himself a ditch and now owes the ex-employee $500 extra

'I love justice': Smug boss fires employee but twists it to say he quit, ends up digging himself a ditch and now owes the ex-employee $500 extra

The audacity these companies have!
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hoa neighbors malicious compliance neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 35336197

Underbidding neighbor tries to make new landowner's life difficult, they return the favor: '[He] was upset I bought the property he wanted'

When you're looking to buy property you're classically given advice by your older relatives that you should go around the neighborhood knocking on doors and asking people who live there what they think of the area. While sound advice it comes from an era long past where community was a staple part of everyday life. Nowadays you can go years without ever meeting the people living across the street so you probably don't care what they think of the area and, besides, who is honestly going to tell…
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'I decide to go full loophole': Bank branch worker helps customer stuck in phone call loop

'I decide to go full loophole': Bank branch worker helps customer stuck in phone call loop

This person deserves a medal after spending ages helping one customer. If not a medal, they at least deserve some kudos from their boss for taking the time to help a Spanish-speaking customer figure out her way around a complex phone system. After that, check out the employee who had a crafty way of supplying a photo for HR without actually getting his face in the picture, writing that he “ went for another technicality .”
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Employee figures out toxic boss is watching their every move and no one else, plans payback: ''The camera is pointed directly at me'

Employee figures out toxic boss is watching their every move and no one else, plans payback: 'The camera is pointed directly at me'

It's easy to feel like your boss is always watching over you like a hawk, and nine times out of ten, they have more important things to be doing than monitoring your every move. However, every so often, you may find yourself in a sticky situation where your greatest suspicions have been confirmed, and you are stuck in one of those toxic work environments that everyone writes about on the internet these days. When this happens, the key is to immediately start thinking about ways to protect yours…
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'[I] went for another technicality': Employee maliciously complies with HR's photo request

'[I] went for another technicality': Employee maliciously complies with HR's photo request

When you're right, you're right. If you can bend the rules without breaking them, it's your prerogative to try! U/The-Oncoming-Storm has run into the same dilemma that lots of employees these days face: how do you choose a good headshot photo for your workplace? Some folks choose to get professional headshots , especially actors and those in other performing arts careers. But for the rest of us, paying hundreds for a headshot for work isn't feasible. Instead, you'll need to choose a nice selfie…
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10+ pizza delivery drivers share how their most bizarre customers got banned from the restaurant: 'His living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard'

10+ pizza delivery drivers share how their most bizarre customers got banned from the restaurant: 'His living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard'

It's remarkable how eerily similar some of these delivery tales are! Whether it's entitled customers getting frustrated about the silliest things (like not enough extra sauce) or teenagers trying to pull pranks or people getting a little too flirty with their delivery drivers, the ways in which customers can end up on a “No Delivery” list seem to fall into the same range of uncalled-for behavior. What's more surprising is how many people try to pull the same stunts over and over again and how c…
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FAILS entitlement drama malicious compliance backtracks online shopping mildly infuriating scam entitled reddit thread headphones Reddit auction entitled people ebay - 35329797

Man wins online auction for headphones, seller claims he dropped them and won't provide proof: [I'll] likely keep them for myself'

Apparently, this can be a common scam among second-hand sellers. When this man won a bidding war for a brand-new pair of headphones, he was ecstatic. That is, until the seller promptly messaged him to tell him that he had dropped the headphones, so he could no longer sell them. Then he urged the man to cancel the order. The man, of course, wanted to see the damage to assess if he really wanted to cancel the order or not. The seller filled him in that he'd be getting the headphones repaired and…
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funny wedding story stories weddings karen mother in law monster drama karens dress dress-code fashion bridal bride groom marriage reddit crazy insane

'I'm more important than you': Karen-in-law snaps when another guest has the same dress as her at the wedding

Nobody knows how to ruin a wedding celebration quite like a Monster-in-law.
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'An entire department quit on the spot': 20+ Workers who quit ASAP thanks to their terrible bosses

'An entire department quit on the spot': 20+ Workers who quit ASAP thanks to their terrible bosses

These workers had a few choice words for their bosses, like “good luck” and “good riddance.” They're proof that you can only treat your employees badly for so long before they decide that the grass is greener at other employers.
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pro revenge landowner petty-revenge-reddit winter revenge snow revenge snowmobile homeowner revenge-stories homeownership petty revenge ice revenge-stories-reddit - 35314437

Rural landowner thwarts joyriding snowmobilers with concrete reinforced fencing: 'They all received tickets and their snowmobiles were confiscated'

Fences have a singular specific primary purpose: To keep people, and things, out of places they shouldn't be. If you see a fence—or are otherwise told about its presence when you enquire with the property owner about crossing it—chances are that you shouldn't go ahead and cross that fence anyway or do something to sabotage it and gain entry. At the very least, such actions would probably have consequences. Of course, some of those still reading might argue that fences are also used to keep thin…
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Employee boss employees work worker working workplace sick-day leave time off overtime pay payday paycheck hours micromanaging micromanager manager supervisor revenge malicious compliance reddit

'Checkmate!': Employee gets paid for 120 hours of overtime and earns 3 days of sick leave after their micromanaging boss tries to play hardball

(Sometimes) Managers know best, but a micromanager never knows what's good for the company. In their attempt to get a grip on every facet of their workforce, micromanagers inadvertently strangle their best employees, forcing even good workers to maliciously comply.
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Downstairs neighbor sends series of unhinged texts about tenant's dog: 'I know now to NEVER EVER give neighbors your phone number'

Downstairs neighbor sends series of unhinged texts about tenant's dog: 'I know now to NEVER EVER give neighbors your phone number'

It always starts with an innocent exchange of phone numbers. After all, the downstairs neighbor seems like a normal person, he offered, and it would be weird to turn him down. Well, it turns out you really should have turned him down because now you're getting incessant complaints about everything from noises to your dog. That's what happened to this Redditor , who started to receive a series of unhinged messages not long after exchanging numbers with her downstairs neighbor. First, it was a no…
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