workplace discussion pro revenge workplace-stories jobs manager job malicious compliance revenge work managers workplace employment in the workplace - 22497541

'[The worker] got a pay stub for about 15 paychecks': Manager figures out executives are cheating workers on overtime, gets it all back

Too many organizations prioritize the willingness to do what you're told without asking questions over any actual leadership skills. Should you find yourself in one of these workplaces, get out as fast as you possibly can. In that same vein, it's startling h ow many organizations and managers are willfully negligent about the legalities of the areas where they operate, and it's surprising that feigning ignorance actually allows them to get away with a slap on the wrist. Imagine if you tried to…
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'You WILL pay me': Employee confronted by boss for billing overtime for mandatory company retreat, HR unable to deny payment

'You WILL pay me': Employee confronted by boss for billing overtime for mandatory company retreat, HR unable to deny payment

If you're not getting properly paid during mandatory company retreats, it doesn't matter how many free meals you get during said retreat. That time is time spent away from home and instead, it's time engaging with colleagues. In other words, that is time spent working. It doesn't matter how seemingly recreational the activities may be. If the purpose is team bonding, then the purpose is work-related. This means that employees must ensure that they are compensated properly for that time. If it f…
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'Tough luck, you were 2.5 hours late': Habitually tardy friend gets 'ditched' at boys night after being insanely late for their plans; friends have a great time without him

Always late and not worth the wait
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'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman requests free drink after pouring hot cappucino out in front of employee

'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman attempts to shame employee by pouring hot cappucino out in front of him

How bad would your drink have to taste before you start pouring it out on the ground ? This woman did just that, in a video she filmed herself, after getting a drink she disliked at a local coffee chain. Some coffee chains are woefully inept at making a drink. I stopped going to a local Dunkin because my order is just cold brew with cream, with light ice. Those are just three ingredients, and yet I never get quite what I've asked for. Sometimes they give me extra ice (are they spiteful of my li…
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customer service server waiter customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service talesfromthecustomer tales from your server service industry - 22497285

'[I was] called a Karen': Cashier freaks out on customer trying to correct a wrong order

We often hear stories online from customers who are acting unreasonable and unruly, like what you might call a “Karen,” and we tend to take the employees narrating these stories at face value. But what about the times when the roles are reversed? What about situations where a customer is simply making a reasonable request, only to be met with a harsh response from an employee? At what point is it okay for a customer to get a little bit frustrated when their issue isn't receiving any attention f…
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'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

This woman was confused why she got charged $49, so she phoned up a call center for help. The person on the other end of the line, u/boyinblack13x, ended up going above and beyond at their job that day: they helped their customer find this missing ex. In my own personal “sure grandma, let's get you to bed” moment, I remember a time when you could share passwords between streaming services. It was a sneaky way to stay on mom and dad's Netflix plan while you went off to college. Then, these turne…
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'i am turning into my mother and it terrifies me': 20+ signs that you've become your parents

'I am turning into my mother and it terrifies me': 20+ signs that you've become your parents

There's a moment in everyone's adult lives when you realize that you have started to take on your parents' mannerisms for better or for worse. These mannerisms could range from the way in which you like to organize your kitchen cabinet to the phrases you use when you're frustrated at your partner (or even worse, your own kids). Of course, it's inevitable that we are going to take on the attributes of the people that surround us especially when we're young, no matter how hard we try to avoid it.…
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'The first rule of Gen X is you do not talk about Gen X': 25+ Relatable memes for Gen Xers who had an awesome childhood

'The first rule of Gen X is you do not talk about Gen X': 25+ Relatable memes for Gen Xers who had an awesome childhood

Generation X are just built tough. They're known for their independence in childhood that led to them being self-sufficient adults---but that's not the only thing Gen Xers have in common with each other. Growing up in the 1970s and 1980s sounds so ideal. We're still celebrating movies, music, and culture from that generation---I mean, which version of Star Wars are we on now? Back then, screen time was a bit more limited for kids. They spent a lot of time outdoors, playing with friends and ridi…
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'Bye bye Frank': Client tries to throw his lawyer under the bus after a major oversight, lawyer did his due diligence, client fired by boss

'Bye bye Frank': Client tries to throw his lawyer under the bus after a major oversight, lawyer did his due diligence, client gets fired by boss

One of the most important lessons I've learned as a professional is to protect yourself when you're working with incompetent people. Otherwise, they will sink the entire ship and you will sink with it. Otherwise, you may be the one to have to take the fall for their inability to get things done well. Otherwise, you will be seen as the incompetent one. This may sound like a cynical approach to collaboration, but it certainly doesn't apply when you're dealing with normal colleagues. It's just the…
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‘I Can’t Do This Anymore’: Top Dating App Conversations Gone South (October 4, 2023)

‘I Can’t Do This Anymore’: Top Dating App Conversations Gone South (October 4, 2023)

Hi there Cringe
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace employment in the workplace - 22478341

'I've already started applying for jobs': Overworked worker denied a raise despite high performance and initative

Attaining proper compensation for your contributions is a tricky and delicate subject . On the one hand, you want to be paid properly for your contributions, and it's important to be sure that you are, as this will help you to progress in your field and remain properly motivated. On the other hand, you must be careful to maintain good internal politics and not give your employer any reason to put a target on your back. This worker initially secured a substantial salary increase when starting th…
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'My neighbors wanted to call a professional... my parents agreed': Man chops neighbor's plants down, then decides to get their property line assessed

'My neighbors wanted to call a professional... my parents agreed': Man chops neighbor's plants down, then decides to get their property line assessed

This is not the neighbor you want living right next door to you. When you're young, you never understand why people care so much about their plants. Who cares about a bunch of dumb flowers if they're blocking the path you want to bike through? But as an adult, I totally get why people are so precious about their plants . It's because they're fragile in a bunch of different ways. If you pull a flowers' petals, it's done for. If you forget to water it for a few days, it'll do a dramatic wilt. If…
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love romantic proposal propose engagement engaged marriage married family parents sister brother parenting delay love-life relationships reddit hot-take story

‘I don’t think I should have to put my life on hold': Parents implore their son to delay proposing to his girlfriend; determined loverboy finds wholesome support online

Love doesn't follow the same timeline as life. We think we know what we're doing with our lives, following a career path, making plans, and taking strides– then BOOM, love hits you like a runaway truck. For some, making plans around their love life is more important than anything else and even romantic cynics can agree that we can't stop a determined loverboy on a mission.
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friendship friendship drama drama friends relationship-drama reddit story etiquette reddit thread - 22480645

'$1 for a muffin after I hosted her for three nights': Infuriating friend sends $1 payment request to their disgruntled host

Common sense and simple etiquette dictate whether or not you're a good guest in someone's home. Presumably, you'd like the experience to be an enjoyable and mutually beneficial one that strengthens your relationship, ensuring that you'll be invited back. Rather than, you know, them feeling like you've taken advantage of their hospitality purely as a means of reducing your own expenses.
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'Well my boss said they are transferable': Employee finds loophole in bogus parking policy, maliciously complies until he gets what he wants

'Well my boss said they are transferable': Employee finds loophole in bogus parking policy, maliciously complies until he gets what he wants

If you have to fight for a parking space at work, your employers are not taking care of you. That was certainly the case for this Redditor , who worked in security at a luxury hotel that had one parking lot for all employees and guests. When his employers updated the policy to ensure that at least one-fourth of the spaces were reserved for employees, OP and his coworkers were told to apply for parking permits. Now, if you don't necessarily drive the same car to work every day, you would run int…
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'You need to remove him': Elderly resident attempts to kick paramedic neighbor out of the building for one decade results in her getting kicked off HOA instead

'You need to remove him': Elderly resident attempts to kick paramedic neighbor out of the building for one decade results in her getting kicked off HOA instead

This young person took lemons and made some pretty good lemonade with them when one of his elderly neighbors decided to spread untrue rumors about him, causing neighborly conflict that almost led to him being removed from the building. So, what exactly went down is this: The OP, u/Zenmedic, was being bugged constantly by his upstairs neighbor, Linda, who accused him of various wrongdoings for over one decade while he lived there. Throughout those twelve years, OP went from being a University st…
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